Page 508 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 508

VOIRIE-ROADS                            483
                       PtACE                                CUES
          Depuis 1908, le gouwrnement de la. Pro...'Ïnce  Rinr-e 1908. the Pl'ovmcjal Govemment has
        aecorde des subventions a,ux municipaliMs  gl'anted subsidies to  nlUnicipalitie~ for the
        pour la constructon des ponta-routes.  Le  construction of highway bridges.  The total
        montant total des allocations Vf'>rséffi pl:'udant  grants durjng the mst 39 yoars alllOllnt to
        les 39 dernières Il.nnées atteint $26,664,195  $26,664.195, wherea.s the municipalities have
        tandis Que la contl'ibutlOD des municipalités  contributed $6,821,783.36.  1,884 bridges were
        s'élève à $6,821,783.36.  Le nombre des ponts
        construits de 1908 au 31 ma,rs 1947 est de 1,884.  built rrom 19D8 to the .31,t Maroh 1947.
        En plus, le gouvernM1pnt rachète les droits  Moreover, the Governrnent is buymg out the
        de certains ponts et barnères de péage ou  toB nghts of cortain bridges and t.oll-roads or
        conclut des arrn~ments il. ce propo;; avec les  making arrangements in tbis connection with
        lllunidvaliws.  Les dépcIlB[oS atÏeetées an ra-  the muni('ipalities,  The  SUffi expended for
        chat de ces droits, de 1910 à 1947, s'élèvent à  this purpose, from 1910 ta 1947 aruounLed t.o
        $1,073,982.47.                       $1,073,982.47.

              4--Ponta-routes subventionnés par le gouvernement de la Province.
              4-Highway Bridges Subsidized by the Government of the Province.
                             Nombre  Longueur de,  Subventions  Contributions
                             de ponte 8upentructu«s,  du      d..
                             ooDstruitl'l  en pieds  gouvCrDcmulDt  lDuninip!l.lités  Cont tota
            ANNl1:EB- YBARS
                             Number  lengtb of  Government  ~unicipal  TotELI Cost
                             of Bridgtls Superstructure.  Guntll.  Contributions
                                      (in ft.)
        1905-09...................'''1  3,721     93,336.96   91,173.04  IB4.51O.00
        1909-10.......... , ••.•••••.•.  35  3,907  71,90."j.OO  100,095.00  172.000.00
        1910-11 .••••• , •••.•••••• , .•••  ,.  2,843  79,855.00  73,450.00  153,305.00
        1911-12, ••• , •••. " ••.••.••••.  43  e.olo  L'm.O!>'Z. 76  12D,077.7B  285,130,64
        1912-13.................. , •••  6.846    " ••IOJ.131  144,349.72  323,4.'12.8:;
        1913-14......... ' ............  71  6,842  256,HIO.75  17B.041.84  434,302.59
        1914-1iS......................  62  15,893  279,820.96  209,1344.134  489,005.80
        IGUI·16 .•••• , ................  6,580  322.996.45  228,320.24  551,316.69
        1916·17 ................. , ..••  "  ::l,-1ltS  149.114.50  130,1'-"9.79  280,074.29
        J9I7-1B ...... , ...............  03  5.512  285,956.70  1130.522.14  466,478.84
        19]8-19......... ' ............  ,.  3,331  184,622.50  140,040. fiO  324.663.~
        1919..20 ..• " •.• , ••• , , ••••.•• ,  50  3,542  270,825,45  153,201.09  424,026.1'i
        ~~~~:~~::::::::::::::::::::::1  .,  6.187  592.458.133 (l)  402,2M.12  (I)  1,131,31)5.27
        1922-23..................... "  ,.  4,9215  404.520.22  390.300.38  7M,919.60
        1923·24 .••••• , •.•••••••••.••.  5,6M   614,707.74  2ü6,91'i9.81'i  &2I,767.1'i9
