Page 303 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 303

282                            FINANCES

                             12 -  Revenus et dépensell des corporations ITlunicipalell de la Province, (Fin).
                            12 -  Revenue and Expenditure of Municipal Corporations of the Province. (Con eL) .

                                                Revenus-RevenUê              D6pen.e.-E.penwLure
                              ANNJf:ES   gél1~ralp.8,
                                -        .p()eia!e.  Autre.            Service de  Autr••
                               YEARS     e~ o.utrea  revenue            ]a dette  dépcnRc.
                                           -         -        Total      -          -        Total
                                          8pecial   Other                DohL      Other
                                         $d other  Revenue              Service  Expendi ture.
                                             MUNICIPALIT~8 DE CITÉ-CITY MUNICIPA LlTIE8
                                           $         $          Il        S         $         $
                           1944.          42,4:>7.023  24,730,78t  67.1QO,801  23,fl47.0(G  38.4~8,376  G2,37:>.392
                            1~43.         ·!~.53!),I:lS8  22,4S1.9f-iO  (lé,O!\' 'r.~  23,SG5,:1I1  :lli,nO,IM  1lO,OaM76
                           lUi:! .. ........ , .  4:1,0.;2,:Ja3  21,3:, 1.,27.;  6·\,:I.~:j,l>6  22,7on,:JO:1  31l,OH2,1l!!ü  60,801,993
                           1941. ...........  40,44 ~IO) 5  2~j,0Ijl,6!i 1  6:i,HO,MiQ  23,262,803  3U,œ2..132  r.Z.2~5.235
                           1940 ..•.........  38,608,430  2.;.566,200  64,174,6 (1  28,7!i.'i.305  3'1,6;;3,923  1i3,HO,na
                           1939 ............  37.14.0,5!j4  22,044.023  5fl,18.f,1I71  27,770,779  31 ,504,2~17  59,275,076
                           1938 .... , .......  33,.5~9,12(1  21,f.2().905  5.'},07G,IJ31  23,931,732  30,2QO,1.;8  51,221,890
                           1937............  n,756,7fi9  19,~28,74g  53,~84,Wà  22,81J7,.>IO  30,427,027  5:1,2:H,5:J7
                           1936............  :J3,4H.199  18,377,425  51,822,624  21,811,007  29,920,421  5],7:11,478
                           1925..... " , ....  27,818,956  18,280,27]  46,U99,227  22,303,272  29,1i2i},:l20  51,929,592
                           1934............  27,4~6,750  18,018,740  45,4,45,490  21,860,373  29,269,343  51,135,716
                                           MUNICIPALIT:f':S DE VILLE-TOWN MUNICIPALlTIES

                                           $         ~          $         $         S         S
                           1944 ...       5,3ilZ,021  1.S~~,9,~  7,227.6Sd  2,002,fj80  4,MO.427  7,5:1:1.116
                           1943 ......... , ..  5,37,),OG8  1.~{.II':''V'-'  7,2:>4,35G  3,1:>7,419  4,IS;·,.%1  7 ,3·1:>,2~:3
                           19'12., ....•.•...  5,214,167  2,.'<la,2lil  8,027,377  3,]!){>,144  5,3:l~,G47  8;52~j,7!)1
                           I!HI ......•..•..  4,7G5,S'i3  2,l)fl~U~:~~  7,4I.l,I\81  3,11"~513()7  4,712,013  7,gf,7,380
                           1940 ......•.•..•  4,51i},710  2,5551~H:)  7,072.059  3,123,010  4,546,928  7.U70,838
                           J939 ...........  4,2G5,G14  2,410,02(;  6,û75,M.0  :J,019,937  4,21O,B<l0  7,260,777
                           (93S ............  4,O57,Oll  2,3,,}5,240  6,412,251  2,972,Ol6  3,906,432  6,9G8.448
                           1937............  3,787,8(l8  2,151,701  5,939,500  2,864,2,>8  3,540,486  6,404,744
                           1936 ............  3,490,578  2,072,332  5,'662,1110  2,829,615  3,33:j,279  6,ltl2,8Q4
                           1935.......... , .  3,051,522  2,004.696  Il,6116,118  2,971,999  3,337,685  6,309,684
                           1934............  3,452,079  1,9U2,987  5,355,066  3,~2,260  2,921,372  Il,963,632
                                           MUNICIPALlT~S RURALES-RURAl. MUNrClPALITrE<3
                                           s         S                   $          li        $
                           19H....        ~,896.: i>{l  2,1I2,UUI  7,~09 ;1741,  1,097,851  5,80G,436  6,904,287
                           104.3...       4,WI,746  1,87G,S:l:!  0,'111,679 1  1,I:lIi.921  .5,142,476  6.279,307
                           1942 ....      4,35<1,2:1O  1.G~~~,,:i5t'  U,n46,7 S  J,lU2,O!i3  4,712,097  5,1l04,7r,0
                           1941 ........... ,  4.186,!}51  1,,).18,821  ;),7:15,377  1,161,31lU  4.4R7,401  5,6-18,841
                           1940 .... , .......  a,808.!!03  1,(;29,410  5,408,213  1,248,4liO  4,232,847  5,4. 1,307
                           1939 ...•.....•.•  3,825,540  1,771,0.51  5,603,191  1,225,574  4,40!1,433  5,635,007
                           1935 ............  3,771,641  1,834,1:'0  5,605,711  1,240,2"S  4,571,752  5,818,040
                           19.17............  3,,~99,292  1,546,735  Il,146,027  1,36'2,427  4,051,495  5,41:1,922
                           1936............  3,5&:1,439  1,86R,6411  5.432,984  1,3111,gOï  3,nR4,t07  Il,303,314
                           1936............  3,606,6.17  1,~.57.733  Il,664,270  1,339,707  4,~32,\149  .5,672,656
                           1934 ......... ,. ,  3,546,1189  1,0211,697  5,173,286  1,480,978  3,4-10,314  4,927,292
                                           oS        $                   $          S         li>
                           19H ...          Z:I,OOG   1I,Jll~   a.~.4IH    4,135    32,014    30,HQ
                           ]!)].3 .. ..........  311,030  1J,1~  42,2:lS   3,9.;2   37,231    41.1 '1
                           1~112 ...........  :JO,2'[7  16,1o!i  4:0,07    1,678    30,650    41,32.,'
                           1941. ...........  42,542   7,3i1~l  4D,~ .>     220     IJ[),427  45,647
                           1940........ , ...  11,349  3,150    14,409      liS     14,415    14,593
                           1930...          10,818     ô.731    10,U9       149     15,862    16,011
                           ]938 ....... , ....  9,820  3,047    la,407      241     14,051    14,292
                           1037............  Il ,2811  J,93~    13.224      1~5     11,(185    11,850
                           1031).. , •..••..•.  1O,54G  3,i}Sfl  14,226     133     13,065    13,198
                           19311............  0,9;17   3,:2ti7  13,174      162     11,830    12,001
                           1934........• , .•  10,130  1,7(;5   l1,B9.1     21)6 '1  9,703    10,029
   298   299   300   301   302   303   304   305   306   307   308