Page 307 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 307

270                           PRODUCTION

                               31- Organisation des fabriques.
                              32-0rilanfzation of Dairy Factot'ies.

                            Nombre de-Number of   1            Sahirf!s l't.  1  Po.yé nUl:
                                                                gages   fou.rnia>eurs
           AIS'N:tES  FabrIquee  \  FoumiB.!lcurs  1  Capital    (2'
                      Mm=- a,.~~..        p","", 1------ a"W:;,:nd 1      PlltrolLll
            YEARS                                                         Paid to
         1.3'-...-..~.- ..·.1                       • 15,61.,11.1.
                          l,"".    37         75,728             3.34••••71(3) 121,148,756
         1934 (4)         1,272    53         18,668  16,894,352  3,OO5,fi49  17,182,806
         '.33.: :'1       1,.'12.';  41       77,498  13,192,54.6 1  2,704,M9  12,486.492
         1931(5).         1,345    22    (6)  73,209  7,9M,163   1,035,661  12,635,6M
         1930 ..          1,356    25         80,279  8,366,864  1,487,031  19,451,142
         Hl29 '           1.389    25         79,816  8,332,161  1,492,492  23,044,923
         1928.....        I.,:~    31         78,735  8,194,996  1,256,547  25,569,762
         1927 (5) ..      I  (lU   38         79.952  8,322,181  1,23.2,84-2  23,348,280
         1926..           1,576               84,091  8,446,041  1,556,543  19,227,472
         1925.            1,599               77,251  8,103,099  L'iIO,.I\91  26,882,034
         HIZ4..           1,563               73,329  7,487.032  1,438,063  24,185,247
         1923.            1,660               75,920  7,Ml.155   1,371,023  25,164,,720
         _______--'.__-C-_                         1
                    33 - PJ'oduction de l'ensemble des fabriques de la province.
                 33--Production of Ail Butter and Cheese Factories in the Province.
           A~:-r~EB "." f~.~           Crème A  Autres  ~t:ilk u.ud Cream SoM to
                                                         Lait et crème vendus à
             -        fabriqu~.  fabriqUé  1" glll.ce;  Au~res  Co[ulOm·  Toh.l
            YEAHS     Butter   Cheese    Iœ      Other   fabrIques  mate urs
                   IManufàeture~L fanur~ctured  Crenm  Productt;  -  -
                                                          Other    Con-
         --                                              Fl'Lùtori~  \  sUluers
                  Lbs     GAle  1
         1931),       73,"!j7,OOO  20,265,992  1.155,353 ..
         1934         69,325,144  21,676,736  1,038,480 ..          ..." l' .
         1933.        ô3.5W,t'>88  25,521,945  004,458,             ..     .
         1932.        64.889,670  29,361.1UJ (7) 1,157,178.,           .,  .'
         19::11       60.853,540  25,907,681  1,517,804 .
         1930.        60,746,665  34,059,680  1.674,643       ..j
         1929..       53,489,879  35,169.815  1,730,617
         1928.        52,526,248 1  45.183,970  1,654,295
         1927.  . . . .. . 1  55,098,768  ::17,510.737  1,461,100 ..
         19~.     . ..  50,822,389  46,355,360  1,179,332 ,  1
         1925.        49,128,804-  51,761,908  76J,387 .'  '. '1 .... •••
         1924.                 ~:~ti:~~~                               . . .\" . .
         1923.    ...1 ~~:~i~:~~~        6~.7:~~ ..                    ...
         ------"----'''---.1----.·''-,----;·.--,------.·.---- 1
         1935.        15,894,249  2,074,660  J,567,444  712,152  907,0711(8) 10,605,2861  31,&32,858
         H134. _      14,024,4IQ  2,071,379  1,55.7,535  2BO,S05  918,732  6.,')93,172  25,436,042
         1933.        12,514,764  2,465,388  1,379,766 (9)  134,824  4,778,344  21,273,086
         IB32.        12,269,865  2,716,380 (7) 1,680.000  (g)  3,758,941  19,42l'i,966
         IB31.        14,980,698  2,90fi,lSMl'  2.203,368                  2O,07g,942
         1930.        17,851,545  5,106,866  2,511,183 ..                  25,469,.wt
         1929.        20,U6,452  6,239,139  2,567.023'.                    29,172,614
         1928. .      19,975,556  9,438,302  2,370,397 ..                  31,784,2.'>1';
         19Z7. .      20,216,50,')  6,805li58  2,070.806 .                 29,101,969
         1921L        17,239,170  7,485,561  1,719,808.                    26.«4,539
         1925.        19,538.651  10,685,139  1,084,Q97.                   31,308,787
         1924         20,201,055  6.326,5{l11  900,530                     21,428.176
         1923         20.605,992  8,780,513 .'                             29,386,506
            (1) Postes d'écrémage et de rooeption.-Skimming and J'E'cBiving stations.
            (2) Jusqu'en 1933, seulement pour le grllll converti. en beurre f't en fromaae.-l~p to 1933, ouly for fl'Lt convcrt.ed
         into blltt<>r and chaesc.
            (3) En 1935, y compris pOo,J.r la. premîêN: fois les somm'lS payées par œrtains didtributeu".-In 1935, amounts
         paid br certain distributors are ineluded for the firM time.
            (4) Depuis 1933, les chiffree dell crèmeries de ville sont inclus.-Sinœ 1933, figures of city creameriee Me induded.
            (5) De 1927 A 1931, les fabriQues faisant ....c1usi~'em~nt i'e>tpfditJOn ne ~Oll\, ptl' compr\BelJ.-~·r()m}'321 to 1931,
         figures do not include faotories engaged exolusively in the shipping of milk and cream.
            (6) Del?uis 1932, le uQmhre des patrons des crèmerie;; des cité" de Québec et de Montréal c'est pas donné.-Bince
         1932, excluSIve of the number of patrons of the creameries in the citie8 of Quebec and Montreal.
            (7/ Avant 1';132, comprend une petite quantité fabriquée dans d'autres l!tll.hlill.q~menh.-Befol'o H132, include~
         Il Amal qUlI.ntity made in othel' c!ltablîsltments.
            (8) Comprend pour IlL première fois, tes ventes de c-ertains distributeW"S.-Includes for the fit'!lt time sales made
         by certain dilltributo~.
            (9) Pas de reneeignements pollr letO années anthieures.-lnfoTmation nnt available for previolll< yearll.
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