Page 292 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 292
37-Municipal Loans aulhorized by the Governmenl of Ihe Province, in 1926-27.-
To""" (conlinued) SOLS.
La,:;.lJe .•.... 9,500. 00 1'0 <-,:1 d "ew ra.u.e 'YSUlm.
1......,IIe . ]f>,t 00 '1'0 e l<!ml ~'1u..w<:t.
!le .. ~O,2t .00 'l'" impro\' tTfi 1.0'5.
J." Ile... . . 32,-100 00 '1'0 build np"elil aidewnlk•.
1.1\\"1,. deo Rapide•... lO,OCO.1I0 Tu l'A}' iolL" al n hnnd,.
L "~,J ~u.r LlC . ';G, .00 To rcfund 10000n for JlLUnpÎog fltnt.ioD,
l\'Iont.m{l~ll~l . 17 lO. 00 To pay baln""e on bUlIll.<, by·ltLW 15.
4-1, .00 To po-.\' bol"n"e on bo .
~J~~~~~:~f~~)'~t', : ~ . : : : 17, ,1 )() 00 1'0 consoiidnle flotL i... rl~hl.
Pomte CI, il:<: •. 17,3IXI la 1'0 pny for l.,,,vin~ 0 <) laltl st.reet•.
Pointe Cl"J,.... S, J UO 1'11 pa}' for Jlavin~~ o( cprtaîo ~tl'(~~t..s
Point.e Cll1Îm •.. 13, .00 1'0 (~xt.end nQu(~dllct. und l''el:\'l't, in certajn
POTt AH . 12;',000 00 1'0 buill! aQul:rlud.
Quebec WIlBO . 9,aW 00 Ta buHd firr' >l"tiun. de.
Quebeu ·WaBt .. 6.000. 00 11'0 ",id':11 ::nd P"VC tbe Commi.eioner'.
Queb ·Wl'~t... Quebeo . 21 ..;00. 00 To paw .treet. and extend aQue<1uct,
Quebec W<. Quebec . 10,000.00 ·1'0 build o.pprondl t.o bridl';e and at·ree~
Qucbec ·W~(It. . QUI'\>ce . 10,000.00 .\QIlOtlllCI. and .ewCre.
Quchee W" t . Quebec.. 9,000.00 l'or fire station, hydmnta o.nd to boy lire
Roberval. Lo.k 1 John .. 42,000.00 To eonoolidl>l.c Ooet.inl! debt.
Ste. Aguthe d.~ :\-loot-8 TCrTebo 110.••....• 60,000.00 Loan to fire victims 01" 26tb Mny, 1923.
Ste. ~"the d•• ~10nts Tonebonce . 130,000.00 1'0 l'onsoJjdar.e flu.tin:; debt and itnprov"
f'k·ctric U
St. Jér6m 1'l'rrebonne , 29.000.00 To compleUl fI' U duct.
St. .Ju.eph Ù'AJwI> St. J ,hn E t. 7a.OOO.00 'l'or publje w r
~ ['. Laureat .JacQucB Odr("i~r . 233,000.00 1'0 refund 101>0.
TOTAL OF Towz.,'g. 2,097,040.00
,. 1 1 Ilu n ;)lrloin. . •.• Fl(l"tïo,g debt.
QUI·bec.. . . 1'0 c"I's"lIdl1 C fioaling debt.
BOOtlle •... tr 'l. ·,!htil:lt.
Ar,,-~nl(:uti. • ... l'Cl cnmolit1l1j fh,liTlg debt.
Quet..., . For ~q\lo:111(it, . :~~ b~~I~'~tl~l~~u~.ucL.
~fiAlJinlUoi .
La'~ll. . 1'0 blli.ld" UEKlullt•.
Beance ... 1"0 purchllsc I!IIHti iwprove nqueduct.
Beau!"' ........•... 1'0 iJnpro·.·e ILq'Upd~~t.
Ahiti4i . Flou ;"11 Jj"bt, fire ion o.nd public hall.
'Rimfju.~ki , .. .. 'T'" 'u!U>C1l1.lnre 00>< Il debt.
l..llbdk . Tu "0110 '<Ill' t· flo.t";>~ de t. ilnd for other por·
. P<IrtlT• .l,uf. _ .•... 1'0 Il.olirlntC' 1"10« in~ deht.. 1,.,0""'.
ITemù:lr..miliSfJe.. .. "1'0 P Y (!tJtiL ..~r I:Itr ~, '....ving [U''Id f\queüw;l,..
F'O. i!'ul, .... , .. 1'0 plti)· rllllJlll on bnd e.
Dl'u" ",,,''''l''1!11 To clIO l',lote flo",.il1_ debt.
j . Deu" M n To [.lfl:~ amOlluL duc iar ronde a.nO
Sle. Gene\'i~\.-e Je erl'eflJ ~u ,,-ClIIÜl\r . " .ro TD con"", iili.le ReaLin.. dcbt.
St. .f. Bie de -I..It) "ert,(·. Tt!tUi ·ollAta . il 110 1"0 p..y for r,'"ct ",,,ri<.
So. .1":1" <le BOlachntcl ... lI'lOllhlloQO' ~y . 8, } no 1'0 bUlIl! lIul,1i. nll.
St.. Jerome , , .. 'I!;n!o.~ Sr.. Joua E".l. 60. .00 .Tu build ;Ij'lutlCl"':t.
St. Jo\·ll~ lerre nue . ,10. ua 1'1'0 build n'l"""l,,~1 "nd fcre j'Tot.ection.
Sie. S"hola.tique D"ux lIfon14L , . 2,:MO.00 ;1'0 eonooli<llL • fia.. hm <.i hl<.
Sha."\"'iille , . Poutiac . 3:;,000.00 1'0 bui «UWuet.
Uptûo. .. . n",wt . 18,000.00 1'n buiid brids'e uu Black river and ftont;n!':
Yerf':Il(~re!:J . Ve("l~JI(·tt's..... 2.',,000.00 To build 3Qnedue.
Wl-e<lon Gentro .. Wolre .. 5,000.00 To build eemenlsidewalks.
TOT.oU. FOR VJLLAGeS ..•........•...•.•. 668,427.52