Page 515 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 515


                  3-VOIruRAGE. MOTORlSt                 3-MOTOR CARRIERS

             13-Statiatiquea du voiturage motorisé dana la province de Québec en 1946.
                 13-Statistica of Motor Carriere in the Province of Quebec in 1946.

                                                  TraIlBPort de voyageUrB  T~rtde
                                                        -               ma  -  dises
                                                 Pe,6flollDgers transportation  1
                                                                     Freight TransportAtion
                                               Servioe i~terurbaiD
                                                   ,t  ~,,"
                         ITEM                  Illtercity sod rural  1 Service  G,..  =-  Petit.a en~
                                                   service     urbain  trepreneurs trepreneUl'1I
                                                               City   '-,     8mall
                                               G,,, en-  PetitB en~  service  eo.rriers  oarrieu
                                              trepreneure trepl'eneun<
                                                 -      -
                                                Large  Small
                                               cu.rriere  carriers
           Entrepreneurs.....• ,. Carriere ..... " ••....••  no.  70  8  124      95
           Propriét.&.ir611 aotifs , •. Warkin!!: Propriet.ors ••.•  DO,  20  58  3  58  72
           Employés ... , ..• , , .•. Employees.......... .. '  DO,  1,759  90  179  2,986  317
           COMPTE D.<
            PII.OPlUBTÉ:  PaoPERTY ACOOUNT :
            Terrains et bâtiments lAnds and buildiDgll .•..  •  1,874,591  R4 ,001  202.729  1,47~,566  194,425
           Autobus, camions,etc. Buses, trucke, etc., •••.  •  5.829,453  563.641  836,617 4,050,461  502, 725
            Ameublement, voitu· Furniture, service care,
            re@deservice,eto•..  eto.... , .•••••.••••••  •  571,716  44,415  81,220  781,91S  64..178
           RBC"ETTEB:    REvIDroE:                                          1
  •••.•••.• Passengere•••••.•••.••  •  9,329,066  593,262 1,193,700  354.606
            Marobandises.•..•• , Freigbt ••...•••••.••••  •  144,959  29, 19.'!  2,871 9,927,698  ·i;2i4;.ii9
            Autres reoettes•.••.. Otber revenue ..••..••  •  360,968  15,18û  633  382,517  37,982
                 TOTAL." •.••.•••••••• "., •• , .••••  •  ~  9,834,993  637,G44  1,197,210 10,GG4,821  1,252,481
           DD~~~~~~~ATJON:  OPERATING
            Entretien••••• ..... Maintenance........ ','  •  2,445.186  146,435  269,533 2,289,827  237,387
            Salaires et gagl':8  Sa!a.ries and W&geS
            (clJaulieurs et fl.Îde~)  (drivera &; b.elper,,) .••  •  1,501,175  93,842  211,403 2,955,467  341,(149
            Gall:oline. huile, etc.. Fuel, oi], eto .••••••••.•  •  1,276,7b8  96,141  1.';4,333 1,453,677  103,954
            Pêage•••. , .•...••• , Tolls••••••••.••••.•.••  •  102,188  2,425  2,472  60,867  16,103
            Aesurances•••••••••• Insurance•••••.••••.••  •  487,270  39,383  44,685  576.365  50,065
            Déprêciation, ••• . . .• Depreciation., ..•••• ,.  •  952,814 .. , ......  90,1.39  532,258 .  . ..
            Taxe9 d'exploitation O~rating Tues  and
            et licences.........  .icenoe.!;! ••••••••••.••  •  932,030  62,947'  108,394  728.608  104,242
            Loyere ••••... " •••• Rents..................  •  99,956  4,132  10,006  107.589  lS,3U
            Autres dépenees. .•••• Other e;1lpenses ..•.....  •  1.020,072  97,51Ü  98,8691 1,526,837  161,3tG
                 TOTAL .••••.••...••• , •••.. .... "'. •  1 8,908,049  541,915  990,354 10,231,495  I,UB,327
           RijCI!:'ITfC/!  ~·E'ITJI;IJ  NET OPI!lR~TISO
            n I!.XPLOITATION••••• REVENUE.............  •  -----  95.729  206.856  433,326  134,074
           TRAFIC:       TR~J'FIC:                                          -----
            VO)-lLgeur.!;!..••..•..• Passeuger"••••••• ' • • • .  no.  25,296,037  -l, 323, '''116.245,5641  91,840 ... .... ..
            Marchandises.•••••.• Freight..••.••..••••.. Tonnes.-
                                          Tons   13,7~7  3,473       3,081.732  350,001
            Gazoline oonsommée. Gasoline consumed •••••  Gal.  3,785 930  314 647  411 166 4,017,605  648,31)5
            Huile consommêe•••• Dil oonsumed.••••••••.  Gfl.Î.  217,945  ,2,472  16,834 1  76,955  1,034
           M~TÉRIBL:     EQ'UIPMI!::NT:
            Autobus.••••.•••.•. Buse.!;! ....•••••...••••  no  749  144  92  5 .  .... "297
            Camions..••....•••. Trucks•.•..........•.  no,  26  1  5 ..  1,602
            Traeteure, unités A Traciors..  8emi·'l'l-ailer
            demi 4 remorque•••..  Units.•. , •••••.•••••.  no.  2  2 1 "  321     11
            Remorques ..•.... '. Tre.i.lers.., .•.••.....•••  no.         !ô9     12
            Autobus a....eo engine Buse>.! with Die!lSl     l
            mesel ........ , . ...  Engines.... , •••.... _.  no.  38 .  27.  .......
            CamiopS avoo engins Trucks with Die.!;!el  .
            m~E.'l...... . . . . . . .  EngiI:!fl9 ..• , ••••.•••••  nn  2 .' .......  1  ...  .,
            Statistiques. du VoituTELge Motorisê. 1946, Ottawa..  Sta.ti"tics. of Motor CarrieTll, Hl46, Ottawa.
   510   511   512   513   514   515   516   517   518   519   520