Page 90 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 90

74                           POPULATION

                     MATERNELLE                          MOTHER TONGUE
           Une personne peut posséder quelque connais-  A persan :ma.y have some knowledge of an
         sance d'une langue officielle ooto.n:le, par exem-  official language, for instance he may be able
         pI~, l'éGrire ou la comprendre et, cependant,  ta lillderstand and t'l'Ven write it without,
         être incapable de la parler. Dans les tableaux  howewr, being 8,ble ta speak it. In the tables
         de la présente section, la population est cla,ssi-  of this seotion, the population iB claBsified ae-
         fiiËie selon la langue officielle parlée et selon la  cordiDg ta the official language spoken a.nd the
         langue maternelle. Par langue maternelle on  mathel' tangue. The expression llmother tan-
         entend la première langue qu'un individu a  gue" as used here signifies the fust language
         apprise durant son enfance et qu'il comprend  learned in childhood, jf it is still understood
         encore.                              by the individuaI.

          35-Le.ngue officielle parUle et langue maternelle de la populatlon du Canada, 19,ile
                           de 10 an. et plus, par province., en 1941.
           35--0ffid.1 Language Spoken and Mother Tongue of the Population of Canada,
                        10 Years of Age and over. by Provinces, in 1941.

                                     1        Langue parMe         Langue Inaternl'lle
                                                  -                     -
                              Population     LIlngu8ge SpokeD      Mot.ber Tongue
              PROVINCES         (1)                     Anglaia et
                                       Angla.i8  Françai8  frllnça.i8  Anglai8  Françaa
                              Pop'UhLtion  -      -       -                 -
                                       Enalish  French  En/;:~~hnd  Engliflh  Frenoh
                                              1                         1
                            POPU4ATION TOTALE -  TOTAL POPULATION
         Ile-du-P.•lf:.,.,. ,P. E. 1..,.,.  95,047  83,814  10,262  83,242  10,618
         N.-EC'OfIM! ....... N. 8cotia  571,962  0530,467  6,800  40,2053  614,043  41,3050
         N.-BruDflMok .............. : :  457,401  291,023  82,381  83,660  293,339  1057,862
         8~~~~~'''::::::::::::::::::: :  3,331,882  3,425,266  2,016,089  892,984  3,073,320  ~,717,287
         Manitoha ... , •.. " ..•...•...  729,7H  647,010  6,069  64,636  408,64.  61,546
         Sa8ka.tC'he_n .. , , .....• , ... , ,  895,992  S22,899  4,039  .6,1~06  499,925  43,nS
         Alberta .......... , ....... , ..  796,169  738.58~  3,322  37,057  WO,926  al,451
         Colombie-Brit.. ..B. C ...... ,.  817,861  777,800  2"  23,.525  641,419  11,068
         yukon ........•.............  4,914,  4,4415  •            2,59S
         Terr. du N._O.... N. W T .••..  12,028  3,399  301  1,212  1  1,838  434
                CAHAtlA .......... 11,506,655  7,715,486  2,181,146  1,47t,a09  8,488,110  J,SU,7I3
                                                                1       1
                                      HOMMES -  MALE
         Ile-du-P.-lf: ...... P. E.1. .....  49,228  43,484  450  6,284  43,124.  6,478
         N.-EcOSBe .. •... N. Scotia....  296.044  271,576  3,140  21,118  252,097  21,237
         N.-BrU~lI'iok.. ,., .. " •.. ,., .  234,007  148,739  39,032  46.107  149,723  80,639
         8~~~j~'''::,':::::.::::::::::::  1,672,982  1,733,958  940,580  627,083  1,637,217  1,360,422
         Manitoba ..... , ........... , •  378,079  3'37,821  2,718  28,541  210,155  26,319
         Sukatohewan...........•..•.  477,563  4.41,622  1.743  25,379  264,6U  ~3,102
         Alherta .......... , ....•.....  426,4058  397,602  1,531  20,181  263,611  16,687
         Colombie-Brit.... B. C ....•• , .  "'35,031  413,012  114  12,94,8  328,467  6,0.56
         yukon ......................  3,158  2,8540  •     23.     1,696
         T8I'r. du N.-O... .B. W. T .....  6,700  2,306  13•  701   1,324     268
                CANA.DA .....•..•.  5,900,536  3.991,592  I,017,a3  159,al0  3,295,581  1,681,411
                                     FEMMEB -  FEMALE
         lle-du-P.-Ë ...... P. E. 1. .....  45,819  40,330  606  4,978  .40,118  6,200
         N.-Eo08Se ....... N. 8cotill....  281,918  258,891  3,6&0  111,135  251,946  20,118
         N.-BrunJlwiek..•.....•.••....  223,804  142,284  43,3411  37,563  143,616  17,233
         8~~~i~':':::::::::::::::::::  1,658,900  1,691,308  1,075,509  366,901  1,636,103  1,3.56,866
         M ..nitoba ........•..........  3.5l.665  a09,189  . 3,351  26,095  l'il8,38g  '1.5,'127
         Saak-.tehewan .........•......  418,429  381,217  2,396  21,0527  23~,313  30,6'16
         Alberta .............•••.... ,  369,711  340,980  1,791  16,876  237,816  14,864.
         Colombie-Brit.... B. C ........  382,830  365,84,8  140  10,671  812,963  6,003
         yukon ......................  1,761  1,591  ....... i~5"  sa  .02    <.
         Terr. du N,-O.... N. W. T.....  5,328  1,093       611      614
                CA.NADA. .. .... ...  5,608,U9  3.743.19"  1,164,U3  "",999  5,192,_  1,118,*
                                     1        1
          (1) Y oompnB lœ pertlOnDeII qui ne parlent 1l11'llnglB1B  (1) IneludlDlJ PW'80018 8peELkmg Delther Engü9h nor
         ou 1... frllDcai8 et celle9 dont llllllngue mater:c.8Ue eIlt une  French and thœe wit.b a foreip Ile U10thu
         langue étrIlDg~re.                   tODglle,
          H~'nern8 recmf",",ml d~ Ca~Q, 1941, Volume II.  EiQhth. Cf1UW 0/ Cl1nada, 1941, Volume Il.
   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95