Page 174 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 174

160                SANTÉ PUBLIQUE-PUBLIC HK4LTll

        2--Principales statistiques des unités sanitaires de comté, province de Québec,
                                       1927-47 (Fin).
        2-PrincÎpal Stati..tics of County Health Unit., Province of Quebec, 1927-47 (Concl'd).

                         LABORATOIRE: Prélêvemrnt!l.- LABORATORY' 8ampleo
             Anuées      Eau       Lait    Pour diphtérie  Pour typhoïde  Pour 111bereuli)se
              -           -         -          -            -            -
             YE'lIl'l;  V\-'atcr   1'1iik   F" diphtel'ia  F" typJJoid  For tuberclliosis
        1929.  ... . . . . . ...  786  518                   115
        1030. ....       1,8.11    1,173                      84
        1931.            3,014,    2,200                     507
        1932.. .. .      4.697     4,742                    1.115
        193.'1 .......  ....  5.535  8,784                  2,399
        WH.              4,255     4,268                    2,449
        1935 ......      4,651     5.004,       615         1,117        2,114
        1936.            5,004     4,182        780         1,009        2,773
        1937.  "' ....   5,183     4.481        982          812         3.457
        1938.  . . " ... ..  6,581  5,817      1. 624       1,010        3.137
        1939 .... ...    7,685     9 ,231      4,818         g'4         5,846
        1940 (1). ... ...  1'6,264  l.1,344    3,207        4,362        9,385
        1941. ........ ...  8,374  9,231       2.003        2,754       10,171
        1942..     ...   8,083     0,237       3,326        1,870       10,397
        1943 ......      8.536     9,610       5,127        1,816       ID,113
        1944. ....       8,998    10,098       8,372        2,807       ID,241
        1945. ... ......  {J,047   8,713      18, UI        1. 754       7,940
        1$146. .. , .. , ... , , ..  {l, 2.03  8,928  7,485  2,254       8,289
        1947. .. ,... . , ..  9,698  9.479     4,642        2.{)l3       7,466
                                                                        Hygiène de
                                   Hygi?ne de la première Enfauoe      l'Age scolaire
                                           --                              -
                                        Child Hygiene      ,           9chool Hygiene
           Annêes                                     Visités  domieile
                             Clinique:>-Clinics            -
             -                                         Visited at home
            YEa,rs           1            Enfants                        examinés
                               Nourrissons  prE-'l.colaires    Enfants     -
                      Nombre    examinés  exami.nés  NOllrri.':ll'OD..'!-  prê-scolaires  Children
                        -         -         -         -         -        Examined
                      ~umber     Babiel<  Pre-scbool  Babies  pre-school  1
                                examined  ohildreu             childrell
        1920.   .. ...  403           7,37,,)             12,429         46,683
        193U.. ......   661          14,908               38.699         91,548
        1931. ... ... .....  1,039   2.'),34fJ            82,304         136,600
        1932. .. .. .......  1,700   39,0.,)3            117,322         152,678
                       3,708         83,083              173,340         163,28-3
        1933 . .... .. '
        1934 ....      4,275         92,538              171,800         107,894
        1935 .... .." ...  4.463  52,869   31,384    83,423    86.917    132,582
        ]936 ........  4.762     71,182    30,151   101,541   108,258    124,
        1937 ..  ..... ..  4.,774  72,713  33,340   118,430   111,061    137.316
        1938.  .... .. .  4.,788  72,49'll  37.389  115,542   117,419    143.084
        1939 ....      5,@3     96,104     56.941   118,053   126,989    159.657
        1940 (1). ... .. .  10,134  170,105  1{J8, 326  192,880  205,548  204,767
        H141. ... ......  7,088  112, 957  87,343   114,105   153,181    1I3,054
        1942....... ...  1,507  123,883   107,658   119,594   171,354    1l!i.985
        1943 ...... ......  1,334  127,813  93,884  125,637   115,910    134,585
        1944. .....  .. .  7,185  133,273  99,272   125,242   1i2,783    146,371
        1945, .. .. .. .....  7,900  137,323  105,513  125,531  Hi7,S31  133,437
        1946 ... .... ., ..  8,623  151,550  149,605  1Hl,750  159,580   130,638
        1047... .... .....  8,899  159,454  129.497  127,791  110,536    161,097
          (1) ....nnée eh·ile.  Anthieill'emeut, année ndmillis-  (1) Calendar year.  Previous\y, administrll.tive year.
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