        19Z4.2S.•••.•.. , ••• ' .•••••••.  ,.  5,219  745,003.00  317.76!>.aI  1.062.;"64.. 00
        192e..26.••••• , ••.••.•••••••••  42  05,&59  450,232.14  339,160.59  789.392.73
        1926-27.••• , ., ., .••. " ••••• , •  3.652  420,591.24  215,155.91  61i3,747,l~
        1927·28............ , •.•••..••  ,.  4,445  460,182.53  287,477.66  741,eao.19'
        1928~29.................. , •••  4,244   4..16,115.65  2el,321'i.19  697,500.84-
        1929-30, .....................  6.  5,666  761,240.16  272,714.61  1.033.'-'4.77
        1930-.3J .••••.•••••.••..••••••  7.  3,971  605,126.87  221,236,40  R2f1,1I63.21
        1931-32............ , •.•.•••••  73  9,388  1,113,102.24 (3)  622,473.88  1,735,576.U·
        Hh32-33 ....... ,. .......... , ..  2'  6,li71  1.B5-5,4lD.92  80,603.89  1,936,014. BI
                                              '2) 1,25-5,230.36
        1933-34 ......................  10  1,991  b)         11,775.60  1,267,006.96
        1934-3tS .• •••..•••••• , .••••••.  21  1,640  lm 2'7'7"'.3' 07  33,133.21  2,780,726.78
        1938-36......................  37  8,235  706.537.1:15  1  73,42&.130  779,963.66
        1936-37 .••• , •••••.• , •..••.•••  37  3,511  405,909.90  8·i,430.77  490,340.61
        1937-.38.••• , .•• , ••••.•••.••••  ,.  5,890  835.086.33  139,769.00  974,856.32
        l03~9..• _  ..............     M35      1,242,037.46  58,423.29  1.300,450.715-
        1939-40.......•.••••.••...••.  5,OIJ3    .,••,86. 06  SO,944.05  899,130,11
        IMo-41 (4) ........•.••••••••  '"  2,437  252,542.40  1  23,012.84  275,555.24
        1941-42 ..•.•.••..••..•••••••.  •  3,187  804,979.30  43,200.09  848,179.45
        1942-43 .•••..••..• , ..•••.•••.  •  723  82,239.77   1('>,032.."iO  97,272.27
        194.3-44., ...••... , ..•.•••.••.  .,  4,1::13  751.999.01  155,458.29  917,467.30
        1944-45••••..••. , •..         8,086                 307,943.41  1.671,719.41 '
                                                1.363.170.00 1
        1945-46 .....           95     7.~:;6   2,4Q,'!.lBO.6:J  136.52ZA·1  2.545,003.121
        1946-47 ..              .3     4,J90    1,317,482.70  21,188.89  1.338,671.59
                        . . . . • . 1 '.....
               TOT.AL .•• ,           195,UO   26,664,1$4.69  6,821,783.36  33,485.,978.05
         (1) y com?ris $118.333.32 pa.yés po.r le gouvernement  (1) Includlng 8118,333.32 paid by the Fedl3J'al and
        f6dlral et ~e\\li df' J'    OntlLI'io governments.
         1::) y compris le cofl., de certaiDIi gr3mill ponts dont III.  (2) Includiltg ceJ'ttLin highwELY bri<4c8 o.utborized by
        construction, autorill.ée par 10. 101 21 Geo. \, chap. 5. ell.t  21 Geo. V, Cbap. 5, the C09t uf wllich i.'I entirely defrayed
        entitl,l'emont ll.Ull tro.Ï!l du gouvernement de Il' province.  by tlle Provincio.l Gove.llment.
         (3) y  nOD\[1ri~ $79,646.37 payés par le gouvernement  (3) Ineluding $79,646.37 paid by the Federal Govem_
        fédéral: $286,291.98 p-,yés par le gouvernement rWérll.l  ment; 1286,291.98 pll.;d hy the Fademl  IUld ûn(ll,OO
        et çeJui de J'Ontario et $26,389.58 payéll. par legou1;erne-  governmentl'land $26,389.58 paid by the FederalOovern_
        m-ant fêdéral et le O.P.R.           ment and the C.P.R.
         (4-) !) moil! senleme:at.            (4) 9 months ooly. de Rapport an1l.w~1 dw ml'f1il1tre de,  T1(1~aw::  Enract from A MU!ù H1'PU't of Ole Mirti&tn of Publw.
        Pflbli.t:a.                          Worka.
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