Page 229 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 229

212                             JUSTICE

                   B-CRIMINALlTÉ                  B-CRIMINAL STATISTICS
                       l-ADULTES                             l-ADULTS
              l-Condamnationa pour crimes, délit. et contraventions, en 1946 et 1947.
            l-Convie:tiona for Indictable and Non-Indictable Offencl!la) in 1946 and 1947
                                               1945 (1)              11147 (1)
                                        Crim6fl  D'Ii" ,,;ml  Crimalt  \Délih sim-
                                       et délite  pies et con-  et délits  plea et çon.
                    PROVINCES           graves  ~rEl.V'entions  gr~eB  1 trllov~tlOns
                                         -             TotlLl                Tot..l
                                       Indictable  NOD-      Indicto.ble  Non-
                                       Offences  Indietable  OffencefI  Illdicto.ble
                                               Ofi'ences             OJ'fencu
          De-du-P.•:f:douard.... Prince Ed'&'ard I8land.  320  2,715  3,035  177  2,800  2,98:i
          Nouvelle.I!caSSB..•••• Nova SCotia. ....••.••  2,261  12,015  15,170  1.84.3  12,019  13,862
          N.·Brunswick.....••.........••••... _, .•.  1,492  13,925  16,417  1,4138  14,097  15,565
          8~:;i~':::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::  21,379  176,996  375,533  20,178  188.835  196,114
          Manitoba .....•.•.••••..•••..••••..••.••  2,834  36,014  38,848  2.808  47,170  4Q,Q78
          Saakatchewltn........................ , ...  2.Sû3  13.985  16,488  2.172  15,263  17,435
          Alberta.., .......•.•..• , •...•. , •..••••..•  3.526  16,289  19,815  3.850  18,696  22,5-16
          Col..Britannique ...••British ColumbÎ.a......  3, 9161  32,203  36,129  4,125  45,585  49,710
          Yu.kon et Territoires.. Yukon & Territories.•  130  476  606  156  653  800
                CAN4DA. ............ _., .........  46,939  659,672  706,6U  44,056  752,458  796,514
             (1) L'année Be termine le 30 aeptembre.  (1) Yea.r end" 30th September.
          2-Condarnnation8 pour crimes et d~lit8 S'raves, par catéS'ories, dans la province de
            2-Conviction8 for Indictable Oflence8, by Clu8e8, in the Province of Quebec.
                                         Cond!UIl.nationl pour-Coovictionl for
                                        Délite                Faux           total
                                               D'lit. la
                         Nombre  Attentatll  contre la  ("ontre  1 Attentate  1  ••  dei oon·
              AHmE8     des o.ccu-  oontre let'!  propriété,  propriété, ' criminel,;  faux  Délits  damoa-
                         lIn.tionll  per-  avec  !laDI!!  eontre }a  mOD-    tions
                -                sonnes  violence  violence  propriété  no.yage  divers
                           -                                                  -
              YEARS               -      -      -       -      -       -
                         Humber                                              TotlÙ
                           of   Offencel!l  Olfenc8s  OfIences  Maücious  Forgery  Vo.rious  Humber
                         ChQ.Tges  aga.inllt  nga.iDaf.  Ilgllinst  Offeneell  and other  of
                                  th.  Property       Bgllinst  OfIencell  OfIenees  Convil?
                                 Person  witb  ~m:~~r  Property  ftgllilt.'lt  tioIUI
                                       Violence  VIOlence    Currency
            1905-1909.... , , , •  1 .. ......  430  195  1,083  2•  27  203  1,967
            1910.1914..•..... ,. ... .. ....  524  .20  1.305  25  21  101   2,196
            1915-1919.... .. . ... .. ..  .01  285  1,175  27    32    'Oll  2.827
          1920......... .. " ,  3,411  408  280  1,172   2.      '5    588   2,517
          1921. ....... ....  3,606  371  261   1,183    l'      37    783   2,654
          1922........ .....  3,179  37'  .07   1,420    48      .,          2,ag5
          1923 ... ..... .. ....  3.501  267  .50  1,068               '"    2,655
          1924...... .......  3,440  338  250   1,294    "       17    '"    2,729
          1925...... .. ......  4,233  354  360  1,455   46      '7    85'   3.084
          1926., ... ..... ....  3,957  340  357  1,484  .0      36    796   3,053
          1927 ..... .........  4,582  .03  .87  1,166   76      46   1,043  3,621
          1928 .•..... ......  5,469  .49  423  1,859    78      6'   1,428  4.299
          1929........ , .. ...  5,919  .86  432  2,178  95           1,532  4,780
          1930 ... ..... " .  1,407  491  770   2,000           '59   1,462  5,540
          1931. .. .... .......  7,255  54'  756  2,675  "      la'   1,569  5,737
          1932... ...........  8.016  566  96'  2,620    82     118   2,733  7,086
          1933 ......... ' . .'.  9,048  558  871  2,761  91     98   3,334  7.713
          1934 ...•. , •. ' .. ...  8,953  .78  870  2,632       49   3,573  7,687
          1935 .. , ....... , ...  10,658  :'.i59  1.023  2,990  "  ..  4,615  9,354
          1936 ..•.•.... , .  10,626  :]23  1.103  3,342              4,372  9,491
          1931..............  8,879  515  758   3,080    "       83   3,275  7.781
          1938..............  11.549  596  959  4.133    88     141   4,362  10,217
          1'.)39.. ' . , ..•.. " •.  11 ,884  .56'  1,123  4,197  '3  176  4,646  10,804
          1940 ... , .•.... ....  13.112  616  1,165  3.879  '8  178  6,216  12,152
          1941, ., .•.. ..... ..  12,433  669  961  2,836  120  la'   6.826  11,514
          1942...... ....... .  11,161  803  788  2,821  117    106   5,634  10,269
          194.1 ...... ........  12,581  910  l,on  3,062  124  120   6,380  11 ,669
          1944 ..... ........,  11,468  865  1.330  3,034  148  18'   4.820  JO. 386
          1945.•.......... , .  10,118  1,036  1,411  2,981  149  70  3,939  9.592
          1946......... .....  9.850  1,223  1.427  2.918  163  172   2,615  8.578
          1947......... ..  8,448  1,292  1,152  2,007   189    129   1 610  7.279
            E:d:rait de 8Ia'iSitiquB' dil la erimiM.lit~, OttaWIl..
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