Page 519 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 519

494                         COMMUNICATIONS
                     TRAMWAYS                              TRAM.WAYS
          TI Y8. six compagnies de tramways électriques  There are six electrical tramway companies
        organisées dans les villes de 1fontréal, Québec,  in operation in the cities of 1\·lontreal. Quebec,
        Hull, Lévis et Shawinigan Falla,      Hull, Levis and Shawinigan Falls.
          En 1946, les tramways ont transporté  In 1946, the tmmways camed 457,391,578
         457,391,578 voyageurs.  Plus de 86 pour cent  passengers.  l\'!ore than 86 per cent of those
        de ces voyageurs ont été transportés par la  paJ3sengers were carried  b~T the 1'Iontrea.l
         compagnie de Tramwa.ys de l\:!ontréal.  Le  Tramways Compa,ny.  The total capital of
        capital total des corporations était d'environ  thesB  corporations  amounted  ta  nearly
        $56,858.080 à la fin de l'année 1946.  $56,858.080 at the end of 1946.

            16--Voyageura et marchandises transportés par le. tramways, en 1946.
                  16-Paeaengers and Freight Carried by Tramways, in 1946.

                                                  Mille8    VOy1LgeuJ'll  transportées de
                                                 parcourus  tTallBport.és  (en tonnes)
                 COMPAGNIES-COMPANIES                          (1)
                                                  Miles     PfLflsengeni  Freight Carrled
                                                 Covered     Carried    (in tOllB)
         Hull Eleotric Compa.ny  , ..••...•........••...•.  913.879
                                                             7'OO'5'2D~ 1
         Ll!vis Tramways Compaoy......•...•...•....••...•...•.  1.057,825  4.flOS,P99  41,234
         Montreal Tramways Company..••.... , ..........•.. , , ...  50,215,288  396.480,489  1,298
         Montreal and Bouthern Counties.............•..••.. , , •..  1.1"19.225  5.132,470  61,212
         Quebell Railway, L. H. & P. Compa.ny...••......... , .• , ..  5,142,743
        Shawinigan Falls TerminaL ..••.... , ...•. , , ••. , .. , ..... ,
               TOTAL         , ••••••••••• , •••• "  ••• ,.  58,448,960
          (1) Comprend lee voyagellril tran~portée E'!n aut.obw  (1) Induding paSHln1Zers carried on motor bueefl and
         ou trol1eybWl opères par les compllgnïes de tra.mway1l.  trackless trolley cars operll.ted by eleetric rajlwayll.
                17-Capital des compagnies de tramways dans la Province, en 1946.
                 17-Capital of Tramway Companies in the Province, in 1946.
                                                  Actions   Obligation"  ClI.pit~ total
                                                  Stocks     Bonds   1 Total Capital
                                       , , ••....•. •
         Hull Electrill Con~Jlan~  , ..• ,  , .••..•.....  292,000        292,000
         Levis Tramwtl.ys COn\pany..............• , ,  500.000  1 's  ·6is:CUlO· • 1.115,000
         Montreal Tramways Company.• , ", ........•.. ,  .  7,000,000  41,547.400  48.547,400
         Montreal and Southern Counties..• ,  ,  .  500.000  6.103,680   6,503,680
         Quebec Railway L H. & P. Company  ,  , •..... ,.,.
        Shawinigan Fa.l1s Terminal, ..... , .. ' .. , ••...• , .•... , ••..  '300:00(]  . .........  300:000'
                                              -------               1
                TOTAL ••••• , ••.•••••••• , , •••• , •••••••• , •••••  &,592,000  48.266,080  56,858,080
              lB-Revenu dea compagnies de tramways dans la Province, en 1946.
                lB-Revenue of Tramway Companies in the Province, in 1946.
                                                 Revenus     Dépenses  Revenus neta
                                                  bruts    d'exploitation  d'opération
                                                  Gro!>B    Opernting  Net Operating
                                                 Revenues    Expenses   Revenues
         ------------- -- -- -----
         Hull Electric Company .....•• , . ,  ,  , , , .....••..1  •  409,003  •  397.589  S  71,414
         Levis Tramwa.ys COillerny.....••..... , .......•.........  477,693  486,487  -8,704
         M~~~~:l;~dSO~?hernocg~~li~:::::::::::::::::::::::::  24,251,898  20,071.235  -148.400
         Quebec Railway, L. H. & P. Company  ,.,.,  ,  '1  2,614,088  2,450,257  163,831
         Shawinigan Fallil Terminal••...... ,  ,  ,  .  129,19!l  128. 7~2   407
                ToTÙL  " ,.: . _...••.....•. ,  ' ,  .  28,5'5,64U  24,912,525  3,6~,W
          Sttlli8tiqU81 de8 /romWa1l8 dectrique8, 1946, Ottawa.  Staltll!ic./l of Eleddc RaiZwaY8, 1046, Ottawa.
   514   515   516   517   518   519   520   521   522   523   524