Page 139 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 139

106                           POPULATION

       44-0ccupations de la population âgée de 10 ans et plus, par provinces et par indus-
                                     trie., en 1931.
          44-0ccupation of the Population of 10 Veare of Age and over, by Provinces and
                                   Industries, in 1931.
                                     Pêche et                          Tranaport.
                                      cba~s.r.,                           et
                                    abatn~. du  Mino. et  Manula<:-  Con.truetion COmJIlUwcs,..
                                       boie   carrières  Lures   -       tjona
             PROVINCES      Agrioulture  --     --      (1)    Building   (2)
                                     Fi~hing,  Mioingand  Manulae-  and  TrsnBpor-
                                    Hunting and  Quarrying  t.uring  Cot:lstruotion  tation and
                                     Trapping,                         Communi-
                                     LoUing                              oatlon
                                     HOMMES -  MALE
       lIe-du-P.-);: ...... P.E. I.. ....  17,7G2  1,462  8  1,281  997     t,200
       Nouv.-l!:eos.., .... Nova Seotia.  42,737  13,740  14,947  13,431  8,797  14,228
       N.-Brunswiok................  4[,,348  7,364  947  9,101   6,~36     8,826
       Qu~bee................... ' ..  22.~,914  21,976  6,128  110,324  62,&11  67,046
       Ontario .........  .....  298,5G7  lo,1l4  14,84.8  180,46G  76,638  103,966
       Manitoba ........ :::: ... ....  91.6GB  4,603  1,616  10,506  12,710  IIl,464
       SaskateheWlln ..... ....... ...  200,881  2,276  752  11,188  7,810  16,987
       Alberta .....................  142,722  2,642  9,100  13,817  8.M2  16,066
       Colembie-Brit.... Bril.iJlh Col..  42,200  22.338  10,339  31,361  IG,OlO  28,737
              CANAD", •......  l,lAI7,766  91,403  58,$85  390,471  202,970  275,590
                                   FEMMES -  FEMALE
       ne-du-p.-f: ...... P. E. 1.. ....  561  ............  294             109
       Nouv.-l!:eoaao .... Nova Scotin.  1,296  26  ..........  1,871  ..........  1,006
       N.-llruD.8wiek..............•.  9!:)~  30         1,832       2       7ilS
       ~~f~;~i~·.':::::::::::::~ ::::~ :  4,ü33  197     37,401;    10     11,326
       MaDitoba ...............  1,!lG3   53             2,811              1,640
       Ba:akatehewan .•.......  3,~91     flS             62(;               8<J2
       Alberl.a ...            3,024      7        1      982                838
       Colombie-Oril·.:: :Britisb·Coi..  1,429  47  3    2,804              2,3M
              CANAnA .........  24,079   497       6    84,660      96     25,435
                                     Finance,         Employ6s           Non
                            Commerce  8.8::.urance    de bureau  JournaueTI!  ~nulDéréœ
            PROVINCES                         Service            (3)
                             Trado   FinB.nce.         Clerical  Labourera  Un-
                                     In"~uraDce                         spooi6.ed
                                     HOMMES -  MALE
       Ile-du-P.-É . . .. . P. E. 1. .  .  1,380  114  1,120  382  1,991     li
       Nou•.-Éeosse  Nova Scotia.  9,733  941   10,010   3,397   21,148      42
       N.-Brunswiok       .    7,264     717     6,931   2,989   22,86fl     62
       8~~ri~'..:::~:::::::::~::::::  69,140  14,M5  104,030  38,522  133,368  341
       Manit.oba          .    18,036   2,553   19,634   9,801   26,379      107
       Saakatehewan   .       18,409    2,288   17,701   5,924   18,186      34
       Alberta ........•...........  16,363  2,172       6,332   16,300      71
                                                18,525 '1
       Colombie-Drit.... British Col. ..  22,201  3,1?80  31,224  9,613  41,732  71
              C....NADA .••••...•.  259,799  38.252  281,825  124,139  421>,408  1,357
                                   FEMMES -  FEMALE
       lIe-du-P.-J:;  P. E. 1.. ....  347        2,46G    448      118        2
       Nouv.• l1:eoese  Nova 8eolia.  2,Ml  17  17,347   3,406     309        8
       N.-Bruoowiek      .     1,897      11    13,167   3,050     283       la
       Québeo        .        14.,104    102   104,896   27,7'%   6,798      63
       Ontario       .        21,~)(j4   280   110,183   64.U5    3,453      175
       Manit.oba       .       3,770      38    25,358   9,11i3    27(1      31
       Saakatebewan      .     2,162      12    25.,163  4,895      65        2
       Alberta  "         .    2.48ô      2<l   20,640   5,457      97
       Colombie-Dril  Brit.isb Col .  4,727  83  23,348  8,638     308        6
              CANADA      .   54,W       611   347,411  U6,927   U,7D7      297
        (1) y eompri. Ica employ6s de l'industrie d'éclairage  (1) Includos empLoy."" of electrie ught and power
       et 6nergie électriques.             indUBtries.
        (2) y compris omployés il J'cnl.repoangü cl cmmag""i-  (2) lnelude. wllrchousc fLnel ./ empleye....
        (3) Ne  comprend  pas  la  main-d'œu\:'re  agricole,  (3) 000.8 not ineludo those engagcd in QgrieuHoral,
       miuivrc et rorcslièrt'.              mlning or logging operations.
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