Page 57 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 57

RECEN8EMENT-CENSU8                           41

       4-Populatio-n de la province de Québec, aux: divera recensements, par comtés
         4-Populalion of the Province of Quebec at Variou8 Cenauaea, by Municipal
                       IBn    1881    1891   1901   1911    1921   1931    1941
       Abitibi..     ,.........  .  "...      2,405  2.063  14,807  23,692  67.689
       Argentl'uil.........  12,806"' 14,947  15,158  16,407  16,766  17,165  18,976  22.610
       Arthabo.skll..• ,....  17 ,241  19,153  23,254  22,958  24,441  24,848  27,159  30.039
       Bagot.......• , .....  19,491  21,199  21,695  18,181  28,206  18,035  16,914  17.642
       Bl"lI.uoe.............  23,48.5  27,201  30,837  33,198  38,161  40,308  44,793  48,073
       Beauhll.rnoif! .••.. . . .  14,757  16,005  16,662  21,732  20,802  19,888  25,163  30,269
       BellecbasE>e........  17,637  18,068  18,368  18,106  21,141  21,813  22,000  23.676
       Barthier....    19,993  22,238  20,399  20.710  20,606  20,509  19.506  21,233
       Bonavl;nture.. ,  ,  1,1),923  18,908  20,835  24,495  28,110  29,092  32,432  39.196
       Brome....       13,757  15.827  14,709  13,303  13.216  13,381  12.433  12,485
       Chll.mhly  ,........  10,498  1O.85S  11,704  12,770  16.711  21,924  26,801  32,454
       Chll.mplain........  21,492  25,550  27,335  32,015  43,866  54,034  59.862  68,057
       Cbll,rlevoix..........  15,611  17.901  19,038  19,334  20,637  20.708  22.940  25.662
       Châteauguay... ....  16,166  14,303  13,854  13,583  13,322  13,557  13.125  14,443
       ChiClOUtimî .... ,....  11.812  13.801  14,244  16,872  23,375  37,578  55.724  78.881
       Compt(ln...........  11,988  15,115  27,386  19.343  21,235  23.271  21.917  22,957
       Deux-Montll,gne&....  15,615  15,894  15,027  14.438  13,868  14,309  14,284  16.746
       Dorchel!ter.    17,779  18,710  18,364  20,697  24.457  26,788  27.994  29,869
       Drummond.........  10.975  14,1313  16,639  16,041  17.149  19,975  26,179  36,683
       Frontenae... " .... ,  5.445  9.285  12,431  17,358  22,272  24,000  25,681  28.596
       G"ré            18729  25.001  26,875  30.683  3.''i,001  40.375  45.617  55,208
       Hui.::::::::.::::.  23:057  28,891  37,712  42,.&10  48,332  54,682  63,870  71,188
       Huntingdon.. ......  16.304  15,495  14,385  13,979  13.240  13.174  12,345  12.394
       Iberville............  15,413  14,459  Il,893  9.673  9.493  9.299  9,402  10.273
       Joliette....    23,075  21,988  22.921  22,25,5  23,9U  25,913  27.585  31,713
       Kamourai'ka..   21,254  22.181  20,454  19,099  20.888  22,024  23.954  25.535
       1B.helle   ".     314   1,727  2,676   7,175  13',691  19,734  20,140  22.974
       Lll.c-St-Jean.........  5,681  9,729  14,048  20.156  27.111  35,539  5Q.253  64,306
       La,prairie...........  11,861  11.436  10,900  11,057  11.62::1  12,071  13,491  13,730
       L'Aaflomption.......  15.473  15,282  13.674  13,!!95  15,264  14.331  15,.323  17,043
       ùwal. ...•.... :.(I)  9,472  9,462  9.436  10.248  Il,407  14,005  16,150  21.631
       Lévis...... ........  24,831  27,980  25,995  26,210  28,913  33,323  35,6J6  38. Ilfi
       L'Ialet.............  13,517  14,917  13,&23  14.439  16.435  17,859  19,404  20,589
       Lotbinière..... .. ...  20,606  20,.857  20.688  20,039  22,158  21,837  23,034  26,664
       MlLSkinongé........  15,079  17.093  17,266  15,083  15,775  16,253  16,039  18,206  10.022  13,544  14,621  20 ,4.'i6  27,539  36,303  45,272  55,414
       M~g~ntic,...........  18,879  1&.056  22,233  23,878  31,314  33,633  35,492  40,357
       MlsSJ.sQnOl.. "......  16,922  17,784  18,549  17,3.'::9  17,465  17,709  19.&36  21,442
