Page 127 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 127

LANGUE-LANGUAGE                              95

          Les tablea.ux de la présenLe section classi-  The tables of this section classify the popu-
        fient, selon la langue officielle et la langue  IaLion enumeraLed in Canada on the lsLorJune
        maternelle, la population recensée au Canada.  1941 according to official language and mother
        le 1er juin 1941.  On ne comptait alors que  tongue.  At that date, there were only 115,414
        115,414 personnes ne parlant ni l'anglais ni
        le français sur 1,663,712 dont la langue mater-  persons who spoke neither engJish nor french
        nelle était une langue étrangère et 2,307,713  ont of 1,663,712 with a foreign language as
        qui n'étaient pas de race fran'.:ai;;e et des !les  mother tangue aud 2,307,713 of raees other
        britanniques.  Par langue matel'Uelle on en-
                                              than french and British Isles.  By mother
        tend la première langue apprise par une per-
                                              tongue is meanL the first learned in
        sonne dans son enfance si eHe esL encore eom-
        prise de cette personne.              childhood if still understood by the person.
        32-Langue officielle et langue maternelle de la population du Canada, .âgée de 10 ans
                               et plus, par provinces, en 1941.
        32-Qfficial Language and Mother Tangue of the Population of Canada, 10 Years of
                             Age and over, by Provinces, in 1941.

                                              Langue parlée       Langue ll\llleroelle
                             PODulat.ion    Language Spoken        Molbor Tongue
              PROVINCES         (1)                     AnglDi. ol
                                       Anglais  Fra~ai8  fTa.~a.ia  Anglais  Français
                                       Englisb  )'ronob  Enp:ligh and  Engli.b  French
                           POPU4ATION TOTAT,E -- TOTAL POPULATWN
        Ile-dn-P..É ...... P. E. 1. ..•..  95,047  83,814  0(i5  10,262  83,242  10,078
        N.-Erooae ....... N. Scot.ia ..  577,902  530,467  6,800  40,253  5H,043  41.350
        N.-Brueewiok .......... ......  457,401  291,023  82,381  83,660  2~3,339  157,862
        Quéhec ................. ' ...  3,331,882  410,721  2,OJO,080  892,984  4G8,996  2,717.287
        o .....................  3,787,655  3,425,266  61.533  283.195  3.0703,320  289.146
        ~ [aniLnb" .......... , ........  729,744  647,OLO  0,069  54,636  408,544  51,540
        SaokD lehewa n ........ .. ......  895.992  822,899  4,039  46.90G  499.925  43,728
        ALherla                706,169  738,682   3,322   37,057  600,926  31,4';1
         olombi":'Brit.: : :B'.'c: :::::::
        c                      817,861  777,860    254    23.526  041,419  !J,0,;8
        y 'ukon .................. ..  4.914  4,445  3     3111    2,598     213
        T orr. du N.·O.... N. W T. ....  12,028  3,399  301  1,212  1.8.38   434
               CA.HADA .••.••. ... 11,506,655  7,735,486  2,181, 746  1,474,009  6,488,190  3,354,753
                                     HOMMES -  MALE
        ll~du·P.-É......P. E. 1. .....  47,228  43,4&4  460  5,284  43.124  5,478
        N.-Ecoose ....... N. 8091ia ...  296,044  271.576  3,140  21,118  262,097  21,237
        N.-Brueewiok ............ ....  23'1,007  148,7311  39,032  46,W7  149,723  80,639
        Québec ......................  1,672,082  199,618  940,580  627,Oll3  233,556  1.360,422
        Ontario ......................  1,921.201  1.733,%8  28,186  151,432  1,537.217  148,1117
        Manitoba ...................  378,079  337,821  2,718  28,541  210.155  26,319
        Saskal"hewan ...............  477,563  441,622  1.743  2';,379  204,612  23.102
        Albcrla ............ ' ........  426.468  397,602  1.531  20,181  263,6J1  16,li87
        ColomLie-Bril.., .B. C ........  435,031  412,012  114  12,IH8  328,467  6,055
        yukon .................... ..  3,153  2.8.;;4  3   236     1,69G     lü5
        Torr. du N.-O.... B. W. T ... ..  6,700  2,306  136  70L   1.32,1    268
               C~N"nA....... ...  5,900,536  3,991,592  1,017,633  839,010  3,295,581  1,688,469
                                     FEMMES -  FEMALE
        Ile-du-P.-É ...... P. E. 1. .....  45,819  40,330  505  4,918  40,118  5,ZOO
        N.-J':nOl3se ...•... N. Scotia...•  281,018  268,891  3,MO  lÛ,1.15  251.946  20.113
        N.-Brunowiok ................  223,304  142.284  43,34\l  37,553  143,616  77,223
        Qlléboo......................  1,658,900  211.103  1,075,509  SG5,nOI  235,44.1  J,35U,lSü5
        [) ...•.•••.•....•••• " •  1,86~,454  1,691.308  33,347  131.703  1.5:lil,I03  1·10,!B!)
        Maniloba ...................  351.0llô  309,189  3,a5l  2U,ÙU5  lilil,aS9  25.2:27
        Saskatchewan .................  418,429  381,277  2t2~IH  21~5~7  235,31;1  20.ü:.!6
        AlbertD .......................  369,7U  310,980  l,7UI  16.876  237,:1l5  14.864
        CoLombie-Bril.... B. C ........  382;830  365,848  140  10,577  312,U5:2  6,003
        yukon ......................  1,7GI  1,591 .... .......  83  902      48
        Torr. du N.-O.... N. W. T,.".  5.328  1.093  165   511      614      166
               CAN~D"..........  6,606,11.9  3,743.894  1,164,113  634,999  3,192,6Q9  l,64>6,2.U
          Huilkl_ reCO'MBBm<:nl du Can(JfÙI, 1941, Bullelin A-9.  Eight Censu" of Canada, 1941, Bulletin No. A-O.
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