Page 513 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 513


           ~ revilllua provenant de l'enregistrement  The revenues derived from motor vehicle
         des véhicules moteurs dans la province de  registration in the Province of Queooc, which
         Québeo, qui avaient :fléchi en }942 et 1943,  ha<! ,hrunk during 1942 and 1943, recorded
         se sont orientés vers la hausse en 1944. En  an upward trend in 1944. During 1946, they
         1946, ils ont atteint le ohi:ff:re sans précédent  reache<! the llnprecedented figure of $9,551,467.
         de W,551,467.

           Les ventes nettes de gazoline accusent aussi  :Net sales of gasoline &lso show increases
         des augmcntatioll5 en 1944, 1945 et 1946 après  during 1944, 1945 and 1946 alter haviug
         avoir subi des diminutions en 1942 et, 1943.  suflered decreases in 1942 and 1943.

         lU---Revenu8 (1) provenant de la taxe SUl' la gazoline, au Canada, par provinces.
                 tO-Revenues (1) born Gasoline Tu, in Canada, by Provinces.

                  PROVINCES            1936-39      1940       194]
         lIe-du-P.-E ...  .... P. E. 1.....  o ••••••  • 267,9t9  • 300,842  • 254..722  351,579
         N.-Ec09se ...... .... Now. SCOtio. .••...• ,  2,199,810  2,8'i5,400  3,031,449  2,893,101
         N.-Bruns.....ick.........................  1,512,222  2,104,&36  2,052,234  2,081,277
         8~~~1~.·:::.:::.::::::::::::::::::::: :  19,325,792  26,508,291  27,fi41.457  11,506,921
         Manitob:\ ...........................  2,400,390  2,8C5.Q'4  2,736,158  2,678,149
         &sko.tehewan............  .. ... .....  2,118,068  3,318,036  3,340,357  3,~7,2S0
         Alberta...............................  2,760,OlS  3.221,715  4,212,.305  3,524,625
         Colombie-Brit... , ...B, Columbia, ......  3,143,714  3,759,B2Q  4,OO5,IH7  3,163,G26
         Yukon  ......... .... .. ,......... " ................ .... ........ . ...  14,.300  19.562
               CANADA•.... ,................ ,  41,527.107  56,179,113  59,579,356  56,82Wl
                  PROVIKCES                         1944       "45         ,"'.
         Ue-du-p.-E. ........P. E. I.. .... ... ..  0 325,988  • 300,7$2  0 364.663  • 4135,648
         N.-EeOllC''i'..•. ..... .Novu SCQtlo. ..  2,868,218  3,446,021  2,906,639  3,498,181
                    .. .................. ..
         N.-Brooswlck:                  2,101,013   2,122,312  2,101.072   2,832,391
         Québec             .... ..    11.803.248  11.801,5:36  12.949,(99  16,468,731
         Ontario:::::.::: : : ::: :: :: :. .... .....  26, &08. 29t  26.60~,291  26,B08,Z'H  3l,zaO.a77
         Manitoba............. ... ....... ......  2,018,149  ~ 678,149  2,681,5.~6  3,320,949
         &8ko.tchewaIl•.•. ...... ....... ... ....  3,a97,279  3,3f17,2'30  4,31l0,336  4,724,071
         Alberta .•.........•............• , .....  3,64.5,895  3,508,155  4,4-63,193  5,403,921
         Colombie-Brit... , , " B. Columbia. ....  3.m3.tl21l  3,763.626  4,:l30,M3  5,ti1i2, (JH4
         Yukon•• ,. , ... , .• ,. ,.,', ""'., .. ...  23,505  111,840  17.268  2B,E?12
               CAJf.'l.DA,."."" ,.""". ' .. '  57.215,33.1  S7.W,962  &O,W,6&O  71,W,205
           (1) A l'exelul,j<m de 130 ta.xe d'a.cci~e !~dé:raJe d~ S ~ntl:!  (1) ExclU5i'l"t' of t.h('. nominÎan E:.ccÎso to..l< Qf 3 cenl"
         par (l::l.lIon ilnpûli!ée le 30 avril 1041,  pel" geJJoD irnposed on April 30th, 1941.
           En. 1941, la taxe sur la gazoline avait rap-  During 1941, tl1e mx on gasoline had
         porté au Trésor de la Provinee la., somme de  brought to the Provincial. Treasul'Y the S\lffi
         $12,260,427. Ce ehiffre, qui constituait alors  of $12,260,427.  However. that figure, "'"weh
         un sommet, a cependant été dépassé en 1946  oonstitutOO then a peak, was exeeeded during
         alors que les revenus provenant de la taxe sur  1946 when the revenue derived fram the
         la gazoline, dans la province de Québec, se  gasoline, in the Province of Quebec,
         sont élevé, à $16,468,731.            amouuted to $16.468,731.
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