Page 411 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 411

F-POSTES                           F-POST OFFICES
           Le nombre des bureaux de poste en opéra-  The number of post offices in operation in
         tion dans la province, était de 2,450 au 31  the Province was 2,450, on the 31st March,
         Illilra 1934. Le ministre des postes a ouvert 34  1934. During the year, the Post Office Depart~
         succursales et en a fermé 18 pendant l'année,  ment opened 34 offices and closed 18 wbich
         ce qui porte le total à 2,466 au 31 mam 1935.  brought the total numher to 2,466, at the end
         Dans J'ensemble du pays, leur nombre attei-  of March, 1935. There were 12,069 offices
         gnait 12.069, réparti comme Buit~ ne-du-Prince-  throughout the Dominion. distributed as fol-
         Edouard, 114, Nouvelle-1i:cosse, 1,571. Nou-  l~ws: Prince Edward Island, 114î Nova Scotia,
         veau-Brunswick, 1,000; Québec, 2,466; Onta-  1,571; New Brunswick. 1,000; Quebec, 2,466;
         rio, 2,540j Manitoba, 788; Saskatchewan, 1,433;  Ontario, 2,540; Manitoba, 788; Saskatchewan,
         Alberta., 1,228; Colombie-Britannique, 892;  1,433; Alberta, 1,228; British C{)lumbia, 892;
         Yukon, 18; Territoires du 1\ord-Oue8t, 19. Le  Yukon, 18; North West Tenitories, 19. The
         nombre des bureaux établis dans le Québec, en  number of potlt offices in Quebec Province, in
         1909, s'élevait à 728, et Ics recettes brutes pour  1909, was 728, and the gross receipts amounted
         cette même année étaient de $1,748,000, au  to $1,748,000 as compared to $7,389,522, in
         lieu de "$7,389.522 en 1934-35. La valeur des  1934-35. The amount of money orders issued in
         mandats de poste émis dans la province, durant  the Province, for the fiscal year ending the 31st
         ['année terminée le 31 mam 1935, a été de  Mareh, 1935, was $16,308,934 and that of
         $16,308,934 et celle, des mandats payés, pour  money ol'ders for the saffie period was
         la même période. de $15,152,171.     $15,152,171.
                             22 - Mandats de poste émis et payés.
                              21-Money Orders Issued and Pald.
                                      --1-  Mandats de poste émis  :Mandsœ de pœte payês
                ANNÉES El' PROVINCES        MDnay Orners Ùieued  .Money Orders Paid
                YEARS .uw PROVINCES        Nombre     Valeur    Nombre     Valeur
                                           ~lllnber  _.__'_·"_'_..  N_u_m_b_e~_'__~V~alUP,:
                          PROVINCE DE QUÉBEC-PROVINCK O}O~ QUEBKC
         1934-35.                           1,874,251  S  10,308.934  1.563, 1'  15.15z.t71
         1933-34. ,                         1,864,990  15,213.011  1,5U,862  13,966,669
         1932-33.                           l.877,3S\}  15,729,506  1,572,443  14.545.094
         1931-32.                           2.261,175  20,553,932  1,838,958  18,751,132
         HI3D-31 ..                         2,698,723  26,450,677  2,5tiQ.951  25,985,799
         192!)"30.                          2,859.337 [  29,310,688  2,760.806  30,400,388
         HI28-29 ..                         2,IH4,493  27,915,322  2,372,730  27,166,302
         1927~2.'I.                         2,680,292  27,320,599  1  1,898,228  23,235,516
         192~27 .                           2,250,437  25,869,584  1,696,197  22,009,406
         1925-26 .                          2,020,164  23,145,950  1,445,221  19,421,896
         1924-25                            l,818,9Z'J  21,743,665  1,265,803  17,701,053
         1923--24 .                          1,618,558  19,798,941  1,134,82~  16,882,150
         1922-23 ..                          1,334.-,448  16,654,927  968,650  13,893,894
         1921-22 .                           1,193..1-90  16,106,847  918,941  15,293,200
         1920-21. .                          1,374,724  20,982,946  1,057,289  22,998,684
         191!)..20 ..                        1,247,000  19,135,000  956,000  17,206,000
         1918-19                             1.114,OOO  16,750,000  875,000  14,647,000
          1917-18                            1,110,000  15,669,000  1,232,000  16,761,000
          191~17                             1,053,000  14,353,000  894,000  12,589,000
          1915-16.                            94.-5,000  12,665,000  754,000  10,078,000
          1914~1;j                            992,000  13,621,000  800,000  11,187,000
                              CANADA, EN 1934-35--eA:-rADA, IN 1934-35
          ne-du~p_-EdoullJ'd. .. ... Prince Edw&rd Island.  109,122  •  969,870  41,086 ,  li38,204
          NouveUe-EooB~  .... Nova Scotia.    891,104  7,805,723  562,94-1  5.530.006
          N.-Brunswick..                      488,075  4,341.140  7l7,B27  6.553,543
          Québec..                           1,874,251  16,308,934  1,503,062  15,152,171
          Ontario ...                        3,426,802  30,868,005  3,922,944  34.734,816
          Manitobll,..                        909,860  8,238,040  2,004,349  22,091.686
          SaBkatchewan..                     2,146,163  19.654,449  1,459,678  12,860,754
          Alberta... , .....                 1,643,725  1.">,876,608  656,848  1:1,984,483
          CDloUlbie-Brit. ,  .: :BriÙ~h C~l~~b'i~:'  1,174,553  10,62'6.810  638,887  7,594,163
          Yukon . . .                         10,079    142,486      761     14,776
               CANADA.                     4.2,111,194  114,812,_  U,228,783  U4,0:S4,1I2
             Extrait de Rapport dt~ m1ni,,/re de8 pol!te8, Ottawa.-Extraut (rom Report of the P08/7nasler General, Ottawa.
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