Page 267 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 267
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1_1~~~_ 1,9R3 S ~,981 1,ti53 5,776 1 4,831 351 ?fiO 2,18.3 409 ~S7 5,228 3,11\9 110 4,137 187 1,524. 1,595 153 60~ 380 8:!;, 1,439 20\:1,1;)2 4'..S 1,268 1.563 15, JOO :1,794 788 158 2,061 6,904 2,753 1,95.1 8,753 4,481 1,245,569 --_.- 1,545,316 339 1,S44.9TI
1933 3, 004 1 $ 2,70:1 1,7ÜG 4.22G 4,108 ;"\30 675 2,219 244 189 196 4,532 3,337 122 100 4,870 4:!4 l.31:! 1,853 307 715 885 896 822 1.747 203'~3~1 1,193 696 H4 17.586 3,246 1,236 138 1,666 6,905 3,014 1,892 7.613 4,423 2,000,000' _._-- 1,300,000 1,594,071 532 ,--------- 782 1 1,59
1~1~19n_1 2,514 S 3/,40 :l,z07, 4,55S· 1,000 484 1,103 2,489 346 ".919 3,809 4,657 1,228 1,354 1,988 946 668 800 2,190 209,198 615 1,499 18,231 4,547 957 168 2.905 7,369 2,903 z,312 8.039 6,263 2,312,520 2,3U,9!!
licences. 3,728 5 3.630 4,060 4,833 5,459 827 728 4,657 527 303 5.nO 3,701 120 8.004 877 1,792 ')9P -'777 1,065 1,03:! 1,704 o,587 238.5G2 965 1,311 :ifH 23,449 5 1 024 1,327 227 3,139 9,453 3,921 2,418 8,223 5,916 2,132,612 --~. 2,497,124 4,283 -- 2,492,841
des Licences. 509 M7 332 16 870 207
et 1~1~1__ 6,014 S 5,583 4,733 4,984 4,824 1,468 4,040 5,746 3,591 6,106 1,867 3.319 1,593 1,409 1,084 1,083 3,768 260,43!'l 3,1.15 1.666 1,Olfl 24,838 4,867 1,i\63 .1,'132 11,701 4,365' 2,541 7,969 8.512 2,m.6U
alcooU'ques and Act 1929 3,510 4,934 5,137 5,191 5,898 492 659 4,745 271 356 7,782 3,415 277 3,759 1,621 1,383 2.8:14 1,351 1,235 755 1,843 2,278 2·84,920 994 1,H2 295 40,104 4,005 1,663 253 3,047 13,019 4,660 ~.680 7,163 8,193 1,934,133
liqueurs Liquor 1 $ 3,607 4,385 3,965 4,763 5,528 117 856 4,198 359 267 6,424 3.790 22 4,358 744 1,512 2 '9891; M6 293 550 1,389 31~5i 193,575 769 1.709 lOG 20,488 3.3.55 1,278, 138 3,767 10,214 4,063 2,753 0948 Ù87 l'581,87~ll'200,oool_I'~'OOOI~5~,oo0I~~.!'~ 1,809,009 of Quchec.
des Alcoholic 1928 $
Loi the 1 4,067 3,700 4,570 4,792 4,57J 255 801 4,930 401 300 6,59'7 3,120 12 3,824 705 1,499 2,020 l,Sut 803 968 1,297 2,010 519 1,764 .313 20,291 3,016 l'~6l 3'809j 11,259 3,534 2,642. B,U2 5,406 Province
la 1927 S 159,164 1,472,Q29
de under 1934.
"ertu 2,126 4,129" 41 1 )'7 Ù74 4,609 455 823 2,gg~,. 162 5,490. 23' 2,f33i,l 3,458 603 1,266 2,490 1,320 689 660 1,382 1,448 152,334 7:12 1,455 365 20,005 3,123 1,037 404 2,958 }J,3S6 4,001 2,296 6,167 5,156 belore Accounl. of the
en Duties $ 1,797,237r1.839,394
droits from _~.I~-l_~926_l 1,680 3,529 3,491 3,234- 3,8i,' 393 1,173 2,399 169 266 5,712 2,968 2a5 2.660 480 1,221 2,263 704 m, 1.478 1,827 126,188 360 1,879 794 18,750 2,461 1,1.35 91 ~,~~l - ,~ 2,927 1,8.18., 5,245 7,034 revenue, Public
des Derived $ of inB!.e,..] froo,
provenant (1) 2,061 S 3,264 3,956 3,915 4,125 40ll 4f>4 3,659 107 179 4,970 2,088 74- 2,.518 260 1,365 1,941 1,498 1,lHl 693 1,822 1,634 137,057 452 1,607 171 14,2J5 2,897 1,015, 333 . 8,!ii7 3,450 1.878 4,818 7,371 '\-.-2:345,073\_1'079'4451~5,9521 1,305,629 Québec.-Extract
(1) 9-Revenue 1923 487 3,0~01 2,406 3,:!7~ 3,779 1,593 583 1,499 67 192 19,JOO. ~,435; 54 2,557 358 1,179 1,499 639 61 762 1,8-13 1,729 137,422 90G) 1,:!81 2,093 16,205 1,792 745 436 " 8,826 3,339 1,385 5,460 6,759 1,581,052 . 1934.-Reœipt.• dc
9-Revenu $ . . . . . . . . , .. . . . . . ,. , .... . .. ' un- avant pr""i"".
, . ··· . . Ioland•.. . John West.. . . .......•.... . . •..... , , ....•. . . . .. , .. ' duties LiQuor ........ . . . . . . . . . . . .. rewnu, la de
. . , , . . . . , John EaBt . , . , . .. ~::::::::::::::::::: . . . . . . Licence the der Law Reimbursemenls . de lieu publks
DISTRICT" . . . . . . . . Bonave:ntwe. :::::::::::.:::::..::::. ' . . . . , . , , .. I1es-de-la-Mndeleine-Magdalcn """ Lau-St-Jean-Bst-Lake St. St. Lar-Sl-Jesn-Ouest-Lake " '" ,.. ' , Pontiao-Oucst-West. ....•............. , , ~",' . . . . . ~ . . . ., Trois-Rivièrcs-Three Rivers de al· la vertu ...
Abitibi. Artbabaslm. Beauce Beauharnois '" .. Bedford g~f:':r?:i. ~: Gaspé-Est-Ea,t GaBPé-Oue.t-We.t. ,..... HulL .. , , .. Thon·ille. Joliclte I\amouraBke. L~bellc-~onl-Xortho, Lnbelle-Hud-South Tuque La Matane Montmagny Monm~al Nicolet........... Pontiac-Est-East Q~h~, Hiubelieu , ~h~