Page 285 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 285

246                            FINANCES

               24 - Valeur estimée des Immeubles appartenant aux corporations scolaires (1).
                  24-Estimoted Value of Immo"able Property of School Corporations (1).

            DISTRICTS JO:LECTOIlAUX  1.930-:11 1 1931-32 1 1932-33  1933-3ol  1934-35  193i)--36  1936-37

            A:::~.TOI~AL~[s~.n~~s. S  336,4571.  362'7J.  359,250 S  376.207 S ~:0'l\32 S  4<16,79(;,.  443,439
            Argenteuil. ..... , .... '. .  24S,fi5.)  241i.:l8Q.  300,105  300,517  329,343  341,366  346.740
            Arthaba•.kl\............  2SB,IGB  301,003\  296.628  297,528  331,1!l1  335.'131  341,750
            Bagot... .       ..  2ôl,671\  271,891  232,.5!l1  Z:l1.ll7f!  2f!2.S74  265.422  21;5,463
            BOl\Uee..... ......•....•...  426,865  3G3,815  374,912  368,802  396,499  371;,131  378.465
            BcallhamoiiS.        461,672  ,525,4~1  522,189  iHl,573  5:18,327  .;38.722  537,160
            Belleo!.I\""e... .. . .. • . . . . .  215,027  230,450\  .2'lO.6oo  225,000  259.210  258,082  2f\O,082
            Berthiclc,.... .  .  271,61-1  265,814  238,250  202.000  246.775  217,573  277.439
            BOlll1venture,..     207,·\72  22.1,445  210,901  210,4-11  255,272  257,186  25.5.871
            Brome             ,  1.28,'110  14.2.080  13!l,701  1.39,1<31  163,,10,1  167,459  WO,313
            Cuarubly.........   1,IH6,(i04  1,043,887  1,01(\,210  989.980  1,131,883  1,115,0,18  1,120,312
            Champlain..................  1,9H,957  101,g,38  701,438  562.538  773,550  802,!l!l.!l  804.890
            Clmrlevoilt. . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . .  357,927  342,779  337.909  370,484  397,309  400,;i{)6  392,290
            CMteallgu;'y.............. .  187,047  199.043  212.100  217,-540  2-10,311  2.Hi/'SOI  2{ij;,;,;4:
            Chiooutimi................  2,079,434  2,010,032  1,977,0·18  Imli,582  2,101,104  2,063,178  2,2l18.524
            Compton    " ..  . ..  '123.955  .125.030  422.713  464..60,1  4!l7,990  500,254  .;18,06-1
            Doux-Molltagnes-Two Mt.,  203.010  187,010  177,385  213,185  186,53,3  231,205  23l.1''10
            P·Jrehe.~ter  "..    31!l,025  328,525  289,725  297,075  328.979  324.987  328.382
            DnllllnlOod. . . . . . . . . . . . . .  146,149  500,~73  ,'\07,742  5U9,047  588,208,  509.145  578,263
            l'Tonienae."     "   339.950  324,540  334,()45  333.838  322,697  39387°1  :103,302
            g::~~t~o;d':'N~r'ül·.·.:::: :::::  375,110 ... 'Mil,om ,.. Ù.O>i30  't4.5,305  .. ïoï,507 ... 'ÙiO':437'  140,557
            Gn"pô-.ud-South............  250,208  2'10.830  2,5.1,330  2(l(),436  274,007,[  290,!M.1
            aCitlUenu. . . . . . . . . . . . . .  338.245  344,1.17  847,001  :378,15'1  387,1,\4  1,lO,fi.'\8
