Page 287 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 287

248                             FINANCES

                       26 -  Passif dcs corporations scolaircs, 1930-3! à 1936-37 (1).
                      26--Liabilities of S(:hool Corporations, 1930-31 to 1936-37 (1).
           DISTRIaTS ~f"ECTORAUX 193Q-,31  1931-32  1932-33  1933-34  1934-35  HJ35-36  1036-.37
            EU:CTORAL Dl8TRICTS                        Cl)
           Abitibi. .......•..•.•.. ..... :1  349,881 :1  361,048 S  342,100 S  361.772 $  347,357 S  333,186  374,%7
           Argenteuil. ............... , .  t01,277  102.598  139,703  lul.981l  WO.,606  119,726  127.090
           Arthab""ka.......•••..•... ,  169',900  108,Il3G  188,015  178,002  170,632  172,005  203.301
           Bagat .... , ................ '  64,112  79,363  69.997  69,257  63,753  63.14~  fi2,!118
           Bc~uce .........•....•..•.•.  112,909  102.195  107,611-1  128,609  100"188  110,664  !J8,766
                                 268.076        358,507  371,462  376,960 1    353,27-1
           DeRullarnoLs... ...... f •••••••  346.806                   3ll0,501
            Bellech,,".e ..................  37,H2  46,356  40,900  38,474  42,115  S8,226  38.888
            Berthier........•...........  8:2,812  78,507  101,973  96,222  IlO,091  92,52!!'  145,007
           Bonaventure .. ..............  46,827  53,679  65,803  85,484  77,753  59,747  58,363
           Bromc ......................  28,307  38,810  29,202  34,326  24,264-  26.189  21,630
 •..•......  849.862  848,760  870.1W  929,012  1,099,652  917.2.71  1,005,728
           Cbamplain .............•....  1",86,084  41>6,458  470,511  414,747  607,060  5n,906
           Chade'·oix..............•.•.  210,409  210,493  199,662  473' 260 1  209,905  167,693  143,.847
           CbAteauguay................  72.683  00.196  115,046  116,288  115,185  111,174  10il,691
           Chicoutimi. ............. , ...  I,Oe.o,947  1,938,886  1,87V,253  l,098,&lli  2,014,808  1,041,236  2,244,8(J9
           Compton...................  219,120  221\,097  226",51  235,092  229,017  207,610  200,075
            Deui-Montagnes-T,,'o Mta ...  74.342  76,050  UO,782  100,520  95,431  137,524  84,854
            Dorch""ter ............ , ' ....  34,098  55,48-3  64,282  63,180  ~3,336  68,861  59,863
            Drummond ............•• , ..  3jQ,4~~  378,247  370,116  367,761  330,586  332,844
           Frorltenac . ..................  170.16  141,959  133,125  147,766  '''''l  112,161'  105,701
           Gaspé .................•....  1(19,016 ...  .... 'Ù;,iJi2  ..  1.1::~a: ...
           Oa"pé-nord-North....•....•.   83,164  80',588        74,411  .. 7·6.53~ ••.. 'SÏ,579
           Oa.pé"8ud-South............   \14,824  91.046  m:m  101,74!  106.298  n,3OO
           Oatllleau ............•..•...  200,697  203,370     217.803  253.03à  251..071
            Hull ........................  . '8'2'0',ân:1  731,083  746,607  812.769  915~450  969,685  980,110
            Huiltingrlon ....... ..........  19,737  39,872  33,039  28,738  26.310  23,038  20,709
            Iberville ....................  1I7,02:J:  68,777  67,055  61,45]  61,327  lH,Ol8  50,Q70
            I1e8..dc-la-Mad.-Magdalcn hl .  j  6,954  6",92  4,008  7,735  9,527  8,685
                                   3'D' IJ! .'>,423,674
            Jacque!:!-Cat'tieT....... .......  6,82'1,23.3  4,590,198  6,0501,193,  6,5.35,91 t (2)2,451.341  2,368,991
            Joliette.....................  296,877  2~.1,O04  279,066  2~:n~1  279,421  266,903  243,280
            KaJnoul"ael(~................  30,174  30.532  30,451  19,009  24,334  21,934
            Labelle.....................  787  H9,809  138,341  126,503  132,237  118,137  100,784
            Lac-St-Jean-Lake St. John ...  137'  1  337,785  341,448  31.8,526  369,809  316,.528  337,941
            Laprairie .. ............... "  6fi,613  G!),122  65,3,;0  61,177  (3)  (3)  .... '7Ï,27i
            L·A~somption...............  81,ôï3  ~O,4.40  7G,8:39  112.•209  110,103  77,071
            Laval. ................•....  ~23,5f>0  831,200  920.881  517.022  1,01.9.074  995,107  98t,~57
            L"Yiolette ...................  1,079,879  1,Q70;707  1.,123,050  1,065,324  1,242,4:~5  1.292.360
            Lé"i•.............•....•....  ... :io'O',863  212,091  210.4!>4  277,506  213,935  330,632  317,980
            VIslct.... ..................  88.277  95,462  03,949  8ô,040  77,851  81,901  71,767
            Lotbinièrc .............•....  57,OS!!  60,543  50.836  46.701  .16,028  44,2B7  35,012
