Page 302 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 302

266                           PRODUCTION

           Lei! chiffres ci-dessous proviennent du recen-  The figures given below are taken from the
          seDlent industriel de 1934 et indiquent le
                                               industrial cerums of 1934. and show the amount
          volume de l'abatage dans les abattoirs et snla.i-  of slaughtel'ing in pa.cking bouses and abattoirs!
          sons j non compris les petits bouchera. Ces ét,a-  Dot including small butchel's. These est..a,blish-
          bliBsements étaient répartis comme suit: Pro-
                                               ments were distributed as follows: Maritime
          vinces maritimes, 13j Québec,-37; Ontario, 61;
          ~'1a.nitobB,. 8j Saskatchewan 6; Alberta, 9;  Provinces, 13; Quebec, 37; Ontario, 61j Mani-
          CoJombie-Blitannique, 13 j le total pour le  tobal 8; SMkatchewan l 6; Alberta, 9; British
         Canada  étant  de  147.               Columbia, 13; the total for Canada, being 147.

                    28 - Animaux abattus dans les abattoirs et salaisons, en 1934.
                 28-Animals Slaughtered in Abattoirs and Packing Houses, in 1934.

                               Bêtes ~cornes 1  MoutoM  Porcs    Veaux
               ,PROVINCES                                                  Total
              _~             --'-_  CllttJe__--'-__S_h_'_-'_P__'-__H_""_,_--,__C_'_h_-'_'_--,-__
                            POIDS KET (11::-;' LIVRES)-NET WEIGHT (m POt;~DI»
         Provo maritime:'j. . Mar. Provinoes.  1,044,854  778,260  6,515,708  37,73,1',  8,377,560
         Québec.,.    .......    62,590,172  5,756,21:11  61:1,587,241  1  17,392,311  152,425,985
         Ontario.               l(l2,677,275  11>,355,975  157,272,387  .10,601:1,932  355,912,569
         :Man.itoba....          93,21:13,190  5,712.586  76,432,155  1  11,608,609  187,016,540
         SaBkatohewo.n..         18,529,073  1,047,377  33,448,043  2,338,144  55,363,237
         Alberta...    ....      31,983,915  3,286,930  79,703,931  8,750,619  123,725,395
         Col.~nrit.  ..... ~:: ::8'. C  33,160,104  5,220,867  18,268,496  1,243,306  57,892,773
               CM'AD.'!....   .:, 401,34',113  37,1$8,2S&  438,228,N1  1  61,917,659  940,714,059
                                         1                   1
                                                           --           ---
         P1'C\', maritimes .. Mar, Provinces.  S  47,290  $  88,1:192  $  680,270  $  1,729  $  817,981
         Quêbee, .               4,279,I7."i  659,182  1  7,537,123  1,160,055  13,636,135
         Ontario... , .          11,575,B55  1.920,433  1  17,781,133  1,691,493  32,908,714
         Manitoba.               4,717,851   571,277  7,831,600  649.800  13.770,528
         S8.Ilkatchewan.          766,372    106.004  3,405,009  104,417  4,382,392
         lùbena.             . _[  1,478,121  2'90,438  7,826,579  492,848  10,087,986
         CoL-Brit           ..   2-,.1=-9-",=-'2-"'-1  664,678  2,017,605  80,123  4,955,628
               CAN.'!..n  .     25,057,686  4,100,704  47,079,909  4,1Il,Oes  8O,619,J&t
              29 -  Valeur des matières employées dans les abattoirs et salaisons, en 1934.
                29-Value of Materials used ln Abattoirs and Packing Houses, in 1934.

                                                     Valeur des  Valeur des  1  Valeur totale
                               Achats de viandes fra1chell ou 1  IlIlinlaUx  autres matières  deB matière:'j
                                 part.iellement préparéeB  abllttu-'i  employéeB  employées
                                Dr~d Meats Purch/l8oo  Value of  Value of  1  Total Value
                                 Fresb or Partially Oured  Anin13ls  Other MateriaLs  of Materia!s
                                                    811l:ugbtered  'U8ed   Used
                              ---------- -----1----------
                                             •         $         $         $
         ~~~'j';,~itim...~1". pm",n"",.1  3,435,102  328,·173  817,981  106,536  1,252,990
                                29,971,845  2,628,620  13,636,135  2,238,934  18,503,1:189
         Ontario....            31,641:1,026  3.507,871  32,968,714  4,743.760  41.220,345
         ~fallitoba.,....        4.,039,083  416,02;')  13,770,528  1,307,569  1504.94,122
         Baskatehewan.            157,627     5,4019  4,382,392  415,627  4.,S03,468
         <5~~~~~it·.·.·..... :8'. 'C: '  4,480,073  651,368  10,087,986  831:1,189  10,927,070
                              1-----              1 $0:.19:... 11-1O-·2S-·-·'-'"---"-·-41-7~G2-
              CANADA.     .....  1  73,7S2,45J  1
           Extrait de Sialistiqu,€s du bétai.l et (leB produila Illlimq,IlX, 193;'), Otta...-a.-Extract from Lire-Stock a"d AniJll l li
         pj'odueta 8tar.ifltU::a, 1935, Otto.WIl
   297   298   299   300   301   302   303   304   305   306   307