Page 81 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 81
IS-Subsides pour les chemins de colonisation, par comtés électoraux, de 1938 à 1946.
IS-Subsidies for Coloni%ation Roads, by· Electoral Counties, from 1938 to 1946.
-COMTÉS 1 1938-39 1 193kO 1 1940-41 11941-42 1942;-43 1943-44 1944-46 1945-16
s S S $ S :> S
Abil.ibl. ....•...... 1.H<S.699 642,308 752,689 621,430 416,949 384.643 803,782
Argenteuil ' 36.b'97 15,320 1l,3ZO 6,653 3,948 8,273 3,172
Arlbabaoka ' 16.787 3.197 3.267 2,038 3,064 3.418 2,463
B811ot.. " : 18.122 547 , ..............•................ _ .
Beauce ..••....... , 42';>62 14,588 8.094 4,973 4,251 7.060 6,690 ~.} 'ïl~
BeUechBlloe , 35,760 W.717 22.047 6,67& 6,OlJi) 6,200 6,349 5:480
Berthier _ ! Il,038 3,43lS 6.4!i3 6,855 3,239 4,672 2,016 540
Bonaventure..•.•. '1 198,021 107,38S 60,618 40,514 37,726 28,903 30,266 28,726
Brome _ . 9,OM 6 g~~ ~gg 798 ::::::...... 323 ....•..... 796
Ch•.rnplain 1 7~;:m
CharlevoixSaguena:,..: 100:945 31,101 34,346 3'5',834 .... ù,3i-i .... 'a'2',Ô4â .... 39':Î'is
Chicoutimi .. _.. , .. 121,104 43,456 29,127 16,673 17.474 16,299 13,342 31,860
Compton . 20.779 li ,377 5,84lJ 3,610 6,431 18.727 17,446 12,M2
Deux-Montagneo..• 40,41\0 8,[,85 1,98t1 .... _. ... . 498 499 ., .. .. .. .. 1.004
Dorchester . 27,046 22,411 7,172 4,620 7,715 6,486 19,890 38,991
Drwnmond ..•..... 11,781 3,006 1.012 881 2,000 1,69l:! 4,315 6,104
FrontenllC . 39,213 14,431 10,061 8,654 9,439 10,026 3,991 14,081
Gaopé . 79.719.......... .. ..
Gaspé-Nord. _. " .. 272,707 122,257 13,474 30,240 26,001 24,997 26:Ù:i .... 42,720
Gaspé.Sud.. , " 117,r,35 lW,a17 16,626 31,427 22,155 21,753 21,677 22,668
Gatlceau , ., . 73,l3ll4 li:~~~ 8:7~: ~::~~ 7,872 .. ~:~~~ . . 6,600 3,640
Huntingdon .
IbervUle . .. ·1,s.,W 508 .
Iles·de-la-Mad . 44,021 7.i>to .. . . . . . . .. . ·.d66
JolieUe...... , . 63,030 27.528 4,366 1,998 2 503 .. 2:597 1,266 3',567
Kamouraek..8 ....•.. lO,517 11,001 4,698 1,972 3~130 3,891 3,299 5,534
LebeUe . 62,745 20.4lJO 14,703 5,825 6,S77 9,561 6.598 21,170
Lee-SlrJelln , .. 21,034 13,725 10,990 4,810 3,988 4,026 2,892 2.013
J,'A.sornption., . 5~:~~T, 4g:~~8 8:6ti:i '13',045 'ÙÙ159
Lav;olette . ·10.44g 6',389 9,840
LéVLo ...•.••....•. 3,171 724......... 250........... ..
L'lalet........• " . 44,843 22.245 44.618 33,602 24,175" 2&,671 ... "io.663 1 .. ·]().129
Lolbiniôre. , •...... 124,412 25,6a9 12.702 10.996 11,,':;0 7723 10,486. 7,212
Maskinongé . 24,511 10.333 10.676 9.704 4,;;';2 2:9f>;.i 4,072 1.3ô2 . 252,55(; 60,301 37,302 44.473 36,552 43.254 102,811' &ï,~12
Melnp&Ha . 164,307 61,138 38.0ô!0 24,461 26,338 16.107 30,525 32,(;42
M~RRntic . 66,205 21,397 23,239 9.379 9,062 8,468 18,276 29.430
MisPi!Quoi.~ : .. 6,230 3,698 481 . . . . .. .
