Page 94 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 94

78                            POPULATION
           Pour 1e3 fins du recensement de 1941, un  A gainful occupation ie defined in the 1941
         emploi rémunéré est celui "par lequel une per-  cenBUS flB one "by whioh the persan who pur·
         sonne gagne da l'argent ou pa.rtioipe ~ la pro-  BUes it earns money or in which he flBBists in
         duction de denrées commerci&les. n  Cette d~  the produotion of tnarketable goods". This
         finition exclut les femmes mariées vaquant  deflnition ex:cludes married women reooivlng
         aux travaux du m&1age d&ns leurs propres  neither sa1&ry nor wages for their own houliI&-
         demeures, sans sa.laire ou gages. et les enfa.nts  work and ohildren reBiding with their parents
         demeurant ohez leurs parents et n'ayant  a.nd ha.ving never been g&infu11y employed.
         ja.mais travaillé à un emploi rémunérê.
           Les enfants de 14 o.nB et plus qui aident 8&11JI  Children of 14 of age and over, flBsist-
         rémunération leurs parents aux travaux de la  ing parents in the work of the rarm or in sorne
         (erme ou travu.i1lent à d'a.utNs besognes fami-  family business in a ··no pay" are re--
         liales sont oonsidMés oomme ayant un emploi  ported. flB having a ga.inful oooupation, but not
         rémunéré, mais non pas les filles a.idant aux  daughters helping in the domestic work of the
         travaux domestiques de la maison, 8&D.a rému-  home, without pay.
           Par suite de l'évolution industrielle et des  IndUBtry and  methods  of  manufacture
         procédés de production depuis 50 &lUI, il a  have evolved ta such a considerable eneni
         f!loUu, à  chaque recensement, modifier la  during the 50 yean! tha.t the classification
         ola.ssification dM occupations, En conséquence,  according to occupstion bas ha.d to be modified
         il n'est possible d'établir de! oompo.raisons  for each ceD!lUB.  As a result compsrillonl
         entre le nombre det!l tra.vailleur! rémun'rés  between the numbere ga.infully employed, ai
         aux divers recensements que Il'Ue sont clll.lsés  the v&rious censuses, are only possible if we
         par groupes d'occupations.            classify them by Occupo.tion groups.
             40-PopuJation active, a..,- d. 10 an••t plue, au Canada, par province.,
           40-Population 10 Vean of A... and over, Calnfully Occupled, ln Canada, by
                                    Proylnce., 1901-1941.

                   PROVINCES             HIOl     1911    1921     1931    1941 (1)
                                       HOMMES - MALE

         Ilo-du-P.-lt.......P. E. J ...........••..... I  30,093  27,9~6  27,O~2  1  27,818  26,OBB
         Nouv.-l1:cosse..•.. Nova Sootia •........••..  13!!,820  14B,991  1&6,777  163,15]  153,941
         N.·Brulllllwick .•...... , ....•..•.....•••...  98.113  183,27.5  112,944-  117,933  119,34.1
         Québeo ...... , .....••............. , •.....  435,034  652,14-0  646,4.40  823,287  928,464.
         Ontario.......................••......•.•  645,557  836,13~  923,4.13  1,096,726  1,140,105
         Manitoba......••.................•......  77,.504-  1056,900  184,9Bl  225,764  215,70.5
         Saskatcbewan •.... ......................  }  45,130 {  195.24.7  242,116  301,435  273 ,122
         Alberta...................................  149,687  196,102  262,142  247,622
         CoLombie-BriL ... Bril. Columbia......• , •..  70,532  189,482  194.,214  2ô2,1'i},''i  258,723
                CANAOA •.......•....... ' .•....  1,"",111  2,S6I,I1J  2,~'.Ol!l,311  3,363,lU
                                      FEMMES - FEMALE

         Ile-du-p.-lL ..•.. P. E. L. ..... ...........  3,494  3,9.50  4,054  348  5,113
         Nouv.-Ecosse..... Nova Sootill.. ............  18.44B  24,370  28,779  27,936  1  37,032
         N.-Bmœwiok, ......•............... -...  13,807  16.491  19,864-  1  22.072  27,474
          Québee .... , ........ ...... ..............
         Ontario••.. ......... ... ........ ..........  108,82.5  101,101  139.1.51  202,422.  260,191
         Manitoba........... ........ ..... .......  8,.575  22,208  31,532  249"""1  49,832
         Ba~katcheW1l.n•....•. ........ ... .. ......  }  2,993 {  13,275  24.B59  37,476  42,724
         Alber!.I1. .......................... .......  Il.923  21,142  1  33,461  40.393
         Colombie_DrH .... Erit. Columbia.... ......  4.,762  16/127  25,.513  43,748  55,131
                CA~ADJL......•....... _. .......  237,"9  3&4,121  .&90,150  Hi,wl--832,840
           (J) Popu1a.tion de 14 uos et plus noncornpris !l8rvice  (1) Popula.tion 14 yea.tll of age and O\'e1' excludini'
         aolif.                                active lOervice.
           Sème Recetl!ll!ment du CaMda, 19,p.  8th CcnBUB oi Canada, 1941.
   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99