Page 291 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 291
37-Municipal Loans authorized by the Governmenl of the Province, in 1926-27.
ap d. la Marloleine.. 234,400 00
'1j,J} de ln :\fndtd(~ine. 7ii,OOO.OO f~ b~rlS~jd~~~~II1.urcbe~Be. of llQueduct.
C:.lP de la Madeleine. 20.000 00 For rjU UN nnd fiewernge.
J!ull 145,OCO.00 To lÙI~ ltl'weT1'io.
Hull ... 75.000.00 Ta ballrl "·r1ewalk•.
a,,11 .. 127.000 00 For pRving.
Hul). . 6~,OOO. 00 To rXT,end aQueduct.
.rouel.te 50,000 00 '1'0 build s""'ers, pay fo, "'lueducl.,
Joliet!.e.. . . . . .. . Joliette.. 3,;,000 00 VnriouSi pUrfll1111 (l.
Ji!I(alues Cnrl.ier.. Lnr'!lÏnc· l'~,OOO 00 '("0 prolo il ~th Avenue.
Lnn .leuiJ.. (JJllmbly. 60,000 00 To P:l)' QI10~IL for sewers.
)..f.)ut!'(·:û. . l[oc:hell il. 12,()()0.000 00 r~ :l.ntH"lputi ln or revenue.
)..loDtn·~\l H(l(·J·I,Jf\ 1100,000 00 \\fa\cr r~ J)e~ and Ul":.tlJtll needs.
:\-fnutn':Ll. . . . fT()(,hellL)p1 000,000.00 'Yt'all'tpiJI L
:\-fon h·,·"I, ',.[
Comm. of tbe hland Hochelaga. 3,267,000 00 FOT the tOWlI.., o~ poin',e ;lUX Trembles.
mont and 'Iontre.!.
:'vlolltre,,1. ..... Hocheln.." . ô,OOO,OOO 00 For currcnt. e ))tn~es.
Out.cernant.. '. (-lochelaga 138,000 00 To purclHlse fora r T pubEc. pinks and repair
police statio R.
Rivière du Loup. 7emiscouatn. 130.000 00 Ta pay JO(l.() and consou<.1nt..e floating dcbt.
St. .labo. St. John 78,000.00 Ta puy for work 00 8QUeuueL.
Sh:twinignn F·aJ!~. St t·Caurire . ,)6,000 00 To extend [},Queduct and BcwerS.
fJhNbrooke .. Sherbrooko_ . 300,000 00 11'0 pay buJancn or due lsf. wlay ,1927.
Sherbrooke.. Sherbrook,.. ,;00.000 00 To build dam <\ud },ydro-eleclri('. sLatlOIl.
Sorel.. ... . .. Richeheu ... 260,000 00 ITo (·onsolidat. finatiog debt.
Tlletford ;>.li".... t1{l- JllJt . 39.700.00 ,To (,'JOl'o'lu(iIVe B01)tlUll debt.
TheLlord ',.1;M" .. t1{'~lJllir . Il.;,OOO 00 To iml'TO\ f' .:J{jue<.1uc.L.
l'hetford ;1.1 '1"" t'Jr.p:antlc _. 7,000 00 To extend lHI\lrdl'ct. ...nd sewen; io muni-
r! Jjl~,r.
! Tbree Ri Vers .. St MnuriliJ: ... ~.;l,OOO 00 To pa)" Il Jan<:l: of Jnatllfeci 1000.
VeT'dull .... Ja.cQue~ CartIer. 2':'0,000 00 F'or p:1Vl"m('JJI~, 6e"""r~, sldewnlks fl.od public
Verdull. 88.000 00 For B~\'er~ aI1d sidewalks a."qked for by
}"l'QU) 1 ion.
Verdun . Jf\.CflUé:" Car/,ier... 92.000.00 For .&tJw(·rs, aqueduct And side",Qlks askl?'d ior
b) r lui~.:ti';;H.