            Hull...................  l,400,913  1,202,379  1,202,922  1,204,608  1.302.517  1..315,O'JQ  1.31.;.981
            Hlllltin~don........  127,6501  163.800  1,18,482,  146,927  .163.751  188.~90  166,940
            Iberville....................  148,200  157.600  Ifi3,6oo  1.'i7,350  170,851  170,111  170,310
            Ues."je-la-Mad.-?-fAltdalcn hl..  71.730  73,580  73,080  73,680  87,476  81,780'  87.980
            Ja,,(J'les-Cartler............  5,647;6·17  5,353.!l97  5,906,0.531 5.977.~411  0,387.113  2,015,3011  2.743.313
            Joliette... . . . . .  459.754  451,9-H  461.848  163.,,98  ,;10.222  541,231  544.907
            K•.moura3ka.. .      187,32.5  194,025  199,405  \{)7,22 1,  219,827'  220.597  220,320
            Ll\oélle  '"   . .   230,2:1ô  240,505  243,600  24-1,28;'  2'.~1'5381  27.6.78':;  275,390
            Lao-St-Jean-L'Ike St. John. ..  890,847  481,8,33  -178,257  4~1.226  ,5Z,1,327  522'1711  527,323
            ~praiT;e. :.. . .    153.625 1  1~5,625  154,810,  (2)  (2)  (21   (2)
            L A.,omlltlOn..      2.11,7110  250.1.90  264,14.0  3\0.Of';  335.1,:;0  2'.13.0,18  294.838
            La' I         ,....  <323,3(10',  620,440  722,270  729,830  7.87,810\  829.,300.  Fo0l,171
            LaYiolett"...  . """" .  . ..... '  251l..430  1,259.948  1.1l4,fI68  1.250,297  1,410.671  1,440,331
            Lh·i.........  .  ,  ,;97,1;~7  622,384  623,581  G12,369  üH7,779  700,380  70';,023
            L'lslet         ,...  23.".612  21U,!l52  213,1152,  217,052  215,112  24'2,813  214,6.)1
            Lothiuière .............•. '.  225,8-10  223,240  225,125,  223,025  257.099  263,511  2(;2.984
            Mnskinongé.................  1.I8'HiO\  204,250  190.100  201,10n  138.013  HO,103  141,916
            :\lat"ne...........  <155,650  864,500  3115,470  373,B20  ,113,146\'  30R.892 1  423,102
            Ml\tap6dia..................  a50,MO  378,150  361,0-18  377,048  413,100  430,484  44 ,026
            Mégantie. . . . . . . • . . • . . . . • . . .  578.558  568,993  597,859  590.32f1  670,793  6/iO,276  fi06,644
            Mis.iJ;qnoi .. , . . . • . . . . . .  548,855/  554 ,015  lia7,!J38  57ol.071  630.077  082,438  679,523
            M.ouoenl.m         ,  1~4,395  202,468  201.453  206,802  217,583  214.458  214,801
            Mor tDIAgny. , .  . . . . .. . . .  2,,8,182  257,983  259,0001 1  250,025  274.8851  275,075  275,325
            Mout.O'lore·ocy........ .  314.,500  316.500  326,050  320,750  3'l4.226  345,148  344.179
            MOlltré•.1cit(,--City........  41.296,022. 44.\l.5I,181l 46.798,185 47.801,5181 .5.0.,6..50..,0.0.1.'  54°',609.,-,°0,,23023,,0 50,884.965
            Mont.réal-Verdun... . . . .  1'"       .. .                       4,0':;8.802
            NI\):>ien·ille-Laprairie....  .. '15,300  75,500  69,300' 216,715 .  :l47,111  253,791  240,l6,!
