Page 93 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 93
39-Durée de la fréquentation .colaire de la population de la Province, par comté.,
en 1941.
3g-Yeen of Schoolina' of the Population of the Provine", by Countiea, in 1941.
C011TÉS ~NrCIPAUX 1 AlUJé6l'l d'éco]e--YelU8 of Sohooling
MUNICIPAL.,)OUNTIE8 T{l\Bl -~I 5-6 7-8 1 Q 10 1 11_12 13-16 1 17+_
Abitibi... 62,169 15,324 15,'100 12,~66 2,474 2,76Q 2,284 !f75 288
ArKcoteuil. .•............•. 19,021 ,,",561 4,SOi> 6,272 1,273 1.359 1,392 498 126
Artho.bll.$:ü 24,1'062 4 ,'ÎJ47 1,102 7.34b 1,544 1,755 1,389 398 12e.
Bagot '14,729 2,698 3,~~a 6.116 948 941 866 230 81
Boouce 39,242 1:1,138 13,935 9,919 1,767 2,264. 1,680 366 173
BeauhlU'noi:> 25,11&8 4,209 6.0!ol9 7.870 2.HlO 2,345 2,053 929 271
B&llechas!l8................. 19,220 4,M9 1:1.142 ~.540 874 976 830 198 80
Berthier................... 17,982 3,907 5,000 .'1,213 1,139 1,300 1,011 312 83
Bonaveuture............... 30,731 &,576 10,050 8,399 l,Hl 1,370 851 221 92
Brome... 10,599 2,006 2,203 3,314 825 1,049 821 265 83
Chnmbly 23,550 ~,3S4 5,262 7.696 2,886 3,372 3.292 1.274 21)3
ChaIIlplain " 56.282 10.891 1Z,1K\fj 16,719 4.777 5.177 4.,M8 1,201 316
Charlevoix-Est-Ep,st........ 10.756 2.696 3,CH3 2.812 i>2'il 683 301 129 48
CharlevoÎl:-Ouest-Weat..... 9,739 2.181 3,645 2,302 40(1 516 464 139 63
Châteauguay............... 12.410 2.000 2,804 3,M? 983 1,304 946 377 87
Chicoutimi 61,126 13,850 16,366 16.971 4,079 5,034 3.633 1.375 334
Compton , Hl,iNl 4,329 4.947 5.452 1.314 1.500 1,242 352 74
Deux·Montagne!l-1'w.o Mts.. 14,410 2.659 3,530 4,599 1.073 1.1.:0 IH4 335 172
Dorch~ter.................. 24,059 6.32t; 9.179 6.634 856 982 715 204 61
DrummonJ 20,8:..H 5,43[. 7,963 9,<141 2,261 2,237 1,861 633 126
Frontenao 2:.l,727 6.130 7,853 6,819 8Gl 1,000 789 Hi7 68
Gaf:lpé-Est~EIIo!lt........... 26,695 8,861 8,5~2 6,075 1.007 1.087 736 238 68
G",..pé-0uest-West.. 9.658 2.699 3,1O\) 2.MU 410 440 33.5 79 26
Gatin8au 22,834- 7,982 5,450 5,131 1.035 1,284 1,105 523 197
HulL 34,263 7.6'<15 7,794 11.368 2,b9:.! 2.933 2,615 907 HW
Huntingdon........ 10.456 :':,034 2.397 3.2':>6 707 035 812 245 H
IbeniIJe...... 8.686 1,421 1,838 2,995 734 809 568 245 64
n&;-de-ltJ,wMadeleine blands.. 7,050 2,472 2,ü38 1,620 307 329 203 61 13
Joliette 26,5~ü) ~,475 6.603 7,011 2,111 2,484 1.903 649 313
KlI.mouraska 21'13.01 4.860 6,tH7 5,6.(4 1,076 1.314 1,078 33l:1 174-
Labelle................... 17.481 7.œ~ 5,149 3,125 571 745 531 170 U8
Lao8t-JeanwE........ 19,373 4.837 5.8Q2 5,1~3 1,156 1.11-1 881 17Q 100
LM S~~ean-o-W... ,....... 29,7~8 8.027 10.015 7,281 1.29.,j, 1,583 1.000 280 121
LaJlrame Il,540 1.493 2,755 3,459 922 911 724 206 55
LI,.',?s"lo.m..p.ti.·~.~.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. 14,765 2,805 3,843 4,470 1,106 1,118 885 27(\ 13g
• 18,864 3.953 4,677 6.000 1,428 1.580 1,372 628 195
L6vis.............. 33,029 5.709 7,015 9,812 2,7n 3.4ôQ 2.981 880 350
L'hkt.................... 16.704 4.094 ô,bOi) 4,412 144 851 552 1tll 56
