Page 159 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 159

,...  ...  ""      J..'  ...  ~  "l  t>.-;,  ."  c:::  ~  C  "  c:::  ~  ."  c:::  bl  "  Cl  "  ~  "l  "  '"

                    Totui  '---,-  ,  ~'.>U, 10-3  702,8'J;j  821, fI:j,  ----,  5,774,6];  2,257,7\)1  1,:)1\1,461  :H).'i,372  1,032,OUO  011,877  562,442  &,178,943  ,  4,4!l7,239  777,51:'  S60,441  &,135.195  2,321,837  1,55:J,OS2  45,w,,7S(  1,42fi,~8  250,4:'9  4!i5,6fl2  -----  &,495,669
            1947.  1947.  1   4  916  -         ----1-"     ------ ---,--    ---,----

            et      .3aînt-Miehd Hô,;",  Arohllngc  ,  356  El2,772  144,f147  ---  l,G9-l,635  687,154  31fl,.570  72, ~84  .'ll.') , 222  7Cl ,ôJu2  3415.81l5  2,017,807  ,  1,42.1\,480  20&,842  lfi9, 107  1,806,489  034,111  :,80,021  75, AO,'i  7(\8..098  68 ,"U\J  ln ,mi,'1  2,107,930
            1946  and  1     1  1  --  1        1                       21>,728 --'----
            Québec,  1946  1 Saint-J ulien Hôpitu\  •  172,:1.12  3,070  48,.')71  "4,385  8U,41G  5!l,filO  24,110  19,5g}  20,320  31, \175  216,028  $  217,476  .'i.284  70,678  293,:i:i8  77,O:\fi  85,:107  35,(117  46,072  21.~147  295,&09

            de  Quebec,  Qf    238,174  [.23,fHO  1  "  U"l1'l, ;)\JlJ  6,",8, (lj3  J8~,2~4  22'J,211  503,22..'1  111,4!)7  1  278,4&0  505,867 ---- ------  1:)5.9,'10  741,4n:~  1 22O,n.<  205,ÜS5  150,70,'3  H18,106  j
            province  Province  1 S~Ilt-Jea.n-  Hôplt"  de-Dlell  •  1,964,724  2,7.2&,538  __  ,  .1  2,744,813  ,  \112,351  1  --  2,&9&,6&1  1  2,727,072

            nerveuses,  1 ,3lünte-Anlle Hôpital  1  $  221,{i25  oS, 41~1  M,881 ---- ---,  294.967  ad,IHl  n,on  H;,g~;1  11:U:126  ····24;àoo·  -----  294,341  •  261,24il  11,415  74,149 ---- ------  146,810  ,'11.634  83, ü16  17 ,&12  127, ORO  ..80>745  ..  U7,287

            et  "Institutions,  PW'''''"'  IIospit:l.l  Insane  •  Z()7,513  2,')9)1l2  39,792  597,117  273,680  153,L141  74,.561  <,)2.900  3,777  48,075  648,940  $  350,98'!-  273, 5~.H  40,6~O  GGS,188  267,565  17G,Sg7  83,7uR  Ifl2.810  .....  '  691,070
            n1.entales  Neurologies!  1  Hôpital  for BOt'de&l.LI:  ----  6  4  2:0,9931  93  1  "."  130.17D  1  1i8,61,5  16,094  32,114  1 23&,993  7  .  ,,:,70,1  1  32&,702  l7.;' , 5::lfl  76,748  19,514  5-1,903  . "  1"  12&,701

            maladies     9  1                      ,

            pour  and Mental            "  .  ..  expe;o~.6:l,.  , .....  .  .  cxpulse3.

            institutions  of  Allow3ner:~.  P;:l.ticnts.  Reoeipts.  ~!!.ge~  .,  anJ  llJ.!Lintenanec , ..  expcns{'.l!.  Alluwll.nce..~..  Paticut.Il,.  Receipt.s.  wageB.,  watcr  und  lnaiutenn.ncc  expeœe,;.

            des  Disbursern.enb  R~cdptB:  Govemmcut  by  Paid  OU.1er  D'isb!lrs~mmt~:  SI\I,,"";('~ and  l,'oml...  ligh~  TTo:oat,  Othe! IIIlprov~mr:nt .....  Other  Receipls:  Govemmont  by  Paid  Olher  DisburBC1Tw,  und Salaries  ,  Jfood  \t"ht  He!loL,  Other III~provem~nt,.....  Othcr
            déboursés  ÉNUMtRATION            ...

            et  and           Gouvcrneme;ot.  , .  MU ...•  J'en~reLien.  ,."  Gouvernemo:ont. .  , .• '  ..  , ' eau..... , .  , .  d'entretien..  fins,
            7-Recettes  7-Receipts  pllticntll  , .. reccttea,  TOTAL.  ~~a Nounüure lumière,  d{ipenscs d'améliorntîon...  au~rE:a lini!.  pour  TQTAL .•.••  du  p&'nt9,."  leI!  recettes...  TOTAL.  gl'ill:sa.  ..  lumiê~,  dépf'IlSel'l d'amélioration.. ,•...  n.ntTr:s  pour  TOTAL, ••.••.

                            Recdtu:  Subvention~du  pllr 1".'!  Payê  Autre!!  Débour~és:  et Bal&.irea  ChaulIlI."e,  Antres  DépenSe!!  Dépl'IL'lCll  Rr,r,rUC8:  SubvenlioIll!  par  PlI..vé  D~blJ1.lrBé$:  et Salairca  NourrilUIe  Chsufl'ag('),  Antres  Pli.pensee  DépellileB
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