Page 154 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 154

138               SANTÊ PVBLIQUE ~ PUBLIC HE.Hl'li

                    3-RevenUB du fonds de l'Assistance publique, 1946-48.
                      3-Revenuea of the Public Charities' Fund, 1946-48.

                         PROYENANCE-SOURCllfl             1945-40  1940-47  }147-48
                                                                1            ,
                                                            •       •
          Amusement!!: taxes et surtaxeB ....  Amu~ernel\tl;: to.Xf"-8 and surt:l.xe" ....  1,594,4(34  1,685,377  1,998,178
          Taxe d'hôpital (sur repas) ... .....  Ho~pito.l t~x (on meals) .... "  ...  1,670.163  2,040,2.'i3  2,51)3,512
          Commj~si{)ndes I.iqueuIlil.... , .....  LiqUOI CommissioIL...............  1,OQO,000  1,000,000  1,000,000
          COUŒe!;;  li~encef!, drQits d'entrée,  Races; Lîcenses, entranee :Cees, "pa!'i
                                  mutue]" o.nd rnarhine3 ..........
           pari )1).~tuel et machines ........
          Dlvers... , ..... ......  .... ..  Sundriee... .... .... .............  HIS,900  243,103  201].002
                                   ......... ..... ..... .. .......  ---- ----- -----
                 TOTAL ••••.••.•••.•.••.
           En 1947-48.1e8 dépenses du Fonds de l'Assis-  In 1947-48, the expenditures of the Public
          tance publique se Elont élevées à $]3,t>43,0Clti  Charitie"s' liùnd a·Irount€d to $13,54;3,006.
          comprenant prineipalernent $9,574,238 payés  Principal iœms are $9,5ï4,239 paid to hospital
          aux hôpitaux et autres institutions pOur l'en-  and oilier institutions for the mfi,intenance
          tretien de!!. indigents. $1,214,792 de sub.ventions  of indigents, $1,214,792 as grants to IIleet
          pour intérêt.s et fonds d'a.rrortissement ~mr em-  interest and sinking funds ou loans and
          prunts et $1,703,640 de subventions à long  $1,703,640 long terrn grants.
            Ces dépenses ont été 8.cquittées iL l'aide des  TheBe e.'qlenditnres have bœn paid through
          reV()llus décrits au tablEau ci-dessus et ,,'éle-  the reV€nues descrihed in the aboye table and
                                               amounting to .$.3,949,310, and through contri-
          vant il $5,949,3]0 et des contributions des
                                               butions  by  lllunieipalities  amounting  1.0
          municipalités au montant de $'"2,652,1~;8. IR
                                               $2,652,138.  The net deficit of $4,941,250
          déficit net de $4,941,2.50 a été porté ~.ux dé-  has been carried to ordiruuy expenditureR of
          p6Il8es ordinaires de la Province,   the Province.
           Le tablean suivant SUI les résultats annueli'l  The following table on the annuaI operating
          des opl"rations de ce Fonds ne tient pas eompte  results of this Fund doas not include contri-
          des contrihutions des municipalités.  butions by munÎcipnlities,

          4-0pératÎQns du fonds de l'Asl!Jil!Jtance publique, province de Québec, 1934-48.
               4-0peratîonl!J of Public Charities' Fund, Province of Quebec, 1934-48.

               _,l,Tln~Œ    Revenus  1  Subventions  ATlnult~s        1   Dé6cit
                -            --        et divers  et jntér~t9  Total        -
               Y~alb       Revenue       -          -                     Deficit
                                      Glant~ and  AllDuities and
                                    1  SundrieB    Interests
          -                         1
                              •     r    •           •          •           •
          1933-34 .. ... .. .......  2,45::1.196  2,920,262  1,316.725  4,236,987  1,783,791
          1934-35..  2,758,506  1,325.117   4,083,623   1,687,848
          1935-::16 ..     2,259,354   2,962,613  1,296.-11\1  4,259.064  1,999,710
          1936-37. ...     2,660,B86   3,072,388  1,293,582   4,365,910   1, 7D3,084
          19::17~38..  ..  2,699,4Ç)7  3,513,311  1,332,877   4.846.'248  2,14fi,7.'i1
          1938-39. .... . ." .  2,782,8'J6  3,687,891  1,356,473  5,044,3134  2.261,538
          1939-40....      2,941,485   4,289,756  1,377,681   5.667.4::17  2,725,052
          1940-41 (1). .. .. .....  2,425,7Ç)S  3,628,332  1,100,698  4,729,O:m  2.303,2::12
          IMl--42... ....  3,318,484   4,8;~8,394  1,387,932  6,226,326   2,Ç)07,842
          lÇ)42-43. _      3,fi57.694  4,9S4,793   ] ,372,50S  6,357,301  2,699,607
          1943-44..        4,221,630   ;1,674,849  1,374,64,1  7,049.493  2,S27,8:37
          1044-45.    ...  -1,002,433  6,715,806  1,373,031   8,088,836   3.996,403
          1945-40..        4,470,973   7,349,522  1,261,316   8,610,837   4,139,864-
          1946-47..        1>,192, J43  8,1.\16,131  1,254,809  1  0,870.940  4,078.191
          1947-4S..        5,049,310  12,328,214  1,214,792  13,543,00[)  4,941,250
           (l) 9 mois seulement,                 (0 9 montbll only.
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