Lotbinière........ 21,643 4,490 6,693 7.168 967 1,146 860 213 65
).111slJnong6................ 15.130 2.865 3,736 5,003 1,14.2 1,148 8ô9 289 71
) ..... .... 20,243 ô,Hl 6,574 4,\J(i:.! 926 1.063 120 118 65
Mu.tap6dia.. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. 23.043 7,290 7,468 6,661 934 039 529 UD 62
l\'Iégant,ic 33,251 7,U65 0,465 8,615 1,7s3 2,092 1,683 471 144
~1i~f<i8quOi. .............•. , 1.s.42:.:: 3.139 3.\l02 5,810 1,558 1,7,')6 1,514 513 108
Moncalm.................. 12,585 3.151 3,09& 3.2~0 906 1,023 747 251 H
Montmagny.......... ....•. 18,182 4.229 ô,6h 5.310 943 1,026 746 225 8a
Montmurency No 1......... 12,020 2,670 3,630 3,365 702 732 585 240 ~1
Montmorency)lo 2......... 3.5UO 640S 1.175 1,125 218 20f> 153 48 15
:\lolltrelÙ, Ile-I~Jalld 985.1~6 100,065 190,OS9 20S,3U 02,340 lœ!,419 103,309 H,880 11.524
NapierviUe....... 6,056 1,556 1,941 2,054 3Ul) 495 373 111 38
Nicület............... 25.263 4,459 6.047 8.543 1,754 1.891 1,119 555 200
Pa.rJÏneau , 22.193 6.510 5.983 5,50:': 1,136 1.4.07 1,102 3~t} 133
Pontiac.................... 15,651 5.1tHI 3,994 3,880 767 S~:! 688 204 54
Portneuf.. 32,548 7.018 10.229 9,190 1.771 2,O'j7 1,608 4in 147
Québ<>e............. 175,08'<: 28,490 34,l'.O7 46,713 14,661 ZO,U75 1&.140 7,218 2,;:\87
HicllüJieu , 20,454 ::1.393 4,-l82 tl,983 1,I:HIl l,S56 1.4.,')3 504 }37
Richmond.............. :'::2,715 4,6J4 5,43'1 6,963 1.755 1,841 1,482 459 111
Rin1ou~ki....... .... ..... 35,BIIl 8,027 10,386 \1.727 1.806 2.185 1.865 tJ81 197
Rivière-du-Lou;J.......... 28.679 6,031 8.71~ 7.6':'1 1,530 2,131 1,809 513 Il6
TIouville 13.lilS 2,1~13 3.175 4,55-1 1,106 1,152 909 354 173
Saguenay.... 1\).4&9' 7,161 5,5u3 4,259 551 781 488 209 61
Shdlor<t. 27,891 5,381 7.220 S,Ml 1,8&9 2.186 1,65.5 618 U4
SherbrookOj! 39,914 6.ô74 7,050 Il,:l27 3,426 4.178 3,962 1.535 500
Soulangell.............. 8,028 1.565 2,333 2,490 522 539 354 170 35
Stanstead.................. 2~,621 4.602 5,161 6,748 1,944 2,206 2,017 704 166
St-Hyacinthe 27,3~O 4,102 6,S(;:) 8,893 1,1191 2,500 2.066 640 274
St~.J~llon-St.Johtl·s...... 17,i-l1l: 2,96" 3,709 5.702 1.465 1,830 1.3M 536 11).2
St-l'>lnurir,e................. 67,272 12,la3 1::1,928 18.310 5,130 7,225 6.668 2,487 652
TémiscamiD~Ue.......... 31.675 8,{lOl 8.605 7,-172 1,B7g 2,003 1,871 750 239
Témiscouata...... 17.S39 ':;.475 5,737 10.246 790 80,) 570 144 51
'Ierrehonne. 39.262 9,30'3;''; 10.279 1.593 2,552 2,8.')3 2,20'32 959 300
Vaudreuil... 11.431\ 2.104 2.6':'\) 3.254 782 1.066 Oz,ti 447 140
Verchère:;... Il,9!)2 2.267 3,182 3,594 803 932 736 314 lZI:l
Wol[e.. .. ", .. ' 14,178 3.598 4, 33.'i 4.035 715 758 548 137 41
Yamaska 13,968 2,4431 3,129 4,833 1,126 1,170 059 22.7 80
Tolal .••.•.. , •.•... 2.806,537\ 562,7451668,817 7n,746/21O,&51 24-2,7" 219,608 ti,341! 24,320
(1) Nombre de persOnDes qui ont lréqnenté l'écQle, y (1) Number of persona who have attenrtlOld achooI,
I!ompris eelles qni u'ont pas déela:r{, 130 durée de IréQuen~ including thoBe who did Ilot st30te ournber of YélU~.
8th C~n$UB of Canadll, 1041, Vol. II.