Page 324 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 324


               3-Vabur nette de la production au Canada, par provinces, 1938-45.
                 3-Net Value of Production in Canada, by Provinces, 1938-45.

                  PROVINCES            1938        1939       1940        1941
                                                    ,          ,
                                        $                                  $
         ~1~~~;~......:::::::::::::'.::::::::::  90,872,45[1  9,664.116  10,775.790  11,4·17,062
         N.-Brllrt8wick............  .  .  62,942.082  100,545.047  122,17\),203  130,297,302
         Québec.•...•. , ...............•...•...  723,948.195  800,772.624  968. 49:~, 049  1,254,004,590
         Ontario........•......................  1,265,800,211  1,313,617,318  1,571,4'.12,149  2,021,517,724
         }\.1allitoba......•..• _. , .........••...  142,434,162  143. sg9 .244  170,130,828  194,762,323
         Baskatehewan  _................•.  120.389.430  216,324,3."18  215,877,542  177,239,101
        "Alberta.. _"          '" •.  200,906, 189  199,771,754  23:;,153.134  230,681,177
         Col.-Brit......  .  '    .   236,234,399  239,487,4PO  285,001,018  370,945,912
         Yukon et Terr. N.-O.•.........•.......  4,275,161  7,141,179  1  6,409.680  8,246,282
             TOTAL"  ••• , ••••••• "  ••••••••.•.  2,862,194,418  8,105,517,937  J.CCl,02S,966  4,496,240,890
                  PROVINCE8            1942   1    '9_4_3  :1  '_94_4  '1  '_'_40_-__
         P. E. Island       ,     .   15,1 438 ,897  19\'54,100  18.$850,736  2O~6M,911
         Noya Scotia.,._          .   158,669,888  184,776,443  193,327,946  182,724.4.00
         New Bl"UOI!lw1Ck.,  -    .   111,071.300  127,477,333  135,376,199  133,954,112
         Quebec                  .  1,581,835,607  1.811.034,691  1,899,594,337  1,694.335,871
         Ootario.......     .     .  2,424.657.146  2.579,707,516  2,682,709,260  2,499,527,223
         Maoitoba                 .   268,437,971  28-i.876,üS9  313,093,535  288,008,923
         8ask(l.tClhewao        .     437,005,715  345,099, 184  528,818,265  364,706,923
        Alberta ..•.•.....•.....................  394.,933,661  n8, 108,886  415, 120.352  359,235,626
         British CoL... . . . . . . . . .  .. .. .  .  4~.W3,Ü4.  562,~8,lM  ~_9U.W8  M5,~8,548
         Yukon a.nd N. W. T    _..     9,630.295   7,818,293  f).134,538  4,656,166
             TOTAL .. _•.••••.•••.•.•...••..•.  5,884,673,904  6,250,830,759  6,7J6,972,3GG  6.083,872,812
         4-Pourcentages de la valeur nette de la production au Canada, par provinces,
         4-PercentageB of the Net Value of Production in Canada. by ProvinceB, 1938-45.

                PHOVI::'fCES      1\)38  1939  1 1940  11941  1942  1943  1944  1945
        I.-P··E .. ............. P.E. l ...... ..  0.29  0.31  O.2~  0.2.1  0.26  0.31  0.28  0.34
        N.-É .....  .... N.S..... ....  3.39               2.70  2.96  2.87  3.00
        N_-R..... ... .....  .. ::'f.R ...  .....  2.20  2:~t  2:~g  1  ti~  1.89  2.0·1  2.01  2.20
        guébcc..  ...... ....... .. ....  25 2.  25.98  26.42  27.89  26.88  28.97  28.20  27.85
        ( nT.ario... .. .. ... ... " ....  .....  44.22  42.30  42.86  44 ~7  41.20  41.27  39.81  41.08
        )'-Ianitoba ....           4.98  4.62  41\<  4 33  4.50  4.56  4.6Z)  4.75
        Sa.skatchewan. .....       4.21  6.97  5.91  3.94  7.43  5.,')2  7.85  6.DO
        Albel'ta . ..........      7.02  6.43  6.41  5.13  5.25  6.18  5.90
        C.-B..........  .":B'. é:...·  8 25  7.71  7.77  8.25  8.21  9.00  8.07  8.80
        Yukoo ot Terr. N.+O.. .....
                                                           0.15 1
        Yukoo and N ."".T..  .. .......  }1,:·::  0.23  0.17  ---------  0.08  0.08
             TOTAL ... .... ..... .. .. .. ...  100.0  100.0  100.0 1 100.0  100.0  100.0  :UlQ••
          En ]945, la 'valeur net-œ de la production de  In Œ45, the net value of production of the
        la, province de Qué s'élève à $1,694,335,871  PrO'vince of Quebec amounts ta $1,694,335,871
        soit 27.9 pour cent de la, production canadienne.  i.e. 27.9 per cent of the production of Canada.
        En 1938, la dernière année complète d'ayant-  In 1938, the last compleoo year preooding the
        guerre, la production nettf' de la Pro"inoo était  war; net production of the Province was
        de $723,948,195 et représentait 25.3 pour cent  $723,948,195 and represented 25.3 per cent of
        de la production nationale.           the·produotion of Canada.
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