Page 286 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 286

          Les corporations scoln.ires doivent transmet-  The school corporations are obliged to make
         tre au gouvernement un rapport annuel de leurs  an annUlLI report to the Government concern-
         opérations financières. Si ce rapport n'est pas  ing theïr financial transactions.  When the
         transmis dans le délai déterminé, la loi auw-  information is not forwarded wïthin the proper
         rise l'inspecteur d'écoles du district à aller  delay, the school inspector of the district is
         auprès du secrétaire-trésorier retardataire et  authorized by )aw w cali upon the secretary-
         ses frais de déplacement sont remboul'l3able3  treasurer at fault and his tm.velling expenses
         pur la corporation. Ces rapports sont compilés  are borne by the school corporation.  These
         d'après des farmules uniformes par le Bureau  statements are compiIed on uniform formulas
         des Statistiques. Ds indiquent les recettes et les  by the Bateau ofStatistics. They show receipts
         paiements ainsi que le bilan détaillé des corpo-  and disbursements and the balance sheet of
         rotions. Les cotisations imposées sur la pro-  the corporations. The ordiMry revenue iB made
         priété et la rétribution mensuelle exigible pour  up from the taxes levied on property and from
         wut enfant d'âge scolaire constituent le revenu  the monthly fee payable for !tU children of
         ordinaire.  Certaines municipalités imposent  school age. In certain municipaJities a special
         en outre une cotisation spéciale.  On a aussi  asse~:;ment is added to the annual tax. Recourse
         recours à l'emprunt il. long ou à court terme  is often had to long or short term loans w meet
         pour solder le coût des constructions et des  the cost of building and repail'l3. The credit
         répamtions. Cependant, le crédit de ces corpo-  of the school corporations has not, however,
         rations n'est pas compromis eomme le démon-  been impaired as may be noted by the following
         trent les états suivants.            statements.
          En 1934, il yavait 1,507 corpom.tiens scolai-  In 1934, there were 1,507 Catholic and 346
         res C1l.tholiques et 346 corporations protestantes.  Protestant school corporations.
                 21-Valeur des propriétés imposables et montant des cotisations perçues.
                  21-Value of Taxable Property and Amount of School Taxes Collerted.
                  .                PerSODDe8  li:valun·tion  Montant perçu .ur - Amount collected on
                                   payant la
                            du     rMributioo  de. propriét6.  C:otÎfmMona
             ANN~ES     gouçoroement  meMuelle  impQ<;l!ble.  ordioaires  ru~ribution
               -            -        -         _...   e~ .p6ciu!es  rncoBuelle  Arrérages
              YEARS      Goveroment  Fer90na  Y"lue o[  .. -      . -       -
                          Grante    Paying   Taxable  Orrljnn.ry  Monthly  Arreare
                                   Monthly   Property  and Speci"l  Fee.
                                     Fee.             ABge8sment
         1933-34......•........  Il,218,936  144,406  S2,~31,226,8!iR $16,072,154  $650,203  12.496.084
         1932-33...............  1,487,116  144,094  2.343,050,929  17.023,846  ..536.r,69  2,062,807
         1931-32.. ........ .....  1,20;),210  169,104  2,:174,576.894  16,410,927  572,800  1,855,063
         1930-31. ..............  1,429,033  13/i,186  2,401,'282,343  16,947,446  549,740  1.810,732
         1929-30....  ••••••  "-0'  1,467,502  134,2:JO  2,362,714,987  15,961,428  S06,13b  1,712,254
         1928-29..... ..........  1,180,919  1311,223  2,020,750,724  15,938.544  ,,03,984  l.75~,IG7
         1927-28. ....... ' .... ..  1,126,324  136,:H9  1.914,782,627  14,876,7!H.  .502.716  1,749,742
         1926-27..... .... .....  1,077,073  134,974  1,~48,OI5,492  14,666,424  4711,:l46  1.64Z.CJ55
         1925-26..... ...... ...  993,509  139,218  1,793,647,490  13,!H.2 ,382  530,768  1,806,124
         1924-25.... ..........  987,805  145,440  1,758.689,892  14,003,139  538,983  1,623,493
                            22-Élat financier des corporations scolaires.
                          22-Financia.1 Statement of School Corporations.
                          Recette.                     Bnla.nce
             ANNÉES      ord.innires  Emprunts  Poiemenh  {lD cai86e  Actif  Pa••if
               -            -        -         -        -         -        -
              YEARS       Ordinal>'  LOllns  Paymont.  Ca.h on   ABBeta  T.iabilitie.
                          Il''l·''ipt.                 H.nd
         1933-34 ............... S 24,326,334  S 8,745,938  S 31,766,836  S 1.315,436  8122,560,713  $ 89,890,489
         1932-33............ ...  22,149,210  9,424,047  30,366,423  1,206,833  120,(140,247  83,68l.752
         1931-32..... .........  24,205.228  14,639,7.53  37,907,112  1,027,869  117,005,308  83,6l9,732
         IU3~1..  .. . .......  25,983.GIl3  15,503,766  40,136.074  1,400,866  109,640,231  78,253,280
         1929-30.......... .....  1!4,3/i3,(144  10,300,877  33,230,636  1,432,88.5  103,171,036  ·72,682,411
         1928-29 . ..............  22,355,190  6,190,070  27,360,928  1,184,332  97,337,187  69,603,268
         1927-28. ... ... ... .....  21,092,716  8,998,618  28,694,1.18  1,397,196  92,741,070  66,'M3,266
         1926·27 ... .... .......  20,401,016  11,177,806  30,140.73U  1,438,083  89.004,041  64,238,167
         1925-26 ...... ...... ..  19,057,380  6,790,193  25,394,010  1,053,M8  83,923,195  57,074,015
         1924-25.. .... . ........  20,369,175  10,117,663  28.943,842  1.542,990  80,964,518  b7,481i,043
             F.x~tai~ de l'Étal jiJ14nci..- d.. corporati011' scolair.., Qu6bec.-Extraot Irom lite fi'i7l<>ncinl S/a.loment of School
         Corporations, Quebee.
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