Page 180 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 180

B-DOMAINE                         B---eROWN LANDS
           Le département de la colonisation concède  The Department of Colonization grantB
         aux colons qui désÎrent se liner 1\ la culture,  the survcred Crown lands adapted ta agri-
         les terres domanlliles arpentées dans les régions  culture ta settlets desirollil of devoting them-
         propres ~ l'agriculture; les temJ.Ïns non culti-  selvE'8 to farming, while lands unsuitable for
         ,'ables sont réservés à l'exploitation forestière.  cultivation are reservE'd fol' forestry operations.
          LèS terrains'"arpentés dE'stinés"à, hL  The surveyed lands intended for cultivation
         tion sont divisés en lotslde fe;me pour être  are divided into farm lots to he sold through
         vendus pal' l'intermédiaire dos agents des terI'E'S  the intermedia,ry of Crown Lands agents.
         de la Couronne.
          Au fur et à mesmc du défrichement,! l~ gou-  A.iI the lands are cIeared J the Govorument
         \"el'llement fait arpento:'r dt?: nouveaux cantons  has new tOWIli3hips sUl'veyed and sells the lots
         et ",~md lcs lots à, un prix très fa.ible (60 cents  at a very modemtp. figure (60 cent8 pel' acre)
         l'acre) payablc par Vèrsements annuels. Un  payable in yearly instalments. An inspcction
         service d'inspection, composé dl'l personnes rési-
         dant dans les paroisses nom,elles, surveille le  service composed of residenl,s of the new
         défrichement dans le but de prévenir les abus  pa.rishes watches over the clearing in order to
         et le pilIa.g~.                      prevent abuse and pillage.

                 13 - Terres domaniales vendues ou octroyées et terres non attribuées.

                    13-Crown Lands Sold or Granted and Lands not Allotted.

                                Superficie d('~ lt>rrb ,le la C'ourOliue-i\rea of Cruwn Lailw  Rl.'C'l.'ttR6
            AK:K'ÉE rrSCALE                                               da; \'entei
                              Vendues  O('lr,-,yêe~  Di...-i~,..~  Relournées  Divisél.'S et
                                ,t     gratuite-  l'li loh dl.'  • la  disponibles
                             , 1        , 1l('1l t  1 el'OU?  Couronne  -
                             cc lang 'es
             FI8CAL YEAJtd      (1;      -       -        (2\   Snbdivided  Receipts
                               Suld    Granled  Di...-ided  Rt-\·t-rt<"d  and  Derived
                            1   oc      frel'    intI)   t.o the·  DispoilahJe  trom Sale<;
        --------_._---- ------       1         Farm Lots  Crowil
                                                                          •  ct'!.
                               a.e.les  a"re.~  acre<-            arr","
         1934-35               362,593   1,972  '143,654  165,300  8,671'1,721  35,987.09
         1933-34.              55fi,ôOH  4,:W~  141>,631  353,H79  8,434,332  41,362.92
         1932~33.   .-         201,870   4,943  127,7.'!0  IlOAlO  1  8,504,830  35,1.'55. Il
         1031-32.              211.981   3,387  151,276  ] 53,li61  >\,533,459  41,497.18
         1930-31.              lÇJ7,442  2,~)44  1).:1,135  116,325  ,  8,443,890  57,719.7,'5
         1929-30 ......        162,814   1,882  ,  179,H5fo1  121,461  8.463,816  65.389.73
         1928-29 ..  . ...     145,371   2.028  119,332  107,130  8,327,192  63,236.94
        1927-28..              IJ6,897   1,451  117,107   97,:?78  8.248,129  70,341.11
         1926-27.              167,864   1,502   58,690   41),812  8.192,092  68,270.8:.!
         HI25-26 ..            175,511   3,781   11.635  100,360  8,252,950  64,959.29
         H124-25               163,891}  2,702  238.977   77.flS3  8.120,247  69,776.09
        1923-24.               174,291  1  3,289  20,3HI  89,7.')1  8,170,185  84,M5.78
         1922-23.        ...  212,615    5,14t:i  343.560  66,328  8,237,685  84,439.49
         1921-22.             216,133    5,22ÇJ  107,871  (\5,818  8,045,568  107,365.50
         1920-21.              177.313   1,31;l  421,261  100.301  8,003,241  148,041.06
         1910-20               197,226    184   157.682  207,977  7,750,305  146,398.:21
        1918-19.               186,085     94   320,966  175,362  7,582,056  105,435.82
         1917-18.             297,409      J9   128,720   75,646  7,271,~07  151,350.87
        1916-17.              256,477     263   199,708   96,396  7,365,009  143,373.36
         1915~16.             207,380     150   339,725  103,658  7,325,645  65,596.38
         1914-15.             206.565     350   286,621   80.490  7,089,792  70,212.82
         1013-14 ..           202,587     68.    41,705   97,466  6,929,5'96  103,800.32
         1912~13.              194,091   1,280            62,307  6,993,701  110,626.31
         1911-12..             179,130   1,205  i  . :Ùi),62S'  68,095  7.126,765  53,669.10
         1910-11.              119,465   1,984  22\J,·132  67,340  6,528,377  47,806.02
         1909-10. ..           124,84IJ   775    89,256   91,315  41,270.3'9
         1905..()9            220,645     615    12,875   41,842  6,298,107  77,448.73
         l007..()8 ..         292,-:179   05Q    23,373   86,431  6,464.650  99,09\).80
         J900.(l7. ..   .. ....  227,031  !H6    37,768  110,726  6,647,IJ75  100,628.29
        1905-06.               195,736    322   209,18:l  112,053  6,727,428  67,003.01
                                              1       1
           (1) Y compris 11'9 tl'rnJ8 du e1ergé.-Land9 of the clergy ineluded.
           (2) Par révooe.tion de vente et échange.-Afl:er canceIlo.tion of sale or foilowing u:ch.ange.
           Extrait de Rapporl du ministre dt:8 t8Tr68 etforMs ct (lu. mù~illtr8 dew coloni~lllion, Quêbec.-EJ[tract from Report
        (Jf lM: Mi"iater of Land~ a"d roru/s and of the MinisllT of Colm..imtion, Queœl'.
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