Page 53 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 53

RECEN8EMENT-CEN8US                            37

         Le reeensement de 1941 fixe In. population  The census of 1941 fiXp.d the popula.tion of
       du Québec à 3,331,882, soit un accroissement  Quebec Province at 3,331,882, a.n increase of
       numérique, BU cours de la dernière décade, de
                                            457,220 in the last decade as oompared with
       457,220 compan\.tivemcnt à 5U;.152 dmunt le,9
       dix années précédentes. Le tableau suiva.nt  514,152 in the previous ten years. The follow--
       indique, par pw"'inces et territoires, lJl. popu-  ing table shows the population of Canada, hy
       lation du Canada aux divers recensements  provinces and territories, at the various ceu-
       depui8 187],                         ~uses since 1871.

           2-Population au Canada. par provinces et territoires, da 1871 A 1941.
       2-Population of Canada, byProvincesand Territories, in Census Years1871 ta 1941.
                    IBn !
       PROVI:-fCES        1881    1891   1901    1911     1921    Hl31    1941

       ne.du~P.~É..•..  94,021  108,891  109,078  103,259  93,728  88,515  88,038  95,041
       N.~li:coo8e......  387,800  440,572  450,396  459,574  492,3313  523,831  512,846  577,962
       N .~Brunswick ..  :285,594  321,2.33  321,2(13  331,12Q  351,889  381,816  4Q8,219  451,401
       gu4!bec.....  ].19] •.316  1,3511,021  1,488,535  1,64'8,898 (1) 2,005,176 (2) 2,.36ü,510  2,874,602  3,331,882
        ntario...... , . 1,620,851  1,926,922  ~,1l4,;\:.n  2,182,947 (1) 2,527,292  2,933,662  3,43t,1383  3.787,1366
       Manitoba......  25,228  62,260  1.52,500  255,2Zl (0  461,39-1  610,118  100,139  129,144
       Se.skatcl:\ewaD .. ..  .... ... ...  ... . .....  91,279  492,432  157,510  921,185  895,992
       Albena........    ...              13,022 (3)  374,295  588,454  731,005  700,169
       Colombie~ll., •.  36,241  49,459  .. il8: i73'  178,6.57  392,480  524,582  694,263  811,861
       yukon.........           ..       27,210    8,512    4,157  4,230   4,914
       Terr. du N.~O..  ... 4'8',000'  56,446  98,907  20,129 (l)  6,507  8,143  9,316  12,U2S
          CANADA..• 3,689,257  4,:124.810  4,831,239  5,371.315  7,206,643 1(4)8,78],949 10,376,786  U,so6,6SS
       P.E.I .........  2 ..j.')  2.52  2.25  1.92  1.30    1.01   0.85     0.83
       N. Scotia ......  la. III  lU,19  9,32  s.50  6.83   5,!>/)  4.94    5.02
       N.~Brunswick ..  1.74  7.43  6.65   6.16    4.138    4.41   3.94     3.97
       8 uébPe ........  32.30  31.42  30.80  30.10  21.83  26.86  21.70   28.96
        ntario.... " ..  43.94  44,56  43,74  40.M  35.07  33.39   33.07   32.92
       l\-Ianitoba ......  0.68  1.44  3.10  4.15  6.40     6.94   6.n;     6.34
       Saskatchewan.. .......... .......  '" .... ."  1. 70  fU!4  8.62  8.88  1.7{l
       Alberta........   .....  ....       1 3'    5.1{l    6.70   7.0.')   â.92
       B.C.... , .•....  '"  'Ô:9S'  1. 14  '2:03'  3.33  5.45  5.97  6.09  1.11
       yukon......... ....  ....  .. ....  0.51    0.12     0.05   0.04     0.01.
       N.W·.T........  ï:~o'  1.30  2.05  0.37     0.09     0.09   0.09     0.10
          C.urAD.\...  100.00  100.00  iDa.OO  108.00  100.00  l00.0a  100.00
        (1) Corlig-é conforJD~ment l. la Loi de ['extension des  (1) Correct"d as a result of the ExtenE\ion of Bound~
       frontV,res d .. FI12                 Rries Act, 1912.
        (2) Revio.é d'apr~s le jugerr.ent du Conoeil privé con-  (2.l Rl;Wi~",J in B.ccord&nlX' witb the Il.ward
       cern.'l.ot Je Labrador.              of ,he Privy Cou:ncil.
        (3) Tel que corrigé parletranslertde la popuiB.tionde  13) AB corl'f!cted by tb6 trlUls{er of th... population of
       Fort- Smitb (368) aux Territoires du Nord~OUl'lllt.  Fort Smith (3GS) to Northwest Territories.
        (4) y compris 485 mernbre~ de la marine royale  (4) Induding 485 members of the Royal Canu.dian
       Wenne.                               N!lvy,
         En 1941 1 le Québec 28.96% de la  In 1941 Quebec aceounted for 28.96% of
       population du Ca.nada compamtivement à.  the population of Canada" as against
       27.70% en 1931.  La Nouvelle-Écosse, le Nou-  27.70% in 1931. Nova Seotia, New Brunswick
       veau-Brunswick et la Colornbie-Britannique  and British Columbia also showed a higher
       accusB,ip..llt aussi une proportion plus élevée  perœntagB than a.t the pre..ious censuR.
       qu'en 1931.  La populo.tion des cinq provinces  The fivo eastem  provinces  represented
       de l'Est représentait 87.98%, de celle. du  87.98% of the population of Canada. in 1901;
       Canada en 1901; 75,91% en 1911; 71.63%  75.91 % in 1911; 71.63% in 1921 and 70.51 %
       en 1921 et 70.51% en 1931.  C'e~t donc dire  in 1931.  This indieat.e,,; t.he rapid growth of
       le développement considérable des provinces  the we~tem provinces, pmticularl:y notable
       de l'Ouest. particulière:ment de 190] à 1911.  between ]901 and 1911. However, in 1941,
       l\iIais en 1941, cette :proportion était IeInOntoo  the population of the eastcrn pro"\-"ÎlleeR had
       li 71.70°10.                         risen to 71.70%.
        Extrait de Se Teeen.8emenl d,~ C.anar/a, 19.p, vl}lumf: II.  EJ:tmot from 8th Cen.~8 a/Canada, 1941, Vol. II.
   48   49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58