Page 80 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 80

64                          AD.'t! IN ISTRATlON

                                  TRAVAUX DE COLONISATION                 COLONIZATION WORKS
                              Parmi les arg-ents dépensés en 1945-46 pour  Among the exponses irHm l'ed during 194;3-46
                            travILnx (lc colonisal,ioll on note une l'omme do  for colonization '"..orks, tbere are two main
                            $1)241,418 appliquée li" ID, construction) l'amé-
                            liomtion et l'entretien de chemins et dc ponts  items Le. $1,241,418 for tho construction, im-
                            de colonisation et un montant de $2!J4,410 af-  provement and maintonance of colonization
                            fecté à des travaux d'essouclJement et do labour  roads and bridges and $294,410 for mecllanical
                            mécan.isés.                          stmnping and ploughing.
                              En 1945-46, le ministère de la colonirotion  In 1945-46 the depa.rtment of colonization
                            8, construit 57 milles de cllclIIinf< neufs, amélioré  MS built 57 miles of new roads, improved 883
                            883 milles de chemins existants et entrctonu  milcs of existing ronds and repaired 2,534 miles
                            d'autres chemin!; sur une longueur de 2,534
                            milles; il a aussi construit 44 nouveaux pouts  of other ronds; moreover, 44 new bridges were
                            d'une longueur de 2,621 pieds et réparé 113  built and 113 othor bridgCf; repaired,  Kew
                            autres ponts.                        bridges reached o.len~th of 2,621 feet.
                              De plus, une supe;>rlicie de 18,407 acres 0. é-Ui  Also, an area of 18,407 /l-cres hn~ been stump-
                            essouchéo par les 30 \ractems préposés il. ces  ed by the 30 tra.etors used l'or that work.

                                    14-Travaux effectuéa aur lu chemina de coloniaation depuia 1909.
                                           14  Work Done on Colonization Roads since 1909.

