Page 305 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 305
Table number 1 is a summary of the annual grants given by the
Government of the Dominion and that of the Province of Quebec
to aid agriculture and promote the expansion of the best farming
methods. In 1914, the amount given exceeded scarcely $600,000 while
it reached $1,928,784, in 1927. A review of the expenditure shows that
a large portion of the budget is devoted to the maintenance of agri-
cultural schools, of a staff of lecturers, professors, agriculturists, of
inspectors and heads of the service as weil as for the support of socie-
bes and farmer's clubs.
I-Grllnts given for Agricultural purposes in the Province of Quebee.
Regal", Rcimburoe- Fader,,]
Y~Ana EN:DINO 30TH Jm-;E Toton!
credit. ments oubsidy
S S $ S
192G-27 , . . . . 1,804,500 124,284 . ......... 1,928,784
1025-26.. . . ) ,G02,OGO 125,8=31 1,727,831
1!J?4-25 . 1.721.200 135,071 1,850,271
1~23-21 ......•........... " , .....• ". 1,654.701 119,767 '208,339 1,982,797
l!ln-23, , , ..•.... """ . 1.,2.'i2,OGO 199,068 271,113 1,722,181
lnl-22 ' , .. , ......••. , . 1,35J,000 96,091 27J,113 1,718,204
1920-21 ...........•..... , . J,064,500 ' ........... 271,113 1,335,613
1910·20 ............•.. , ........• , •.......•.... 887,400 IJ4,262 2, 1,I1J 1,292,775
1918-19 , . 661,800 99,263 27.,113 1,035,176
1917-18 , ,., , . 724,214 40,005 271.113 • 1.035,362
1916-17 . ,,02,700 243,212 745,912
1015-)<1 , , . 470,861 ::::::::::::1 215,310 686.171
1914·15 .. , , , , . 308.500 187,409 58:1,909
J913-14. , , .. -150,480 . .. '" -. ..... 150,{82 609,962
(*) Thi. sum dee. 001 inclllde tbe .ub.idio> Itrnnted by lbe Federal "od Previllcial Goveromeo!.•.
for lho "A~dcuILurnl Sllperpr~ducLion" campa.lgn in the .pring of 1918. Tbis omouot wa. $120,000 paid
iD eQunl pa.rts by ench governrnent..
The production of the Province of Quebec is classified under fifteen
varieties, consisting chiefly of cereals, root-plants and fodder. The
information supplied by the Dominion Bureau of Slatislics shows the area
under cultivation each year, the quantities harvested and the value of
the production. The quality of cereals is determined by the average
weight, in pounds, per bushel and the estimate of the value of the
crops is based upon the priees paid to farmers as shown by the reports
of the agricultural correspondents. These priees are specified in the
tables which follow as weIl as the yield pel' acre. The varieties cultivated
in the greatest abundance in the Province are wheat, oats, barley, rye,
peas, beans, buckwheat, corn for husking, rnixed grains, flax, potatoes
and other root-pants, hay, clover, fodder corn and alfalfa.