Page 279 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 279

AGRICULTURE                             245

             2 - Superficie, rendement et valeur des g,randi:s cultures dans la province.
                   2-Area, Yield and Value of Field Crops in the Province.

                                     Superficies  Quantités  Rendement
                                    ensemencées  récoltéf?.li  à l'acre  Valeur  Prix moyen
                                      (en aereB)  (enboi~seaux) (enbo~ell,W::)  totale  du boÎsl'leau
               ANNÉEB-YEARS             -       -        -        -        -
                                       k ..     Total    Yield   Total   Average
                                      Seeded    Yield  per Acre  Value   Priee per
                                     (in BC.I'el'l)  (in bUllheis)  (in bU!lbels)  Bushel
                             BL.t DU PRINTEMPS-SPRING WHE<\..T
        1935...  ...        .. " ...   62,500  1,130,000  1  18.10,  1 81,118,000  S  0.99
        1934 ..             .. .. .. ' ..  63,800  1,245,000  19.50  1,214,000  1  0.98
        1938. ...                      58,200  979,000   16.80   762,000    0.78
        l'il32 ....     .. . "  .....  52,000  952,000   18.30   695,000    0.73
        HI3l. ..    .... "."           39,220  798,000   20.30   614,000    0.77
        1930..... ....       .....     58,700  1,050,000  18.00  998,000    0.95
        1929 ..                        58,266  995,000   17,10  1,522,000   1.63
        1928 ...                       57,000  929,000   16.30  1,561,000  1  l.68
        1927 ..        .. '." .......  61,000  1,049,000  17.20  1,845,000  !  1. 76
        1926 .. ....                   54,000  1,094,000  17.10  1,915,000  1. 75
        1925.                          68,000  1,190,000  17.50  2,094,000  1. 76
        1924 ...                  ...  59,000  1,132,000  16.40  1.879,000  1  1.65
        1923.                          74,478  1,194,000  16.00  1,758,000  1  1.47
        1935 ....                     1,674,400  45,161,000  27.00  1$19,397,000  •  0.43
        1934 ...                  ...  1,679,800  48,262,000  28.70  20,757,000  0.43
        1933 .. , .                 1 1,718,000  44,880,000  26.10  1ô,379,000  0.36
        1932 ..                       1,735,500  51,024,000  29.40  18,369,000  0.36
        1931.                         1/157,452  47,223,000  28.50  17,945,000  0.88
        193O.                         1,899,800  50,035,000  2».60  23,798,000  0.47
        1929 ..                       1,826,042  47,475,000  20.00  3ÎJ,081,OOO  0.76
        1928.                         1,746,000  41,031,000  23.50  30,773,000  0.75
        1927., .                      1,782,000  150.609.000  28.40  35,932,000  0.71
        1926.                         1,856,000  49,741,OfJO  26.80  31,834,000  0.64
        1925 ...                      ] ,S-W,OOO  54,010,000  29.10  32,946,000  0.61
        1924 ..                       1,838,000  5U,913,000  27.70  32,584,000  0.84
        1923.                   .. ····1 1  1,RI9,920  48,84.'1,000  26.75  28,02fi.OOO  0.57
        1935 ...                       l40,900  3,493,000  24.80  $2,003,000  S  0.57
        1934.                       !  l32,600  3,310,000  25.00  2,023,000  0.61
        1933 ...                       130,800  3.117,000  23.80  1,625,000  n.52
        1932.                          114,300  2,938,000  25.70  1,557.000  0.53
        1931.                          96.762  2,449.000  25.30  1,371,000  0.56
        1930 ...                       156,700  3,678,000  23.50  2,391,000  0.65
        1929..                         ]54,016  3,1H2,000  22.80  3,758,000  1.07
        1928.                          128,000  2,803,000  2Ul0  3,111,000  1.11
        1927 ...                       125,000  3,(188,000  24.70  3,,,04,000  1. 07
        Hl26.                          124,000  2,914,000  23.50  2,972,000  1.02
        1925.                          124,000  2,9713,000  24.00  3,006,000  1.01
        1924.                     ]    124,000  2,939,000  1  23.70  2,939,000  1. 00
        1923.                          124,771  2,895,~  23.25  2,629,000   0.91
                                    SEIGLE-SPRIKG RYE
        1935.                           6,100   92,000   15.00    69,000  S  0.75
        1934 ..                   ...   5,500   91,000   16.50  1  • 62,000  0.68
        1933 ...                    1   5,100   82,000   16.10    59,000    0.72
        1932..        " .........       6,200   98,000   15.80    67,000    0.68
        1931 ..                         5,563   86,000   15.50    60,000    0.70
                                 ' ...
        1930 .. ,               ·1     17,500  309,000   17.70   232,000    0.75
        1929.                          10,954  173,000   15.80   255,000    1.47
        1928.                          12,000  18l,000   15.10   272,000    1. 50
        1927.                          12,200  214,000   17.50   338,000   ·1.58
        1926.                          12,500  199,000   15.90   316,000    1.59
        1925 .. ,       -              13,000  238,000   18.30   326,000    1.37
        1924 .                         13,000  195,OüO   15,00   275,000    1.41
        1923 ..                        13,499  201,000   15.00   249,000    1:24
        H135.                          1S.600  287,000   15.50  $ 464,000  •  1. 62
        1934 ..                     1  19,100  317,000   16.60   524,000    1.65
        1933.                          18,900  308,000   16.30   471,000    1.53
        1932 ..                        19,300  320,000   ]6.60   458,000    1.43
        1931.                      ..  17,270  282,000   16.40   412,000    1. 46
        1930.                       1  38,200  556.000   14.60  1,168,000   2.10
        192\}.                         34,806  539,000   15.5Q  1,590,000   2.95
        1928.                     J    35,000  508,000   14.50  1,453,000   2.86
        1927,                          36,000  .569,000  15.80  1,474,000   2,59
        1926 ..                        38,000  593,000   15.60  1,494,000   2.52
        1925.                   . . . . . . 1  40,000  620,000  15.50  1,637,000  2.64
        1924.                     ...  40,000  616,000   15.40  1,540.000   2.50
        1923.                          40,874  625,000   15.25  1,646,000   2.74
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