Page 181 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 181

Cl>  ""'  Cl>       &':  ~  t>l,  '1>  ~  Z  c::  ~  '1>  ~  ....  '"  ~  ."  '"  :t:

                   Total  (1)  •  5,463,019  661.599  532,901  6,651,519  2,860,663  ,319  1,.')2]  468,010  1,1\.\5,132  263,327  6.'53,986  6,9&2,467  •  6.373,901  702,89.')  821,637  7,898,413  3,691,994  1,633,22\0  532,:W3  1,270,91:16  011,817  562,442  8,302,740  other  no

           1946.  1946.  1               1      1                        ---- ----- ---'--  Bcnolt,

           et      HOpital Saint·Michel  Arnhange  •  1,521,891  108,067  13:1,220  1,823,178  628,2~5  295,1.0  64,312  MO,924  79, lOG  429,'126  2,057, 543  $  1,356,91û  192,712  144,917  1,694,&35  687,184-  316,570  72.384  5la,222  7i.l ,552  :0116,895  2,017,807  Bt.
           1945  and  1    1  1                                               Retraite

           Québec,  1945  rrôpital  Sain~Julien  ,  161,31-1  2,793  18,155,  1&2....  72,716  58,820  21,40&  17,205  ,030  JJ  23,678  204,857  $  172,332  3,676  18,377  224,385  80,416  1'>9,GlO  24, Ufi  10,59]  20,320  31,975  ---  23&.028  La  of  lllld

           de  Quebe<:,  of  1  215,022  :274,674  11')9,212  153,979  173,191  110,357  1  238,174  523,640  61)8,0':'3  18'J.22i  229,211  508,228  111,497  hO>3pitaJ
           province  Provin<:e  1 Saint-Jeau~ Hôpital  de--Dieu  •  1,3&1.32&  1,904,024  737,973  592,8,')6  1,927,568  ',,:, 721  2,726,538  1,018,590  2,744.8J3  Federlll  of  report.  tltl'ir

           nerveuses,  1  Hôpital  Sainte-Anne  •  218,786  .'),887  67,366  1  292,039  ,  34 ,478  77,101  18,027  120,590  .... '42::200'  292,396  •  22f .025  8,MIl  61,881  294,9&7  ,1.'>,7.51  72,612  1~,99,1  142,92t1  ..24:000 ------ --'---- ------ ---._--  294.341  figuree  msde lw.ving

           et  Institutions,  P,o",",••,  HOBpit1),1  InBane  $  291,4W  239,S30  3.' 486  570,766  24ii.304  J43,407  71,732  86,085  .'48:325'  594,853  •  297,513  25\1,812  39,792  ,-----  597,117  27.'),680  153,941  74,5f11  92.9011  :1,777  48,075  '18,940  include Totale  hoepitals
           :mentales  Neurologi<:al  HÔpital  for Bordeaux  1  !j  4,  1  2~::7171  ,  220.717  JI0,836  60,834  21,216  :..7,831  ...  ------ --  220,n7  6  6  4-  4-  •  23G.91:13  23&,993  130,170  58,615  It\,0!)4  32,114  236,'J93  (1)  private

           maladies  and  9  1  1  ...  .......  .......  ...  9  9  1  1  -  St-Bl'nôlt.

           pour  Mental      ........    ..  '  ..  expeu!'e«.  ,   .......  l'xpen"et:l ..  Rrtraite  II),

           institutions  of  AlIowa.nces  .'  Hccciptll.  wages. Food................  wlltpr.  and  msintellance  expcn:~Pll.  .>\l1owllm'es.  Patients.  Receipts.  and ......... WIl,g08.  , and  waf,('T  mljillu;'lllLn(',c  expensps.  de  ct fMtlral

           des  Disburse:ments  R~câpt.~;  Goverllilll'ot  by  Puid  Other  Diebl~r~aTwnt,,;  Ijnrl Salaries  light  Heat,  Ot,hp"T  ImprovernelJ.f....  OUter  ...............  Rcr:{,ipl~:  GovernlDent.  hy  Pairl  Othl'f  D':s/;uT.~c'me,.IB:  SalaTie",  Food.....  ligbt  Heat,  Othcr  1mllTov<'rue.llt...  Otlter  .....  l'hôpital  tap~lI)rt.

           déboursés.  .ÉNL'M~RATION  ,                                       dc cL.iffrrs  fait

           et  and           GOIlyprnrmenl.  , ..  , .  .............  eml.· _  fina  Gouvernement  l'a..;.· .....  fin",.  le... pas  u'ont
           7-Recettes.  7-Re<:eipts  rlu  pll.ti('nts......  les  TOTAL.  g~es. NourriluTl'. lumi~rp,  d'entreLien. rlérllmsc~ D~Il"ns('.s d'amélioration.. ........  llutrp-""  TOTAl•.  du  putipnts.  Ie..~  Tl'c('t.tell..  TOUL.  gages.  pt NDl1rtitUl'e..........  lumiôrl',  rl'enl.retil'Il. rléJX"nBeB  d'a,méIioratioll.  ...utres  TOTAL.  lJomp

                           R(Çdl,~:  SubvenUoM  pIlr  Payé  Autre~ relJPttp,\O  Dibaut'86~:  ct Sa,la.iJ'{'!l  ChanIT!l.l!;e,  Autre..  Dl-pc~et:l pour  R~cettcll:  .sllhv('ntion~  Pal"  Payé  Autrl1s  DIJbQunétl:  Salllirel';  ChaulT!l.I!"l!.  Autres  Dépell",~i;  nl"pl'ni>c.~ POUl"  ---  (1) autrl'tl T,cB  Les
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