Page 40 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 40


                             2 -Superficie de. terre8 agricole., boillées ou improductives du Canada, par provinces.
                               2-Area of Agricultural, Forested, or Unproductive Land in Canada, by Province•.
                                                      (en milk.i catré~ -  in ,9<1,1If.lre luilf's).
                             r NO'.u::-Oomm.e Il a'n,gît d·p.~timnlon.s, il nr,r:t. prNAra  N01'1:1:-\Vheo the~e è..~timal,e;;l ure ~1Ilnt,cl1. lh~~' should
                             bic. lorsqu'ol'J l1tiLi'i'I,~n.. )('-8 clli1Trcr.s cj-d~~ OUô, d'l\rroudir  be furtue,[' rouLlded olT to! rtea.rC'3t square
                             I~' deu.. ueroiem.                   miles.

                                          De!;cripllOn        iVIarhi-                          Clllladfl
                                                               m ,.,                      Be     (Il
                             T8RHEf; AGRICOLES  AGHlCULTUHAL
                                (2)'            LAND (2):
                               OCC!~Jl'=n . ...••.• , ...  OCCl,picd .,...... ..  13,983  ;'1 ,222  3~1, 9c 1  187 ,7G~  6,;;O~  271,195
                                DMrichôc"i et l~1l pa-  Jmproved and pa.t~
                                 turnge     .     UJ"e . .•......... <  G,792  1 J ~fiO;·)  28.1\42  177,0-12  ot,71·9  ~;j(i,ot03
                                Boi.'ifeB   .    Foreste<! .. , ....  7.101  9 q ;H7  6,O;m  Hl'. 1;61  l.5!>!  31,792
                               Inm.'c7.lp';fj  .  l/noccup1f'd  i  ••       U7.881l  12~ ,001   2iG,729
                                HerhC3;, brouB3c, etc.  Gra.qs, b'ru~h, et.o  .  ),899  411,ilOï  'l1'>,816
                                BoiAé'!~L   .   Fore.ted ...... ,  ..       J}l,UOO  Sil ,000   210,913
                                   TO'I'AL .....••... , .. ,.               102,870  312,310
                               Non boisôes •.......  Non-fore.led .. ,  ,  ZO,iO,;  3t,&U
                               Bois6es    , .  FOTe~tcd  ,  L  ••    ~6,210  w.!;,D\l9
                             'l'ERRES nOISÉES·.  FonESTf~D LAND:
                               Boil'i. t.r.ndrc:  Softwo  .
                                Vt!ndn.bI6  .    l\lordtll.f119bJo .. '"    ;1t'j, ~OO  Il,0;;;0
                                JeUfl0- hf.:i~  .  YU<lH/lll:l'Owth.        2Ü.;{OO  ;m,fiOO
                               flots mixt.e:    )Iix  wood:
                                Vendable  .      l'.'  01  (:lble•....  7.!l70  2l ..,  2~. 100  12.1.1\0  70.llll
                                .Jeuue bnis  .  II';;dLU\IJ:~''lh....  G,fUO  ZO,  67.·100  ·1-. \I·lU  IJ.l.7~0
                                Vendable. , . _.  r.-tel  n~llu r! ... ••  :':,Il'j,1  2 ."'~U  0.QOO  «.11\0  (a~  22,;175
                                .Jellne boi..s" ..  ),'oung ~rowlb  .  l,SfiO  '::,7,',0  lIJ,200  »2.370  ,~  SI,3SQ
                               ])roù uet jvns ......•...  Produçtiv,~  .  3·1, IGO  ;jO:?7nO  Ij"~.  l  l6V.!i60  .'>,IlOO  RI;l, IJO
                               Improducl ive  .  CnproducL .•. ,  .  :HO  GU, "no  6:1,100  1~O,060  121;.5CO  47'7 .~50
                               T~nHr€'i:        Tenuro:
                                Pr(lpfjf!f.l~ J)l'h"ée ....  J")rivat cly o nH~d  .  19,!l21i  26,620  11, 210  32,001  (,j,-n  1 100,175
                                Tcrr  dlJ la Couron-
                                 ne    .         Cro..'" land  ,  .         "2 ..!JUO  277, ,)211 , ~07,' , t  l, 190,785
                                                                                   309,620  214,.50 ' î~'290,!J60
                                   TOTAL .......•...... , ..•... ,  , .1----
                             Terres pro<iudiv", (ot)  .  l'l'ouurl.j,,c \..nd «l  ,  ,~'}.7 ,2f)f)  222.110  l ,~03, 1 9
                             [neull"" et. "ulr•• (5),  .  \\'l1ste anù otbor.r (5j  1  17!'1.~j  I:j( ,l~,  Il,Sti8. ()2.1
                                   GRAND T-QTAL ..•.......•.... .•....•••••  363,282  706,498  !59,279  3,462,103
                               (1) y eOn)t"i. 10 YukoI> ct le.• Territoire", du Norrl,  CL) Yul\l)(l o.nd North West TArrltori~~ included.
                               (2) Ael uclk, el potc.nlicl\,·•.     (2) l'nllillnl aod p"LellliB!.
                               (3) 'l'l'''. l' ou o(,gligcablc.  (3) Very  "",1\ or o.gJigil>lc.
                               (-1) TotM dea I,er  ;li Qgriooll'.3 et bùi.'i"e,s m(lihlt les terres  (4) Totnl a!:rieultul'a1 nod COl'c.ted land 1_ forœted
                             t1grievlt~ bu' . .                   n;z:.rieull u('al In.ud.
                               (5) CUlnprelld muskegBI  piern'ii. tracée de rotltœ,  (5) Innludca open mw:.keS I rock. read alLowaoce8 1
                             1err"~ urbo.i oe~f et o.             urban land. elc.
                               E;d.l"tlit. dl'" 41 nrlUllire du Canada., J +Bi  Extraol (rom. Canada l'Mr Book, J946.
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