Page 136 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 136
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d'enfants Number of ChiJdreo ramille paT 1 par Family 2.99 2.97 3.23 3.65 2.50 2.01 3.14 2.83 2.33 2.92 3.03 3.02 3.45 4.19 2.70 3.20 3.38 3,09 2.4S 3.22 2.85 2.90 2.79 3.22 2.36 2.50 2.65 2.45 2.23 2.&8
Nombre - Total 41,871 247,623 208,139 1.521,774 1,46Q,827 331,693 4a8,8Ul 338,379 262,883 (,881,05Cl 32,628 136,tl(J3 148,,419 Cl23,867 600,691 197,093 331,614 220,165 116,271 2,40G,4U 9,243 110,960 59,720 897,907 869,136 134,600 127,247 118,214 147,612 2,474,63'
193L 1931. 1 et~W1 12 12 OVe! 16 159 175 2,866 339 147 341 156 21 (,220 14 99 148 1,832 203 132 316 144 10 2,198 2 60 27 1,034 136 15 2~ 12 11 1,322
en in 11 & 47 219 272 3,428 557 2054 600 201 61 5,5045 34 148 227 2,057 345 221 448 180 38 1,708 13 71 45 1,361 212 33 68 21 23 1,831
provinces, Provinces, 10 1 82 473 572 6,002 1,358 537 1,048 481 122 10,675 66 305 463 3,491 808 4.17 920 410 74 6,9M 16 168 109 2,611 650 80 128 71 48 1,681
par by Children 9 1 1 164 926 1,118 9,952 2,859 1,045 1,894 991 303 19,252 127 547 934 5,562 1,575 845 1,648 837 186 --- ------ --- -- 12,261 37 379 184 4,390 1,284- 200 246 154 117 6,!I91
Canada, Canada, d'enfants 01 8 1 276 1,665 1.718 14,858 5,621 1.865 3,4W 1,796 64S 31,876 226 970 1,387 7.702 2,957 1,411 2,912 1,438 392 1.9 ,395 50 696 331 7,156 2,664 404 517 358 256 --- ------ ----------- 12,481
au in suivant Number 7 1 478 2.820 2,747 21,250 10,511 3,198 6,240 3,168 ],239 50,651 384 1,622 2,12~ 10,284- 5,215 2,368 4,257 2,487 691 2',413 94 1,198 622 10,966 5,296 830 983 681 648 21,2U
recensées Families of nombre le - FoUowiDg the 6 1 FAMILIES 724 4.249 3.908 28,796 18,128 5,162 8,026 5,204 2,025 ------ --------- --_. --- -------- 76,822 FAMILlES 5i4 2,382 2,976 12,571 8,609 3,589 6,298 3,896 1,339 42,234 FAMiLlES 150 1,867 932 16,225 9,619 1,573 1,728 1,308 1,286 14,5IllI
familles Children, ayant Familles Having 6 1 FAMILLE5-ALL ],120 1,557 6,346 5,359 7,388 38,071 32,080 8,447 11,876 8,332 6,171 116,801 RURALE5-RUItAL 873 3,553 3,885 15,083 14,221 5,340 8,885 5.8-42 2,682 ------ --- 60,264 URBAINE5-UItBAN 247 351 2,792 1,474 22,988 17,859 3,107 2,991 2,490 4,680 2
dtis of Familles 4 1 DES 9,401 9,808 49,9a2 66,275 12,954 17,891 13,637 10,000 178,9].5 1,200 5,027 6,151 6,~18 17,717 23,466 7,512 12,602 8,807 4,532 86.070 478 4,374 2,237 3,290 32,215 32,809 5,442 9,350 6,289 8,659 92,865
d'enfants, Number 3 2 1 ENSEMBLE 2,212 3,184 13,160 18,900 13,741 66,224 84,809 95,779 ISG,lll 20,034 28,374 24,748 33,199 20,770 29,822 18,907 32,225 (00,365 270,642 FAMIT,LES 2,429 1,734 7,007 10,050 8,515 20,645 24,000 37,148 6(),197 10,tl84 13,711 16,309 20,667 12,211 16,28.5 7,966 12,638 ---
nombre the to 1 1 4,131 24,999 17,487 102,485 207,7.16 33,085 37,609 34,930 41,368 503,850 3,089 13,426 10,587 27.953 71,458 15,198 22,078 18,593 16,0613 199,04lI 1,042 11,573 6,900 74,532 136,298 17,887 14,931 16,337 26,302 304,802
le according 3,236
selon Avec enfante - Wilh Childreo 13,991 6,476 83,316 64,293 427,073 587,374 116,102 145,807 119,388 112,690 1,66',634 5,018 10,756 45,136 42,916 148,807 222,202 61,468 97,940 71,180 46.524 746,92' 1,4,57 38,180 21,377 8,661 278,806 365,lï2 63,634 47,867 48,2ü8 65,166 922,705
41-Clasaification. 41-Classification, Famill_Familieo Sa"" enfante Total - Without ChiJdren 20,466 35,464 118,780 24,008 88.301 ];,11,679 579,252 285.003 872,377 43,911 159,013 63,892 209,699 62,725 182,113 76,669 189,359 7(9,726 2,419,360 15,774 21,a79 66,516 ]5,447 58,363 47,404 196,211 108,169 330,371
PROVINCES . ,P. Scoti", 1., E. , J.-<1u-P.-É. Nouv,-11:coase.N. N.-Bl"UI1ll";ck ......... Québec............... . Ontario.............. Ml>nitoba ............. Sa< ......... , ... Alberta........... C ... Drit .. B. Colombie C.u;...DA ...... 1. .. E. J.-du-P..J1;.... P. NOllv.-f:·cosse.N. Sootia. N.-DruUllw