            Nie,,]'et.    ,., . . .  314.550  31':;.050  321,150  308,460  339,2031  388,729\  :lM,OOO
            Popineau.... .. .  . .  522.93.1  466,926  469,1l4  4.64,!l97  527,151  571,583  [,88,344
            Pontia.,  "..        270,7\)1  256,860  247,67.5  254,626  285.215  296,796  287,006
            PorLneul        " ..  614,028  615,712  671,128  610,42~ 1  732.488  754.311  753,595
            (~u"oee, cité-City............  6,813,441  7,193,607  6,258.01l3  1 0,276,8211  6'633'9341  0.660,879'  6,825/043
            Québco, comté-éOullty.... . ..  568,&i(l  522,958  531,929  583.894  584,069  604.023  t\21.106
            Richelieu  ,...........  323,656  295,040.  289,840  352,1l19'1  378.S4~  433,136  <157,098
            Richmond      ,.....  517,236  511,067  567,818  571,167  582'459'1 1  574.395  000,25(\
            n; . . . . . . .  278,795  290,674  310,032  308,932  3-34,370  3.42.215  312,861
            mv'<'re."ju-LouIJ.............  433.222  430,582  432.282  494,632  507,354  ~g~::l.n
            Rob,.."al... . ..            451,091  464,521  502,030  551,34.1  (i06,190  221,.2'.11
            Rouville... ..  .  .•...  J!)3'S7iïl  199,1l'15  196,500  195,500  221,548  221,180
            Saguenay...................  117,144  129,203  .130,813  H4,763  164'2011  180,746  173,800
            Shelforcl .. "" '" . ... . .... . .  fI12,681  61~,!l81  613,88!  (JIA,682  689,426  7f!6,424  l,~~~,'~~~
            Shçrl>rooke., ........•......  1,295,630  1,341,059  1,33'1",66(1)1  1,422,1>04[  1,478.61\0  1,51>4.797
            sOuhlll1;e'·········,··.······1  1\4.310  114,300  11 80  108,600  125,01l5  125,163  127,013
            Slausooad, ...........•.. '..  M9,9(;9  SRI,561  595,lOS  0577,381  686,\)31  1195.011.  091i,840
            Bt-IbAcinthe................  424,048  450.705  45ii,405  45ô,406  501,488  511,124  521i,300
            St-Jean-St. Jobn  ,,'  474,Ù61  520,036  519,792.  519,414  567,819  608,7ll8  616,44-*
            St-:I13ul'ice     j 4,027,791  4,080,667  4,090,009  4.136.0fil1  4,509,IlOO  2,027,458  2,039,368
            St,Sauveu.r....... ..  .  ....." .. .....  .  .... "        47.847  48,21l
            Témi.scarnlngue........  320,712  34'0,608" 3oil.427  408,155  14:4,080  4(;4,,2110  ·W3,431
            Témieoollaln.. "  . . .  642,628  2(H,750  210,2.50  196,.~OO  248,830  265,8iJO  270,877
            Terrchonne    , . .  714,073  728,336  134.729  72S,401l  797,615  852.854  863,398
            TrQi.-lli"i(\res-Tbreo niver. , .                         2,1>42:757  2,667,531
            Vaudreuil. .... "."."......  109.239  !lO1,689'" ïo~',i;89 .. "1005,639  'z·Ül'.ii73  219,097  220,1.17
            Vereh~rcs......      202,000  202.750  206,450  206.42\1  227,468  229,133  200.717
            We.tmoUllt. . .. ..,.........  3,817,,321)  4,942.090  5,035,21\0  5,124,200  :;.1.9 ,6li8  5,2iH,270  liA09.473
            Wolfe.......         21'7'4571  214,657  221,042  240,769  260,884  251,855  25},588
            Yam"ska....          160,625  1.58,825  154,600  160.U25  17Q,780  181,31.0  181,UO
                TOTAL ••..••.•...•..•• 90,347,540 94,132,360, 91,483,223 98,605,620 105,812,"0 107,364,868108,660,203.
              (J) Depuis 1934.-35 comprend les bipn~MmoublP.8.-~'lovabJe prcpc.rty includcd since 1934-35.
              (2l 1':'0111.. da.... NapierviUe-Laprairic.-.. lnc:1ude<! in ~npiorvil1e-l.aprAirie.
   280   281   282   283   284   285   286   287   288   289   290