Page 415 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 415

           C...e chapitre complète celui de la production  The present coopter serves ta complete the
         par les données suivantes: valeur des échanges  section on production by giving data concerning
         commerciaux, des compensations bancaires et  the follOlrving: value of trade, bank clearings
         des permis de construire, nombre et capital  and building permits, number and capital of
         des compagnies nouvelles, importance des fail~  newly chartered companies i number of failures
         lites et fluctuations des prix. Considérées dans  and priee fluctuations. Taken as a whole. these
         leur ensemble, ces statistiques reflètent la  statistics reflect the generaJ. economic situation
         situation économique générale de la. provinoe.  of the Pro'lince.

                   A-COMMERCE                              A--TRADE
          Les Rtatistique8  du comme.rce extérieur  Statisties pertaining to ext.ernal trade show
         montrent la valeur des éohanges internationaux  the value of the inte.rnational exchange of com-
                                              modities through the ports of the Province of
         de marchandises effectués par les ports de 1&
                                              Quebec. The expression impoT'ts for wnsump-
         province de Québec. L'expression impO'rtntùms
                                              tion does not necessarily imply that the mer-
         po7lr la consom:matùm n'implique pas nécessai-
                                              chandise is t.o be UBed for corummption in
         rement que ces marchandises ont été consom-
                                              Canada but rather that it was delivered ta the
         mées au Canada mais signifie qu'elles ont été
                                              importe:, who paid the required customs duty.
         livrées à l'importateur qui a payé les droits  A certain quantity of the importations entering
         imposés. Une partie des importations est desti-  the Province of Quebec are conaigned to the
         née aux autres pro'linces du Canada de même  othee Canadian provinces just as a pa.rt of the
         qu'une partie da'! e:~..portations en provient.  exportations emanare from them.
           Au tableau 4, lB, valeur des exportations ne  In Table 4 the value of exporta incIudes onl)'
         oomprend que les produits canadiens. Dans les  Canadian products. In the othee tables bath
         autres tableaux, cette valeur représente les  Canadian and foreign producta are represenred
         produits canadiens et étrangers.     in this same value.
                  1- Importations et exportations par cinq ports de la province.
                       l-Imports and Exports at Five Ports ln the Province.
            .\NN.J1;EB (l) YEAItS  Montr~(ll  Québec                     Sberbrooko
                                                     St. Jobllij
                                  IMPORTATIONS -  IMPOR=T;:.;S==__.~==~_~=~=_
         ili~--------- $137,328,~53--$-7,!68,434S4,579,087    13,493,542  "4,017,010
         1935.                 125,851,514  7,723,113  4,589,636  3,897,885  3,018,463
         1934                  105,195,992  6,24·1,381  4,05::5,003  2,855,337  3,148,077
         1933                  105,277,223  6,187,136  4.116,252  1,977,262  2,522,308
         1932                  138,475,073  9,078,9.'S6  6,085,999  2,780.679  3,774,896
         1931                  201,171,761  13,321,721  8,887,454  4,275,029  5,920.634
         193U                  225,769,23f2  17,031,590  10,700,703  5,017,460  10,195,.\84
         1929                  245,524,953  17,567,179  10,508,731  4,781,299  10,707,835
         1928..                227,916,633  19,940,309  8,523,005  6,703,168  9,215,252
         1927.                 212,901,307  15,50\1,185  9,168,509  5,542,589  8,001,055
         192tL                  ]92,662,298  16,318,355  t,IOt,!6?  7,626,755  7,025.855
         1925                 1  171,111\,753  14,403,267  9,335,114  5,288,918  5,509,928
         1924.              .- _•. 1 191,867,086  16,2!0,993  10,642,034  5,028,882  l\Wl,605
         HI23 .                173,938,311  14,332,753  6,917,273  5,157,371  5,311l,639
         1922.                 167,812,273  16,629,548  6,937,458  4,679,402  .'5,570,378
                                  EXPORTATIONS  - EXPORTS
         1936 ..               $150,654,457  f: 13,811,891  $ 40,525,791  ,  $, 5,680,597  326,364
         198.'5.                134,959,321  13,540,111  27,771,046  4,7(}!,281  • 268,351
         1934.                  134,31)0,561  20,341,615  24,689,897  3,810,856  163,022
         1933.                  122,974,026  7,411,631  11,978,733  2,875,616  127,577
         1932.                 116,875,967  6,646,697  34,519,002  4,473,891  152,744
         193]                  132,754,484  10,055,317  51,010,638  6,985,100  361,479
         1930.                 161.577,392  12,772,683  70,542,168  5,624,968  416,119
         1929 .              --  235,665,267  ~2,043,O70  60,692,647  5,006,672  530,865
         ]928.                  ]87,612,703  14,814,714  63,631,855  3,835,953  474,878
         1927 ...              216,M7,153  17,877,7 0  62,015,787  3,342,425  615,075
         1926 ..                240,010,515  17,958,019  73,492,473  2,801,784  1,342,010
         1925                   192,298,083  11,828,917  73,510,357  1,364,193  2,592,110
         1924.                  190,282,115  15,960,228  67,959,368  606,278  2,315,388
         1923.  .....           173,758,813  15,382,000  46,103,919  887,104  1,102,412
         ]922 .. ....... ...... ......  --  159,039,309  12,Çl84,029  31,301,241  48,515  636,840
            (1) Be ternli:mnt le 31 marll,-Ending tbe 31Bt :\1arch.
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