Page 130 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 130
La classification, selon le degré d'instruction The classification, according to literacy ll.nd
et par groupes d'âge, de la population âgée de age, of the population of ten year8 of age and
dix ans et plus est donnée dans le volume nI over is given in Volume In of the census of
du recensement de 1931. A cette date, 94.52% 1931. At that date, 94.52% of the population
de la population de la province, âgée d'au of the Province, of 10 years of age and over,
moins 10 ans, savait lire et écrire alors que ce could read and write as against only 93.04%
pourcentage n'était que de 93.04 en 1921. Par in 1921. On the othel' band, the illiterate
contre, la. proportion des illettrés n'était que represented onJy 4.70% at the Just census
de 4.76% lors du dernier recensement· alors whereas they constituted 6.19% ten years
qu'elle s'élevait il 6.19% dix MS auparavant. previously.
35-Degré d'instruction de la population, âgée de 10 ana et plus, au Canada, en 1931.
35-Literacy of the Population, 10 Years of Age and over, in Canada, in 1931.
Nombre--Nllmber Proporûon
Popula!.ion \---------------1--:--------:------
"gée de lO Sachant Sachanl No .ach"ot. Sacbant. Sacbaot. Ne cachant
ans et plus lire et ure ni lire ni Lire et lire ni lare ni
PROVINCES éerîre 8eulcmen~ écrire éorire "eLJlement écrire
iO Yesl1I Ablo 10 Able Unab!e Able 1,0 Able Unable
a.nd DveC TIead and 1.0 Read ta lteo.d Rel'd and to Read to Read
Vlrite only Or V{rit.e Wrile only Or Wr)(.e
IID-<!U-P.-J::..... P.E. 1.. 09,333 00,996 502 1,835 96.63 0.72 2.66
N.-Ecosse .......N. Scol.i" 402,401 382,472 2,7~0 17,139 95.05 0.6~ 4.26
N.-BnlJl...~ok .... ...... 3]0,316 286,676 2.200 2l,440 92.38 0.71 6.91
8~t~~o~",:::::::::::::: 2,[67,517 2,t}l8,778 15.627 103,212 94.52 0.72 4.76
Manitoba.. .. 5ii7,806 530,770 2.151 24,il76 05.lii 0.39 4.46
Ba.kntchew8D: : : .. : ... 705,360 672,812 3Ml 29,097 95.39 0.49 4.13
A.lbcrta ............. ... 572,129 640,789 2,&71 19,609 96.10 0.47 3.44
Colornbie-Brit. B. C. ... 583,135 558,417 1,630 23,088 95.70 0.28 3.96
yukon................. 3,M2 2,710 30 802 76.51 0.85 22.64
Terr. du N.-O. N.W.T. 7,021 2,832 l08 4,081 40.34 LM 58.12
CA.N~DJlr...••• 8,169,622 7,821,819 38,407 :109,396 Iii. 74 0.41 3.79
Ile-<!o-p.•f;.. , .. P. E. 1 .. 35,907 34,584 213 l,lia 96.32 0.59 3.09
N.-EDœ"•.. , ... N. Seoti" 207,098 195.465 1,438 10,195 04.33 0.69 4.0·J
N.-Brunswick ..... ... 159,102 143,99& 1,181 13,025 90.51 0.74 8.75
QUébeD ... , ....... ..... 1,091,.U8 1.014.259 9,399 67,760 92,93 0.80 6.21
Oot.8.rlo. .......... ... .. , 1,423,989 1,38[,104 4,341 33,644 96.99 0.30 2.71
Manitoba...... ... .... 290,095 28;1,063 l,t}lO Il ,002 95.60 0.35 4.05
Saskatchewan .. ...... 390,105 374,025 1,701 14,28U 96.88 0.40 3.&6
Alberta .......... .. 310,840 308,619 1,458 9,71;;1 96.49 0.46 3.05
Colornbie-Brit. B. C·.: 328,983 314,134 1,006 l3.753 95.49 0.33 4.18
Yukon 2,475 2,063 19 393 83.35 0.77 15.&!
Terr. d~ N::6.· .N.".:"'.. 3,850 l,6U5 52 2,103 44.03 1.35 64.62
C".N .... OA ..• "' 4,2511,86.2 4 ,O/i.J ,007 22,D2lI 113,827 96.11 0.52 4.32
lle-d u.1'.-I1l..... P. E. 1 .. 33,426 32,412 289 72.5 06.97 0.86 2.17
N.-Be"".e...... N. Seoti" 195,303 187,007 1,352 6,944 95.75 0.69 3.5f1
N.-Brunswick .. , .. , .... 151,214 I42,6Sù 1,01U 7,al.5 94.36 0.67 4.97
Québec ............... 1,070,099 1,034,,510 6,128 35,452 96,14 0.57 3.29
Ont"'io................ 1,367,083 \,338,4:54 3,OHI 20,613 97.91 0.22 1.87
Manitoba........ ...... 261,71\ 247,1l6 l,Ill 12,8114 94.65 0.42 4.92
5a.ut.cbewan ... .... . .. 315,245 298,787 1,660 14,808 94.78 0.52 4.70
Alberta....... 262,289 241,170 1,213 9,U06 9.5.5(1 0.48 3.U3
Colomhie-Brit. ri.'C·.·.·.· . 264,152 244,283 534 9,335 90.12 0.21 3.67
yukon......... 1,067 647 JI 400 00.64 1.03 38.33
Terr. du N.-O. N.':w·.T·.· . 3,171 J.l37 .56 un8 35,80 1.77 (l~.37
C.h::N .... nA ..... 3,910,760 3,7iB,8U 16,379 1.25,1i69 96.:17 0.42 3.21