Page 132 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 132
Chaque "employé à gages" était tenu de Each "wage-eo.rner" wa.s obliged te report
déclarer tous ses gains ainsi que le nombre de his ellJ"nings, as well as the number of weeks
semaines d'inaotivité durant les douze mois he was idle during the twelve months preceding
précédant la date du recensement. Les em- the date of the census. Employers, persons
ployeurs, les personnes qui travaillent pour leur working for their own o.ccount and the mem-
propre compte et les membres d'une famille bers of 0. family working without pay
tra.vaillant sans paie sont, par définition, excluded, by definition, from this compilation.
elCclus de cette compilation. PM "gains", on By "en.rnings" are meant money received a.s
entend l'argent reçu comme commission ou commission or in payment of piece work as
rétribution il. la pièce en plus du sala.ire ou des wellas a salary or wa.ges, but not the income
gages IIUlis non Je revenu de placements, de from investments, a pension or compenBa-
pension ou do compensa.tion. tion.
37-Gains, du 1er juin 1930 au 1er juin 1931, des employés à gages, âgés de 10 ans et
plus, au Canada. par provinces.
37-Earnings, from June lat 1930 to June lat 1931, of Wage-Earners, 10 Years of Age
and Over, in Canada. by Provinces.
Employés li. gagea
- Moyenne
des Semn.inea
Déclarant GaiIlll gains d'llCtivité
PROVINCES des - - -
g3.)DA Earnings Week.o
Total - Earoiogs Employed
ILe-du-P.-É....•.. P. E. 1. .. '" .. 12,344 11,580 li 6,921,400 li 598 649,~90
Nouvelle-(.~coase... Nova 8cot.Îa ... 117,781 112,691 78,754,200 699 4,70.';,481
N.-Brunswick ....... ........ ... 84,232 81,493 56,022,300 1}87 3,447,441l
Québec ......... .. . . .. . . .... . . . 61l6,a:lll 670,816 ~~0,959,600 821 28,836,911
Ontario........ ... . . ... . . . ..... 1l65,607 934,387 862.842,600 923 39,896,970
Manitoba....... ....... , .... ... 170,739 164,947 139,684,300 844 6,837,443
Saskatchewan .. ..... ... . ....... 14~,568 139,058 99,251,000 714 ô,908,M8
Alberta .............. '" .... 142,421 137,943 Il ~,380,700 836 5,740,916
Colombie-Brit .... B. C .. ...... .. 235,066 223,41l9 190,736,600 853 8,702,004
CANADA ... ........... 2,670,097 2,475.414 2,100,552,700 848 104,624,422
Ile-du-P.-f: P. E. r. . 9,159 8 5,828,000 S 679 401,917
Nou-.elle-t""'Be Nova Seotia . 95.244 69,490,000 762 3,679,BOIl
N.-Brunswick " . 66,310 48,430,300 ï55 2,628,466
Québec . 53~,203 476,()41,~00 925 21,507,157
OuLario p' P ••••••••••• 752,1l51 731,823,300 1,005 30,289,269
Manitoba . 132,883 1I9,2ûl,100 929 5,lliU,381
S""kalcbewan " ..•.. 116,157 84,587,000 761 4,615,448
Alberta . 116,005 100,132,900 8110 4,562,193
Colombie-13rit B. C . 198,448 163,733,400 897 7,002,418
2,022,250 1,8~.942,500 927 80,003,048
Ile-du-P.-t P. E. 1... .. . .. 3,185 3,000 li 1,093,400 li 364 147,673
Nouvel'e-E."".e Nova. Seo,ie.... 22,637 21,462 \I,Zo5,ZOO 431 1,025,672
N.-Brunswick. . 17,922 17 ,3~(l 7,586,000 437 818,1l83
Qu6bec. ..... . . . 161,J36 155,457 74,318,100 478 7,269,754
Ontario. 212,756 2ll5,904 131,019,300 636 D,ti06,711
Manitoba. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 37,856 36,~()5 20,423,200 559 1,671,062
S",,"..t chewan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29,411 27,959 14,664,000 5U 1,293,210
Albert.n.... . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . 26.416 25,462 15.247,800 .';99 1,178,723
Colombie-Drit B. C " '1 3_6_,1;_1_8~1 35,292 1' 22,003,200 + 623 +_-:- I,OOll,686 _
547,837 528.457 295,610,200 559 24,521,374
Septième. ,.ec~m8emcnt d'l," Canada, Vol. V. Seoenth Cen.u. of Ca.nada., Vol. V.