Page 237 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 237
Tl - Classification des patients décédés selon la cause.
72-ClassUication or Patients Deceased accordlng to Causes.
MALADIE5-DISEASE8 1931 1032 1933 1034 1935 1936
--------------,-----1--- ------ ---------
Générale. ou ~pidéro.ique•... Gelleral or epidcrnlc . 1,604 1,156 1,162 1,064 1,340 I,B31
Du oyS~ème nervou% Of ncrvotlS system . 182 ~01 234 186 222 271
De l'appareil: Of:
Circulatoire.. . . . . . . . . . . .. Ciroulatory system . 306 378 408 478 587 674
Respiratoire. . . . . . . . . . . . . Hc.pirlltory .. 552 623 634 703 822 862
DiIl~stif ..: . .... . .. . . . . . .. qiga"tiyc. •• 926 816 816 802 842 830
Géruto-urlnalre... .. .. . . .. o.cruto-UTlnlLry' , . , . 386 472 412 496 510 586
Etat puerperal. Pucrpcraf .tllte . 76 III DO ln 181 208
De 'la peau et tissu•......... Of skin IInd tis..ues . 112 98 86 127 163 95
56 31 26 42 78 53
~i~:r3~~~1;r:::~ti"ooom~tion g~~~;a:;'eo~~t~f~:i~~: : : :: ; 43 45 21 40 38 40
Débilit-é congétLitale Congenit..l debility . 363 332 222 390 675 507
i::~~~~:::: ::: :::::: ::: :~~~~~:::: ::: :::::::::: 919 1,381 1,441 1,264 948 1,128
Ca"""" extérieures ExternD1 couses . 271 234 265 222 329 271
------------ ---1----
TOTAL.. 5,121 5,90S 5,731 6,035 6,695 6,871
73 - Malades traités dans les dispensaires.
73-Patlents Treated ln Dlspensarles.
DI!;SIGNATION 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936
---_._-- ------
Service do médecioe: M edic:al servico: :
Malades traités ... , ...... P..tien~. treated ........ 133,582 111,767 148,260 132,794 100,835 84,212
Pot.ites op~r..tiono........ M.inor OpeTBtiOOB........ 634 2,172 1,982 481 1,006 1,030
Traitement.a............. Tro..tment.............. 48,331 71,368 56,219 36,558 23,770 67,365
COneultntione............ COIL~1.11tat-iOll9 ........... 104,814 169,112 220,220 214,067 242,113 128,506
Presoript-ione romplies..... Prescript.ioOB Iilled ....... 124,513 147,472 269,839 250',366 199,480 172,318
Servioo de ohirurgio: Surllieol Service:
Malades traités. . . . . . . . . . PBticnt.~ treated ........• 133,568 76,578 102,784 105,811 68,433 09.995
Petites opérattone........ Minor operationa . ....... 13,697 12,333 18,433 17,951 11,998 10,089
Traitements . ............ Tret\tment.a.. ........... 78,645 89,613 99,655 148,693 117,455 94,464
COMultat.ione ............ Conôultation•........... 77,326 120,319 139,409 145,943 176,063 [10,260
Preoeript.ione re!pplies..... Pr..cription.~ filled...... 15,484 13,157 17,646 16,607 14,971 13,266
Se~3~~~:tr.~~~~~~ ....O~~ti~~° 61,131 36,055 40,804 42,678 43,254 40,192
Petites opérations........ Mlnor operations. , ...... 11,017 10,580 11,083 12,343 9,793 10,432
Traitemont.•.. _.........• Trell·tmonts............ 79,540 72.316 67,323 84,271 85,693 71,438
COneulta~ioOB............ COIJ..uJtations .......... 93,751 121,521 126,18B 120;408 103,596 95,052
Prescriptions remplies. .... Prescriptione tilled ...•... 61,211 70,362 73,923 114,783 116,278 81,592
Autres services: Other Serviees:
Malades traités .......... p ..tients treBtcd ........ , 191,513 88,175 111,469 Ua,l34 114,418 125,635
P,etiw.. opératioJ18....... , Minor oper..tions .......• 39,521 42,889 42,504 41,754 32,687 28,086
Tr..itements..........•.. Treatment.•........ : .... 83,350 96,719 154,624 152,061 113,469 118,161
COD.B'ultat.iollll ............ COIl8UltlltioOS .......... 107,191 292,842 315,617 318,741 293,992 325.810
Prescriptions remplies.....'ptione tilled.... ... 113,094 250,229 ' 429,080 856.397 1,051,102 364.429
74- État nnancler des hôpitaux, maternités et crèches.
74--Finaocllll Statement or General and Ma ternity Hospltals and Crèches.
ÉNUMÉRAnON 1031 1932 1933 HI34 1l13S 1936
S s s s $ S
Recettes: Reeeipts:
En caisse le 10r janvier.... On hAnd on IBt".\,.. 2S1,311 293,344 141,240 [90,914 290,528 188,294
Payé par les patients.. . .. . Paid by llatients 3,306,5162,841.597 2,588,038 2,062,158 2,892,884 3,176,<112
OctrOIS du gouvernement.. Government grllntB '" 2,097,411 2.273,538' 2,795,411 3.313,0763,501,371 3,470,333
Octrois des mutLicipalités.. Grants by Illunieipllüties.. 69(1.3 [1 701,542 708,251 832.505 878,300 875,863
Dons particuliers......... PrivatedonatioD.9........ 553,006 ,,34,571 403,879, 452,.978 009,050 706,205
Autres recettes.. Other recelpts.....•..... 1,617,4661,476,7901,996,9312,109,055 1,891,778 1,700,964
TOTAL..•................................... Il,Q2,OU 1.:121,:1828,694,650 11,560,685 9,963,9U 10,124,291
Déboursés: Disbursemente:
Traitements d.. médecins. Salaries of physiciaos..... 252,476 329.318 372,701 407,84(; 404,161 454,924
Salaires du penonne!...... of 9taff ......•... 2,113,7312,355,1512,329,385 2,119,068 2,423,752 2,572,030
Reméd.., eto............ Medidoe, ete............ 507,800 528,431 .532,618 644,766 701,376 700,889
Nourriture......... .. Pood _ 1,493,085 1,343,879 1,304,710 1,481,991 1,627,212 1,709,470
Blanehiss..geethabillement Lallfid,.y and clothing.... 293,020 251,400' 255,4'71 267,)50 26:;,627 265,708
Chauffage............... II.atinp;................ 562,199 585,743 535,166 633,ô38 671,.101 655,086
Taxe., .....urance., etc..... Taxes, lOBurance, etc..... 1 993,096 748,910 767,983 919,2471,115,521 1,2iiO,621
Aufore. d~bou",é"......... Other disbu"'ements.•.. " 1,868,820 1,804,1872,405,688 '2,796,7622,586,656 2,340,957
F.n caisse le 31 décembre.. On bandon31~t Dec'e1llber'l. 337,785 174,363 190,9691 290,318 168,207 155,516
TOTAL 18,422,0118,121,382 8,694,&50 9,54i0,685 9,963,lIU 10,124,291
Erlmit de 8laliatiq""s des In.~ihJli<m. d'''''si8la11'''', Québeo.-Extraot frorn Slalisti"" of Ben.ool~ 111.l<lutio11S