       MontcaLm... ,.....  12,742  12.966  12,131  13,001  13,342  13,987  13,865  15,208
       Montmll,gn}T........  13,555  15,268  14,726  14,757  17,356  21,!!97  20,2:19  22,049
       Montmorency.......  12.085  12,322  12,309  12.311  13,215  14.008  Ifi.955  18,602
       l\'lontré&.!-I1e-Is1.  144,044  193,17I  277,525  360,838  554,761  724,205 1.003.868 l,lHI,800
       N&.pierville..  11,&88  !O,511  10,101  8.576  7,712  7,994  7,600  .Il, 329
       )ricolet.............  23,262  26,874  28.735  27,200  30,055  29,695  28,673  30.685
       P&.pinell.u...........  14,521  18,814  22,1J72  25,72B  21.180  26,558  29,246  27,551
       }'ontill.~  ,.....  15,523  18.&40  20.381  21,442  21,123  20,271  21,241  19,852
       Porlneuf..........  22.569  25.175  25.813  27,159  30,529  32,811  35.963  38,996
       Québec.. "... ......  79,306  82,724  8:.':,593  00,941  104,554.  124,776  170.915  202,882
       Richelieu.... ,,',...  20,048  20,424  21,652  19,518  20,686  19,548  21.483  23,691
       Riebmond..........  11.213  14,598  16,329  17,821  21,282  24,067  24.9.56  27.493
       Rimouski...........  17,396  20,247  18,809  Hl.702  23,951  27.520  33,151  44,233
       Rouville............  17,634  lS,547  16.012  13.407  13.131  13,656  13,776  15,842
       Saguenay... ,.......  5,487  8,879  9,989  11,263  15,402  16,663  22.161  29,419
       Shefford............  19,077  23,233  23.2G3  23,7:.':2  23,976  25,734  28,262  33,387
       Sherbrooke  ,.  8,516  12,221  16,088  18,426  23,211  30,786  37,386  46,574
       Aoulange,;........  10.808  10,220  9.6OS  9,928  9,400  1O,OG5  9,099  9,328
       Stanstnd..........  13,138  15,556  18,067  IS,998  20,765  23,380  25,118  27,972
       St-Hyll.cinthe.......  18,310  20.425  21,135  21,543  22.342  23,D98  25,'81>4  31,645
       St·Jean............  12,122  12.265  12,282  11,006  12,389  24,219  17.649  20,584
       St-M&.urice.........  19,870  23.550  23,033  29,311  35,045  50,845  69,095  80.352
       TémillC&miIlgUO .....  1  1,024  1.099  1,903  40.280  8,293  11.764  20,609  40,471
       Témisoou.a.ta, •. ,....  22.491  25,484  25,698  29.185  36,430  44,310  00,294  57,675
       Terrehonne.........  Hl.·~91  22,969  23,128  26,816  29,018  33.90S  38,611  46,864
       '~/II,udreuil...• ,'.....  11,003  Il,485  10,792  10.445  11,039  Il,555  12,015  13,170
       Vetch~1'el...........  12,717  12,449  12,2.'i7  11,53\1  12,004  12,719  12,603  14,214
       wOlfe.,    ' .. 1  8,823  11,741  15,01S  16,316  18 , 21J!'l  18'181116'911  17,492
       Yamaska       _~I~.~,!lIl"-'3_1__2~O~,_.~O,~-_1__2~O~,O~88:::..._~2~O~,5~'~.'-I__~19~,~5~1~1_1_---"~8~,O=5:::...6  16,820  16,516
              TOT.l.L"'1 :l,:l91,S:l6  1,359,021 l,488.51511'G48.~ 2,005,71&  2,360,510  2.874,&62  :I,:ln.aa2
         (1) Ile                       (1) Jel!Uil Island.
         NOTE.-'VU la difficurté d'obtenir les chiffrl?8 oom-  NOTA..-Beca.use of the diffioulty ot obtaining com·
       J;l<l:'ratlfs pour le.. premiers recensement.., les eODltél! do  [lar.ative figures for the earlier œtl~l1BeS, the counties 01
       Cbarlevoix. Gaspé, Hull. La.c-Se-Jean. Mat.ane, Mont~  Charlevoix. GRSPI'. Hull, Lake St. John. Mahille. Mont-
       morency et Tém~couata D'ont pas été Bubdivil!és dans  morency: and Temiscouata wete Dot separated in thill
       ca tableau.  Toutefois, le leeteur trouvera. les subdivi~  table.  However, înIormatioD for the years 1921, 1931
       Bions pour les annéeS' 1921, 1931 et 1941 an tabJ€fLu 8  a.nd 1(141 may be fou.nd in"table 8 of tbis chaptar.
       de ee chapitJ:e.
         H..iti~me rccer.8emn>& du Canoda, Vol. Il.  Eil1hlh  C~. fil Canaaa, Vol. n.
   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62