Montcalro _ . 74,7U5 21.96U 8,74U 5,337 3,998' ... 6',4' il ..... 9',682 10,506
Monlmngny . 45,(,~~ 20,43~ 21,616 11,368 7.017 6,802 7,642 4.008
Montmorency . 11,~.~ 10.816 2,2OR 2,031 943 971, 1,961 500
Nicolet. . 28,3811 12,162 3,064 2.613 4,453 3,973 10,168 8.186
Papineall .....•.... 135.469 1)8,565 lO.83:i 6,111 5.3116 12,&21 2.524 15.470
Pontiao . S,I~1 5,171 7,468 3,970 2,790 3,811 3,608 1.7l4
Portneu!. . 53,"fi.~ 22,238 4,830 81,002 12,206 7,094 6,692 6.919
Québeo . 14,892 4,904 3,628 . 498
Richmond ..• , . 10,6m 5.4;;'0 3,141 2,2'J8 :i.982 ..... 'Ù'41 3.334 6.017
Rimouaki. . 204.&l-I 68,681 33,283 88,944' 107,151 65,730 78,572 56.141
Rivlêre-du-Loup . 22.80;. 5,680 5,(J.I2 7.Z68 6,112 4,679 6,688 (1)
RobervaL , . 104,543 52,558 43,929 27,406 . oH,70B 33,671 29,263 27,564
Rouvüle . 500 .
if~W;~~~[h~d~:::: ....................... , :.: .. _ 60.808····49·,147
BainlrMaur\oe.••..• 24.461 17,534 7,867 4,090 3.681 2,919 2.279 7,760
Bhcfford , .•• 2,465 734 .. . . . . . . .. .•........ . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .
Sherbrooke . 6.606 2,010 3,404 1,746 1,799 2,348 4,396 7,037
Soulanges . 1,169 , ...•......•.......... . ... '''0:639 28~:~\:g ':i6i.32 1 'Ùa',628 ili).026 85',370 '24,722
Témi8c8 mingue.•.. 524,416 '38',62i
Témiscouata ....... 2:H.971 65,46'1 79,159 77,481 143,OZI 110,993 133,618 50,605
Terrebonne.......• 4:1.901 15,541 10,941 5,768 4,136 6,311 3,289 10,501
Vaudreuil. . 8.186 80 3.021 ............•..... ,... . .
Verohères '" 6,9.';0 ~tm ll,m 8·,009·· ~i78 ..... 9',872
Wolfe . 21,017 'lùli4 10,944
YamBllka . 1,200
Divero-8undrie . 700 : : : : : : : : :: ù',i65 ïi.088 '" "Ù.i>2il 7'.524 1:1.207
Rembouroeroen ts... . ... ïi,774 41.299 17,470 .
(1) Coropris dan. lümouo-tl.ska. (l) Includcd in Ramouraska.
NOTA.-Les ehiffres d"" ano~es J034-35 à 1937-38 00 NOTI<.-Figures for the y...", 1934-35 (.() 1937-38 will
trouvenl à la poge 180 de l'Annuaire 1938, ceux <.le 19W- he lound at page 100 of the 1938 Year Book, for Ihe
31 à 1933-34, à la 170 de l'Annuaire 1(J:l,; , eeux de Y"'" 1930-31 10 1933-34 at 17001 the 1935 Year
1867 à \920 :\ la page 155 de l'Anouaire 19:11. Le. Book: for the yen", 1867 to 1920 at page 155 01 the 1931
ehilir'" pour les ann~(':; 1920 A 1930 ont été publiés da"" Yenr Book. Figures for the years Hl20 to 1930 have
le. édition. I\nouell•• des annunir.. J922 A 1932. been published yenrly in the annual ediLioo. of Ibe Yenr
Book Irom 1922 (.() 1932.