Page 96 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 96
Le tableau suivant répartit la poplùation The following table shows the distribution
active de la Province par gTOUpe d'occupations. of the gainfuJly occupied in the Prm'Înce by
Ci-après, à la pa,ge 90, un texte explique les oocupation groups. The difference which
différences qui existent entre la classification exiBts betw~n the classification by "occupa-
par "occupations" et la claasification par "in- tions" and the c1assifiea,tion by "industries" ie
dustries". e::-"'"J)lained in the te","! CD page 90.
42-Population (1) active de la province de Québec, par groupe d'occupations,
42-Gainfully Occupied (1) of the Province of Quebec bl' Occupation Croups,
GROUPE D'OCCUPATIONS 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941
Agriculture ,., .. , ,., , ,.,., .. , 194,381 201,599 217,416 225,914 251,539
Pêche et chl!lt3se., ,., ".", .. ,.,.,., 4,aU 4,431 4,005 6,418 8,081
Abatage du boill.".,., , .... , ...•.. 3,551 11 ,278 10,838 15,557 30,457
~1inell, carriêrell,•. ", ..• , .. ,., .. ".".,. 1,338 5,560 4,118 6,128 9,977
~lanufacture3,•... , .. ,.".",.", .. "., .. \ 101,884 87,793 111 ,3152 173,288
ConllfJuct·ion. . . .•. , .. , . .. , . 1 36,085 44,887 62,831 69,961
Tnl.n~port., et GOmmunkllot.i<Jlli;.,., ... , . l ,(5,111 34,9.52 41,263 66,018 79,317
Commerce et. nnllonce., ...• ", .. "., 51.131 63,175 78,388 81,684
Service ,. , ...............•.. 27,51.3 3.1,729 46,116 73,714 89,967
Pro!q~iormel.,. . ,.".".""., . (f) 14-,166 20,388 29,J,88 38,NlO
. Per~on'IUI . .,... " . 13,tOi 15 ,808 16,7li3 3/i ,021 ,p ,534
Commill de burellou , , , . 15,396 17,219 33,086 43,258 49,404
J\.f/l.nœu,"Ie~ .••.. , .. , {3)j 41,241 77,868 91,368 133,368 81,038
l'on donn{.a8 ,", .. ,.,., 1 242 ., .. ", , .... 2,375 341 3,751
TOUTES OCCOPATION'8 ••.•..•••. 1 .QS,034 552,140 646,440 B2S.287 '28,464
AgTlou]t.uNl.•.. , ........•..•... 1,540 3,017 3,620 4,633 .1,544
Fi.,rung /l.nd trapping. 3 14 11 40 62 " ..... " .. .. ........
Mining.. 1 "2i"
M!l.nufMtures....... : : : •. : ::: :'. :: , . 'û;iss' 37,633 45,396 68,227
ConlJtruct.ion....•...•. , .•. , ...... r 27,115 4 l3 22 246
Tmnsport.ation [Lnd llommunicatioru;. ] ,197 3.349 4,5.'53 4,317
Trad€ and finance •. 2,132 6,9;]4 10.322 14,.";97 18A69
Sl\fvice ........•..••. 42,507 49,935 55.13.'5 104,764 126,846
Pro!ession4l. , . (2) 12,94-iJ iJ9.8;'1 36,017 41.3ft
P"r~oTUÛ.... .. ............ 26.J!35 36,131 35,038 68,tJ26 8fi,:J2fJ
CJericllol ...... 2,841 5,776 18,055 27,887 37,373
LlIobourel's,. , 1,096 36 466 .376
:-tot. .•.. 11 ,. ...... " .. 1,013 63 686
TOUTES UCCOPATION'8 .•••• 77,245 101,101 139,151 202,422 260,191
(1) Ag(l(! de 10 lions et. plus de 1901 à 1931 et de 14 ans (1) 10 years of age IIond over from 1901 to 1931 and
et plU!; en 1941. 14 years and o'Ver for 1941.
(2) Ces données ne sont. pas di",poniblcs. (2) Not. avail/l.ble.
(3) Sont comprill dam; ce grouplJ, lffi manOlnvres de (3) Included in this group are laboureTS in al! indus-
t.outlJS lell industries sauf l'agricnl~ul"e, la p6che, l'abatage t.ries except. agrieulture, nshing, Jogging and rnining.
du bois et les mines.
lfuitième recememcrl/ du C~n~aa 1941, Vol. VII. Eighth Cen~lI./l o!Can(J(Ia, 1941, "Vol. VII.