Page 304 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 304


                                         3-BILAN                          3-BALANCE SHEET
                            Le taNeau suivant indiquo II\, valeur des  The foilowing tl1.ble shows the value of prop-
                           biens et l'ételldue de~ dettes des ffil1nicipalités  erty and oxteut of indebtedncss of thé city
                           de cité, en 19'14.  Au tableau 14, le lecteur  mullioipalities in 1944.  The reader will fj.nd in
                           trouvera une recapitulation depuis 1934- dEl  Ti1.ble 14, a SIlD1mary of Msets and Iiahilities
                           l'actif et du passif de toutes les municipalités,  of ail mlloicipa1.ities sinee 1934.  They are first
                           d'abord réunil;ls, puis groupées par genres.  given in t<ltal, than grouped by kinds.

                                            13 -  Bilan des cités de la Province, en 1944.
                                       13- Balance Sheet of the Cities of the Province, in 1944,
                                                       Actif-A••e~.             Pn••iC-Linbilitie.
                                  CITtS        Compto d.  Compte de       Compte de  Comp~e dll
                                    -            capitnl  revenu           apitnl   rOvenu
                                  CITIES                          Totnl                      Total
                                                Capital  Revenue           Capital  Revenue
                                                Acaount  AOl!Dl1lUt.      Account  AccO'Unt
                           Arvirln.       .               20,1, ],';7  l. 27~.909 1$  6!!'!,009  ], .'i. 305  SO"l,Sll4
                           CÏl~-tlerla·MadeJeinc .. , .   135.321  l ,n~,2&9  l ,~. 799  I~'U. G  1,  2,15S
                           Chiec,utiml. .                 3U.1l52  ;).~. ,U16  2.2>.11.0,,7  1111.1:tn  2,1",6 1 :1
                           Drummondville.                 155.736  1, R~:l, G:jU  l ,&:l:J .;Hi,~  1~.122  2,OO9.-l,110
                           Cn\nh.y..  .  . ..•......       1'1 ,098  I. :':~J. 3()fl  ~55, </7;'  91,329  93G.A01
                           Crfl.ut!' Mère  .              ij·L060  Z,ï.54.IU(;  2,;;f)],O:IIJ  9!I.7::lU  2.601.37
                           fTul\..".  .  ,    ,           119.073  6,O~s. 102  7,2(l!i.I>4·j  S.4ü6  7,3H.J40
                           Joli··Lt,,,...  .  ,  ,.        00.316  2.17ô.5\l2  1.22l,1>75  ï.331  1. :!'l.,\I, 206
                           Laehi1Je., .                   10::,6()()  ';,617,511  6, 2,;;;{ ,0.10  469,3'1O  6 r iJ'!:.!,3!JO
                           L(.\';s.,   ,  .               2'll3,465  1.O~q.·j79  1,Z/U,['0  181.406  1,100,972
                           l.ûnguellil ........•..        Jli ,04 1  ,2, ~()(j , "G6  2 . OI~ , 1  HZ, ID:!!.'o.,;) 6
                           MOIll~I  _     ,.            62 . ~lSJ) 0 L7 24.5.007. 311  2~:l. 0·1.) 1ZSO  56, 7;".~j ,.57;J  2~'.S:l-l, ",3
                           Ou.trclmoDt.  .                1100,920  8,913.170  5,618.~  %1/.920  0 , 7S,,'iO,i
                           Quo        .                 4.0  ,933  19.  42,631.7  4..6I. ,.057  47,2-113, Sr,
                           Rh·l~re-d\l-Loup  ,  .         151.5:n  1,ft,~,',.jljf,  J,OlS,MS  lU,'. 526  l, 7~3 .OS·!