                                                                                    P"y(' llG -  Paidlhy
                                           OU\T(:rt..~  P  chc,'('8  Chetllin!l  Poot.
                                          en c.hemins  ~n dlCr;niu9  rliPl""I!u  et ponCf;[lUX  Je ~UVf'roe-  le~ nlunjcÎ-
                               ANNeES       d'bi\'èr  dfJ r 11 fIe                   nu!nt    ""li lJ
                                                                Hoacls    Bridge      (1)      -
                                YEARS     \Vioter Ron.d~       Hcpaired    and               Municip, .
                                           Opened                         CuJV(lr\.a  Govm"nment  iti••,
                                          fllilJerml      Il       miles  pieds iect  S         S
                            ln09-IO....... , ..  1:1~.47  17 .:,j  o.Ga     15,!IQ,1  170,000  17,MO
                            1910-11. ..........  l77.5n  2·10.88  412.19    l.~l 52:\  ZlH,cSf")H  16.:.!a4
                            1911-12...........  1fl6.&l  2~D. 52  387 .27   la,457   22S.:1:17  9,:1.;5
                            1!l1.2-la.........  1:J8.l8  InS.!!l  24G.00    13,an7   217.200   Il.ti04
                            19l.:J-14 ...........  14R ..12  :.lB. a  221.08  12.225  ~4~J. ,',,15  }5.4·13
                            1914·15 ...........  17S.b6  152.50  2()~.!)O   12.1:Jn  :!·2.>.oon  8,50:3
                            191.,;-16 ...........  1,,4.'15  In.G2  261.;;0  }2,!l62  2{~):OOO  13,360
                            10JU-17...........  l\l:1.6:1  216.:11  373.33  12.01~0  2.jO, 000  10.07.;
                            10J7-18 ...........  16U.64  J76.-ll  3:\7 .i~  H'.ISl   :mS,04R   20,a:.!s
                            1911>-19 ...........  2SS.00  279.07  359.1:;9  Hl. 454  ;,a·l.!!:i,;  24.:m9
                            1919-20...........  277.45  aa2.91   509. :j.)  20, MS   700,000   44,ODI
                            1920-21. ..........  411.33  0190.32  512.66    21. 4:;7  1.4:l6,097  77 ,3:J;l
                            1!l21-22............  ,-I.;:!,74  712. I~  ~\)5.07  32.901  2 ,OI.H ,000  6S. li;:j
                            .1922-23 ...........  561.42  .33    800.00    2!l,47U  2"1,,4,000  fi2,(107
                            1923-~4 ..... , .....  536.00  4711.:1O  706.89  25.09!l  2,1I7,HfJ:l  :\7 .osn
                            102-'\-:t5 ......•....  42!l.49  ~ a.l0  7S:l.41  H).706  1,5O·~ ,000  rH,~14:..!
                            1!J2:3-20 ........•.  2.18.32  2:l(I.~5  7~7.29  12,422  !I:l\I.OOO  27, 74~
                            1!126-27 ...........  i(~g:U  2:l11.02  1i!l3.34  13,141<  \)US,~()(1  ~i;,lin
                            1!l~7-2R ...........       26R.'17   !l:lO.BO   13, 7~7  i';O\),OIlO  '12,60~
                            1!l2!i-2!1...........  IR!. 73  22;L07  IHO.64  20,n7l  l, \O~,OOO  101.821
                            1!l2!l-30 ........  lf,{i. n~  :!:t2.7r>  l, ~tl~. OJ  23,726  l, :1,)1', 000  II 1.170
                            1\):;0·~1...........  121.04  219. R()  1. ,-,'In. 16  21,2\12  1 ..113.17"  98,74.'5
                            HI.'31-32 ...........  3:J:l.!l:J  :~7~$ ,t\:i  1,7:Jl.1l  1!l.17S  2,SI6.U7l;  71.881
                            19:12-:J:J(2) .........  1!l5.6~  2I'>S.'\5  577,10  23. W:l  2.n.t.•. 170  22,6·IA
                            1!l:l:l·:H ...   1011. ·14  la2.21   0:;0.24    13,574  (1)  ;;1:3,1:H  12,46-1
                            1934";1.~..........  171.0.;  1:13 .~O  1,015.:J6  20.2\10  1,070,000  19,7:12
                            193;'-36 ...........  46.19  Of). ,;7  1,2:13.010  Ili.(;83  !l27,7M!  28, ~r)~
                            HI:lG-37 ...........  62:\.91  :1~O.ll  <>44.:\0  12,72~  1,912,36!J
                            19:17-3-' ..     01:1.:JO  SI'0.3·[  2,:\l9.0S  41,3:;8  4. &'\l!.I, 12l
                            1935-~9.....     ·10R.9a   s60.01   2 ..)(j!1.16  3·\,2,'S  5,6,;7,310 ............
                            19:m-JO ....     270.13    3,;o.·H  2,2lH.26    16,7;)5  2,.120,.",20  ..........
                            1940-41(3) ........  17.~.f};-l  14') .97  :l4!1,ll4  9,017  l.SU,27.5 ............
                            1941-42 ...........  IHi,RG  lOI. 17  l ,Rut ,3,';  3.X,;3  1,;H  ............  -
                            1942-43 ...........  1;2.01)  23U.00  1,75' .00  2,281  1.207, ;,47
                            1943-H...........  1;(>'0,;  ·;.!!5  2,145.85   2.312   1.0lS6,648  .............
                            1944-4.5 ...........  52.28  -t  ,3R  2,Z4 1. Il!l  1,370  1,120.150  ............
                            1!l45-46 .........  50. S.)  , 3.4:;  2. 53:J. 73  2,621  l,2'1l,·118  ............
                              (1) 8ub,idc ordinaire .culement.     (1) Only nrdinary Euh.idy.
                              (2) y  (~oJOpris le., travaux effef'.tu~a A m~mp. le 11100-  (2) Including work paid for out of amouot al10Lted
                            lant affl!c:t,é A. l'litllhli~se.mrnt de ehÔmCUl1' industdelA.  for aettiioK unemployed workrocn.
                              (3) 9 moie ~eulemertt..  L,e~ chiffres deR lon~ueurs oe  (8) 9 mon\h. ooly.  Lengt], figurCll include only pan'
                            c.omprenDeot Qu'un~ pnrtie des trava.ux faits par le d6·  of ,,'orks done by the Roads Department.
                            ps.rtement de la voirie:.
   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85