Verdun ..... Jn.CqUf 1 k Carr Jpr . 7~I,obo 00 For 1 1 imprD"·(T'H4·nt~.
l'e,dun.. . . J:tif-tUl':-l' Cartier.... 7;5.000.00 flor JO(!Al Jmprovelllp.nt.s.
Verdl~r) . . .JtI lH.=5 C,.rtie-r 2jO,t)Oo.00 To l':.JY Jnat.ured bonds.
Venh;o .. JI. 111''': Cartier 250,OUO.00 \'l1rll;U. Q Jluhli(' work:;.
"'-l~'''itmount. fI tl;chLJ!:-t 487.000 00 F'or T'lut,1 c w\J:-}"~, P...;!lllsl0n nllll op~ning of
f;\f(' L~. fluhllf' puk.. all<1 tire ~~I'p:lral,us.
We%mOUllt. HO"~lclnga '>00,000 00 To pute'la::e land (ur Amu~en~cnt. lJurk.
TOTAL ron CnfES . 27,265,100 CO
Act.on Vale. .. • r Il~ ...~ .... 12,000 00 To ('''lrl~nli,~lf1.l.c ftoa.t.Jng and I..:tuild
... ItH'lIluri
Ct ):),ti(·ook..... 1" , tn!1l'lI.r,!\, d • 'd,OOO.OO Fr,r \-.nriI'l1L 1:I..hlre"=M.
C,>(>l;.hll .. ("UrnflT!)j~ .. ~:,.OOQ 00 If) (ftll.....lLdll[ÂI Il, Ilu" drht.
DOIW :"011:1. l'm'tlJHlIf .' . ~11,01~) UI! l'Jo!) ('1•.1n-:.:olido.-" B(1alll'~ dut.> .
Po 'al Jftl'lllU ClIrl:cr. 1.340 00 '1", bwl•• ,j'l••·ollh
Dllr\'aJ .. .1,'\.~lllJ 'rtlf!'· •. 6.3(.1(1 00 1 ....flr 'W~"!" ;...H1} i,;L\';n ln St.. Louis
Drummourh·dle... [/runJnlolH!. HJ7.:,110 00 1'1'0 J"!"€ L"IJlIJ,I;I' Stn·tL.
E""t An . ('pmptvl1 .. 125,OOU 00 ~or ..q ,rdU(;I" • ·erf<l. p~n·jng aud side.walks
:\lill i~q\joj 0.00 "f ) c'()n,,"lit!tl~t~ hMld.ÎII9:: (~(·hr,.
ll_rnh ITl .• . .~lO,
l'IUII" tll .. ,. \H"oI:l1'lql~"'lÎ ... ~;.' 0 00 T "ou 1 1 Il~C ftuilliog (lt'Ut.
II~ dlc,,, \ tllJJ,.euil .. !I.ulO Ue! 'rd clJHll'lr.r~ 1.J~teriJlJ,:. pit\IJ'~.
JAt lk. .. J ·&.rrpJu., lin pT. lli,.'iOO 00 ro buih:: rU~HJ6.
.JOli -. e . CL l~.outiH1) . 270,000 00 Fur a.qu~dudl slùuw'a'k~ ;J.nd {ire d~flart
1 mpnt.
Ln.chute.... v;!"f:ntcuil IS,OOO 00 To PX "·nd llquc<1urt, Olllcrk111.m. and bmld ft
br .Ir
L.~chut~ . "'_-\r~J' 7.000 00 To LJ;.I'rf· 1"4'tt:lin j:\ (cets and build bridges.
" (' nt. . PllrllU~Hi. 1,000 00 To r 'lld a wJH.lrr.
Lnpt'lline. . .. ~I riflrv5.U 3pr31Tlti 35.000 00 To ~nflohd.3.le ft(' debt.
L le ... tJi C UC'F Cu.rtlcr.... J6,5OO 00 ITa pu,\'e St. Pllt.rick St.reet..