                          S.I'  . rry·dc-Vnlle~fièld ..   8-f, 746  2, L .707  !' ~9!, .. 1  10.070  1.723. III
                           Rhf\wi(li~:Ul Falls .....      226,7  5,,-R:J .1107  ",1'1.1.  ~O  197.792  5.7tl,IU2
                          Shl~rhr(Joke.                   1;6-1.246  9." 0,22:1  0,  tl,1~3  903.0.3\  7, "~9 .~S·'
                          Sùl"d, •.............. ,  .     HiO, :lï6  11 ,~7 ,170  1,552.. 0  1  I:J6.9S!l  1.tl80,07S
                          St-IJy"cin~be .. , .. ,  , .,   200,1;',2  a,  ',654.  ~.2  191. ().5.1  2,· If ,785
                          St-Jeau      ,  .               JW,I05  2,430,;;07  1,~07,2~9  2,1,5  1,331.1l(\7
                          Sl-F,amberl  , .......•.        494,492  1,01'(l,126  3,6!Xl,174  .f70,~2!J  4.074,003
                          TbeHoTd Mines  .                86,939  SO'1 , 750  4:11;,000  l.'i2, [:-61  ,)88,564
                          Troi$-Rivièrcs  .             1,175.SI0  Il,400.349  ]3,4.06.0·.2  S08,5flS  14.,214 ,640
                          Verdun     .                  1,571, lOS  Il,71:l,6;ol  D,551l, 100  1.'I.;9,19S  JI, 015,:J07
                          ",.C'dtrnount. ,  .           r, 279 ,·162  '14 ,":'I;{,O~  1~,2,~:l,:ilIO  1.245~!!51  14,498,811
                              TOTAL.,    .     326,062,397  76.91G;"m "02,978,571 1 359,698,968  69,721,035  429,420,003
                                  14--Bilan des corporations municipales de la Province, 1934-44,
                               14--Balance Sheet of Municipal Corporations of the Province, 1934-44.
                             ANN"tES        C"mpte       Compr,e          C<Jmpte  Comp~e
                               -           de capital   do revenu        de ca])ita.l  de revenu
                             YBARS           -            -       Total     (2)     -       To~al
                                            Capitnl     Revenue           Capital  Revenue
                                            Accouut     Aecount           ACCOUDL  Accounl:.
                                           TOUTES MUNICIPALIT~-ALLMUNICIPALITIES
                                              $                                      S        li
                          1944      .     408,1I;r·.,4~O  87,8'~2.068 1-196.0~,5117  80,007,9QC,  506,S7I,974
                          1943,.,  , .. , ..  555,1 2-l ,2iMl  6x,225,786  623.350,0<>4  11.:;,327,795  647,S5:i,I4.O
                          1!J.I2 ..       o18,54.3, I.~!l  8;1'3-I9'~921701'S()2'681  (". ,1l1',1 16  66.1,l;)ij~,"02
                          liI·II,   ,     615,OG7,2N    ~f,.7~4,~~R  701,451,786  !l7.127,177  G5~h8tl.g,723
                          19'10     .     611.981,,; "0  8~.OOo,ZN  699,91' L85-l  103,927,722  ü58,8H,403
                          1939      _     599.11'14.,785  5:l,li9'i,598  682,880,3R3  94,529.032  041,327,330
                          10,18 . ....•...• ,  (1) 5a~.M~,M1  1) 1>8,514! 43  657,OGl),!i8"  77.948.917  6.17,554,765
                          1937   _..•.    5,16,437,394  Hl4,513.ZIIO 1640,96o,663  66,512,795  001,437,033
                          1036,     , •   523,WI,08fJ  119,163,S'!l3  642,332,968  79,0:36,017  595,880,845
                          1935  ,'  ,     498,70~,212  116,817,~ 3  614.,61\1,495  1l9,207,372  681,170,602
                          1934.     .     492,522,618  Il 6,948.048  608,470,060  89,389,657  67$,192.415
                            (1) Voir note (1) p~ge 284.          (1) SeG foot-no~e (I), pair(! :tS-L
                           (2) ED 1944, (" detle  oblig~t"i," est comme ouit:  (2) In 1944, bonde~ indeMne.. is "B foUows: oWeB.
                          •illos $;lOll.~·~I~),(J'·9, villes: ;;;Z4,8G7.:n 9, autres SI 0,66·1,929.  $306,2(/\1,0!f.l, tOWD3:  $24,867,:n9, other  510,064,929.
                          CeR <:thîffr~ ne comprennent pas la Bornme de iJ ,92/',180,  Thes. figures do oot inolude aD amouDt of 51.927,180 of
                          d'oblillaLioD. écbues.               pa.~ due bond•.
   299   300   301   302   303   304   305   306   307   308   309