Page 128 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 128
3J-Langue officielle et langue maternelle de la population de la province, par comtés,
en 1941.
33-0fficial Language and Mother Tongue of the Population of the Province, by
Counties, in 1941,
Langue officielle Langue maternelle
Official Language Motber Tangue
COMTÉS - COUNTlES Français Anglai. el Angla;" Fra~e
Anglaie 1 seulement
(1) 8euL~ent françu.i.a
Engli8h French En lish English Frenoh
only only 1and ~reoch 1
Abitibi.........•.......•......... 67.689 5,909 47,650 12,364 4,224 58,738
Argent.cuil. .....•. , , , . 22,676 6,530 7,974 8,158 8,187 H,236
Arthabaska . 30,039 135 26,499 3,'!.03 301 29,603
Bagat , , .. 17,642 24 ]5,902 1,715 70 17,548
.Heauc:e...........•..••...•.•. .•.•.. 48,073 41 40,246 7,780 247 47,768
Beauharnois . 30,269 1,711 19,161 9,404 2,611
Ballech e ,. 23,676 6 22,377 1,287 50 ~Hi~
Bertbier ............•.............. 21,233 37 18,359 2,835 97 21,077
BonavcDlure . 39.196 0.500 23.680 8,872 7,499 30,796
Erome . 12,485 6,116 2,580 3,776 6,834 5,485
Chambly. . , .. 32,454 8,046 12,662 Il,108 10,862 20,804
Champlain . 68,057 600 52,861 14,469 1,616 65.986
Cbarlevoix-Est-East , . 13.077 34 12,247 796 100 12,973
Charlevoix-Ou l-West . 12,585 77 11,886 588 128 12,398
Chateauguay . 14,443 2,416 8.188 3.839 3,191 1l.197
Chicoulimi . 78,881 1,056 B8,225 9,560 1,676 76,468
Compton.................. . .. ,. 22,957 5,361 11,473 0,116 6,009 16,508
Deux-Montagnea-Two Mt•........ , . 10,746 984 IB.018 2,662 1,228 14,989
Dorohester , . 29,809 151 27,499 2,2L3 756 29,089
Drummond · · . 36,683 1,478 28,998 6,203 2,329 34,220
Frontenao - . 28,596 333 25,096 3,148 410 27,927
Gasp(:-Est-East ............•....... 33,871 5,495 21,022 7,351 7,537 26,303
Oaspé-Oueet-West . 12,397 22 11,778 596 71 12,320
G8~ineB.u .......•...............•.• 29.754 7.174 12,537 9,984 8.729 20,270
HuU .......•.... , ..........•...... 41.434 2,099 20,943 18,343 3,220 37,880
Huntingdon. . . 12.394 5,136 2,949 4,165 -l,870 6,304
IbervilIe... . . 10.273 103 7,700 2.467 272 9,977
llc.s-de-Ia-Madeleine 181'•...••. , . 8,940 620 7,308 1,012 711 8,2H
Joliette . 31,713 240 27,353 4,115 444 31.036
Kamouraaka . 25,535 10 24,100 ],425 39 25,470
Labelle ·,· . 22,974 98 20,447 2,412 159 22,629
Lac·St-Jean-E _ , . 25,245 239 23,618 1,382 483 24,658
Lac·Sl-Jean-O.-W _ . 39,061 109 37,066 l,{1!l4 259 38,374
t~~~~ept'i~~":,':,.:::..:.':::::~ ::::: 13,730 2.133 14,990 2,965 774 10.739
Lévi .. B8.1l9 107 31,222 6,786 469 37,lI18
L'Islet ······.············ . 20,589 7 19,351 1,230 17 20.663
Lotbinière . 26,604 136 24,422 2,106 374 26,286
Maskinongé . 18,206 30 16,435 1,572 102 17,870
Malane . 26,488 132 23.854 1,502 370 25,095
Matapédia -' , . 29,926 20 28,123 ],782 103 29,799
~f~~~~r::::~::::~:::::::::::::: 40,357 1,41H 33,051 5,811 2,237 37.954
Montcalm _ . 15,208 389 13.152 1.629 644 14,340
Montmagny · . 22,049 7 20,151 1,884 40 21,983
Mont.morency, No 1 . 14,309 65 12,722 1,522 200 14,098
Mootmorency) No 2 ........•....... 4,293 23 4,004 266 44 4.248
MontréaL & Jesus, Hea-IsI'•.......... 1,138,431 278,310 390,051 465,023 296,036 726,807
N api erville - . 8,329 23 7,158 1,148 81 8.237
Nicolel · · ·.·· . 30,085 8 28,335 1,739 75 30,007
Papineau . 27,551 2,770 17,181 7,592 3,895 23,335
Pontiac . 19,852 11,202 2,574 6,058 11,546 7,588
PorIneuf '" , , , . 38,996 343 34,785 3.864 858 38.068
Québec , . ' , . 202.882 4,133 143,747 54.925 l1,lI33 190,252
Ricbelieu ...................•....•. 23,691 171 18,658 4,&16 202 23,316
Ricbmond ·.···.············ . 27,493 3,035 15.528 8,9:.!8 4.884 22,501
Rlmougki . 44,233 82 40,304 3,840 202 43,996
Rivière-du-Loup , . 34.493 46 29,003 5,341 159 34,312
RouviLLc , . 16,842 658 12,132 3,047 1,036 14.769
Saguenay , .•........ 29,419 2,050 20,560 2,492 2,430 22,110
Sbefford ..........•......... - , .. 33,387 2,444 21,565 9,369 3,900 29,338
Sberbrooke . 46,574 0,748 19,140 20,661 10,113 35,901
Soulangee , 9,328 237 6,708 2,380 419 8,860
Stanst.ead. . . 27,972 6,839 11,241 9,884 8,675 19,236
St-Hyacintbe . . . . . . . .. . . 31,645 108 25,691 5,&13 242 31,326
Sl_Jean-Sl Jobn·•................. 20,584 686 12,428 7,466 1,468 18,925
BL-M auricc . ................•.•.... 80.352 ],445 60,171 18,698 3,256 76,592
TémiBcamjngue . 40,471 6,681 22,318 11,206 5,504 31,907
TêmiscouaLa . 23,182 29 20,287 2,863 92 23,082
Terrebonne . 46.804 1,865 34,1l06 10,158 2,538 43,430
VB,udreuiL ........•................ 13,)70 1,003 8,207 3,957 1,658 11,452
Vercbères . 14,214 368 Il,649 2,187 535 13,1500
Wolle . 17.492 '!.80 14,706 2,302 636 16,816
Yarnaska . ]6,516 2 16,257 1,257 58 16.456
PllOVI'SCE ...• ........... 3,331,882 410,721 2,018,089 892,9" 468,996 2,717,'ln
(1) y compna les personnes qUI ne parlent Dl l'angU>.s (1) pereo):lS speaking nelther eIl8hsb nOr
ni la Irançai. et celles dont la langue nu<lernelle est une {rencb and tho.e wilb a loreign language aa mothar
langue étrangère. Longue.