            Maskinongé............•....  32,133  53,678  44.247  4.0,090  38,202  44,104  38,709
            Matanc .............•.......  124,377  144,953  134,281  155,822  019  125.218  117,17'"
            Matajk:lia ..................  150,875  158,243  154.140  161,377  140'  1  155.fi08·  IGO,746
            W~t,~~~i::: ::: ::: :::::: :::  320,04-0  251,330  312.746  299;015  283,785,  291.324  296.SilO
            Montcalm ..................  57,364  60,768  67,.564  75,221  78,190  75,529  ;;6,246
            Montmagny.................  166,786  144,139  137.929  14'7,707  134·,504  161.910  150,H"
            Montmol·ency ...............  H6,220  147,098  148.635  HI,248  146,278  137,(}17
            MOlltréal, oité-City.......... 42,178,079 46,158,870 46,875.628  48.i~g:m·  54,628.241  56,'l75,729 56.59ô,744
            Montréal-Verdun ............                    ..        4,378.951.  4,602,938
            Napierville-Lapmirie... , ..  .... 'Ùl,7Ù9 .... '18,300 ·····0',755 ····Ù·.23.!  77.912  78,836  G7,789
            Nicolet .....................  105.506  110.479  100,928  99,890  89,812  86,247  84,313
            ~~~~~~~'.'.:::::::::::::::::  209,737  190,234  1.80.187  190,056  189,026  228,09:1  220,096
            Portneuf....................  326,349  360,368  347,384  337.216  339,289  324.4Ï'l  305,722
            Québec, cité-Cig;............  6,093,557  6,368,199  6,750,266  8,274,821  8,261,334  8,16H,2'!8  8,811,054
            Québec, comté- OUllty.......  356,847  354,875  358,822  314.749  . 425,744  366,!)2\)  363,142
            Richelieu ...•...•...........  335,137  354,502  364,800  400,260  ·133,664  327,430  ,,94,747
            Richmond ..................  247,238  250.164  249,171  282,446  214,160  207,054  201,257
            Rimouski ..... ..............  105,135  123.247  112,203  128,011  120,196·  113,O40  118,1l92
            Rh·ièrc-<lu-Loup............. ..........  304,607  300,682  30\1.055  348,lj88  346,348  :l4:3,.1S0
            Hobc.fVn.I .................. .  416,172  402,661  31>7,006  3112,284  526,421  ·122.8;;7
            Houvine....................  (lI,6g8  58,501  50,374  58,903  /;2,354  16,4&2  43,239
            Sagnen4::Y .... .........••....  2<J.780  66.172  5H,I31  84,724  43,700  &0,629  54,676
            Sl>dford ....................  304,198  304,748  303,OH  322.9W  288,471  456.147  440.318
            Sht:rbrooke............ , .....  830.846  888,002  872,977  980,175  1,021,215  . 1,294,289  1,185,291
            Sc·u1Iln~cs...........•.•..•..  22,457  23,077  20,825  19,190  16.313  14,947,  10,861
            Stall"tead.............•.....  291,084  327,316  299,011  165,763 1  300.404  29'1.13B  275,575
           St-Hyacint.l.ll'................  260,i 37  312,619  317,083  307,279  300,717  318,011  305,134
            St-Jclln-St. John.............  322,284  367,684  344,941  332.278  3.11,703  333,156  410,521
            B:t-~rRtlTice~.........•.•.....  3,904,849  3,044,334  4,1.16,1>69  4,4111,774,  4,810,909  2,1.)4,1:17  2,251.085
           St-Sauveur..................  ... :i5'0',iü ····242·,951i  ..  ...  .. 330',Z00  69,916  75,li32
            Tj~mi.sco.nùngue..............     . 302,000  '335',872            35&,012
            Térnisconata. . ...............  362,662  62,803  60,727  64,118  59.090  'O>"~I  57.899
           Terrebonnc . ................  643.745  5-16,585  526,777  563,447  531,664  fi28,986  542,395
            Troi.....lUviêres-Three-Rivers ..                         2,367,lli4  2.244,987
            Vaudreuil. ..................  ... ·10ii.Ô18 .... iis'.i61 .... 93,045 ·····9·ù8ci '.' .. Ï09,75Ô  104•.181  95,432
                                  78,450  66,664  62,106  69,012  54.574  52,574  46,374
            ~':;:-t~~':i;;i.·::::::::::::::::  3,233,716  4,014,061  4,015.769  4,440,486  3,736;085  4.747.863"  4,750,208
            Wolfe............•.........  97,792  113.286  111,473  284  87,040  76,703  7S.755
           Yam.skll ...................  29,.'i81  34,461  33,307  112'  1  32,692  21,842  26~684
                1'OTA~••..•••••...•••. 78,253,280 83,619,7S2 83,981,752 89,690,489  96,388,871 100,225,287 101,019,945
              (1) Depuis 1933-34, comprend réserve pour fonde d'amortissement. -  Including r""arve for sinking fund sinee
              (2) Comprenait auparavant Monl.réal-Verdun.-Prcviously eompriscd Montreal-Verdun.
              (3) Inclus a,·cc NllpiervilhrLaprairie.-Included witb Napierville-Laprairie.
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