Page 275 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 275

14-Principal Sources of Revenue of the Province of Quebee, from 1911 to 1927.
                                                                                                      L~IH'l:H    Du ty  1 Ta.x,,", "-0  wcenae Duty  La...·
                                                                         YEARS                         and         O!l   . COll.1m"~a.}  (A1coholic  Ili3mps  Relti"Lr~tifln
                                                                                                     For",,18!..)ns  COT(MIIMÛOlU  LiQuor Act)  (3)  ----
                                                                                                        ;;               1     $           S           S          S
                                                                 1927               .                6.Gü1,l46   3.6;;~.89!l  2.&?~.931  1.'172,029  787,74]    312.S11   3,3Ilt.Al,~  O,S1J;,9:10  30,fl24,997
                                                                 1n2t1.                               6,Uill.:;';~  2,2,)7,277  2..1~'i,fj47  1,.~39,.19,;  7{I&m  301.180  2,7"7,OOfl  8,38.~.!'"}fj  "27, 'lrl!j,;1:~5
                                                                 192.,               ..               4,l)c>.1,:!31  2,12:1,14(1  2,461,011  1,707,2:17  SOO,9N  300.120  2.53~,-t72  7,.;~•.li41  2(;,021,:)29
                                                                 1924                 .               4,277,004  2,017,851  2,322,172   1,305,629  1,02CI,l:ro  297 ,235  2,153,065  6,t1l~10-1    23,170,733
                                                                 Hl2:!            .                  3,643,408   2,(;20,331  2,~13,~~   1.51;1,0;;2  5OU:!\?    281,468   2,217,.~7n  6,1.11,3/11)  21,631,(\42
                                                                 19~2             .                   4,OIH,4:l2  a,005,2Ü'3  2,009,673  ],502,736   579,2MJ    263,271   1,982,007   S,nlfi,753   2J.G09,396       i'rj
                                                                 18~1            .                    3,567,188  2,099,265  1,640,1177  1,19'9,268   508,R.1O   2ti2.2n2  1.49-I,O:!3  .3,114,.527  l(l,914,;;21    H
                                                                  HI20                .              3,O:lJ,5S7  l,71'.;,8i4  1,581,1$  I,Mof,079    4133,318   254,006   1.1RO\'t-.JI)  2.591,159  14,112,6.',1
                                                                 1919                 .              2,510, Hl   1,4.'\7,049  1,.';29,031  1,SlJ6.10i>  ~36,3-t3  104.il7ü  8\18,050  ~,~S5.0R2    1.2,mlü,3t12     Z
                                                                  J818                .              1,610,110   4,ï3ü,çmO  1.289,(J~9  1,$9,456    412,H9      1O".6~2    662,919    l,512.41S    IMOO,ilIIl       ~
                                                                 1917                 .               ] .7':>3,634  li7~fi,8.93  1,101,(;71  1.:l42.532  44!),7~0  lS4.~a7  494,S6:~  1,340,28;;   10,HI,lU,        Z
                                                                 1916                ..               1,807,259  1,:l111,WI  I,OJ4,.';64  I,OOû,005  4~6,600    1901.4)7   2,17,0~2   1,472,On      9ttH7.~~a
                                                                 19!.5 .. _           .               1,840,:H7  1.664,9-!Z   9'>2,978  1,098,120    482,Gil3   2Oll,917    ]80,22.)  1,110,839     l:I,ëo1I'\',92~  ()
                                                                 1914 ..•.......... _•.....           1,777.220  1,607,4.33   025,1l03  l ,O~,l,043  40ï,1l57   Z~,OSB      122,Gïü    870,1~9      9,000,377       l:;!j
                                                                 1913               .                1,760,466   1,Ot'>7,7:'17  040,~1   940,108     327 ,91~   2ijO~904    71,410     9~7,7.M      8t:s.-~.737     U1
                                                                 1912.....•..............             1,6oS,4.)7  l,230,0(;()  77G.J)~3  gtjO.Oü2    302,191    21.6,804    49,026     g.,Q:1.781   Il.070,109
                                                                 1911.                .               1,229,929  1,Om.~       7l2.1.1S   925.526     286,316    172.59R     26,0/9     841,786      7,0·12,745
                                                                                                               15-Payments made by the Pro~'jnee, sinee 1911,                                                       f:I:j
                                                                                                                          Pnbl,,, Wurk.                         '[loI:Ids                                           '-3
                                                                         YEARS                                                und    1 Agricult.ure  Raad.      Amel     Min"" ll(JçJ
                                                                                                                             Lauour                            FOI'I!a1S  F",Leri""                                 ~
                                                                 --------,                         [---1                 1           1          1           [          1           ;          [-----                M
                                                                                             $           S                      $           1          $           $          $          S             $            ....,
                                                                 1927.                    4,6<.9,49"  2,&1;;,504            1,:!33,n71l  1,8110,.  5..->9~,OOO  l,n10,97~  1.7-\8,715  7,004,6·1,9  29,07~.j'"03
                                                                 19:11i.                  4,1111:., 1ta  2.710,q7'9          l.4~,I)::~  1,IJO~,OOO  +,194,101  1,38\!,7;:1ll  1,55·1,007  7.0,-'7,522  21.1,~18l\.1"'9
                                                                 1920.                    -1,0\ I·,.'i(l~  2,G&l,:!>:'lO    1.,8113,992  1 721.2!JO  3,732,446  1,51I,5·jU  1,116,]';8  i).;)1.~);21  24,27>l,Hl2   ~
                                                                  It124       ,   .       3,S30,~1i1  2-,fj{,'lI.~65         1,13ü,W8   Ùlot8:rol  3,179,865   1,479,728    874,170   4,972,64';   21,80I,2n3       o
                                                                 1023         "., .       3,~'14,81l6  2,378,157             l,432,3Z1l  ],2;;2,000  3,100,000  870,544     847,748   ,5,149,;;$3  20,190,276       --<
                                                                  1022      ,         ..  3,4,'00,067  1,Î02-,342             979,748   1,351,000  1/,R1,204    716,1.1.;   80S,4fJ8  4,381,l!82   16Jj7G,977       H
                                                                  1921 ....•..•............  2,427,I.J:IO  1,700,619         1,007,~07  1,064,500  1,472,375    680,000     ü\lIj,4GO  4,005,080   14,G81,OSS
                                                                  1920      ,         .   2.029,721   1,67:l,.5f,2                       8~7',400   1,3~5,367   566,000     89.5,516  3,909,Oll5   U,.,20,740       Z
                                                                 1919,   ,', .....•.. ,  .  2,031,944  1,5(/';>,9iO           ~~~~~;g    654,800     782,339    418,050     722,5]4   4,02Z,m      12,371;131       ()
                                                                 1918                 .   1.,nS~,900  1,581,4;;5             1,097,233   724.2·15    622,8.',0  411,153     4G9,60S   3,51.5,898   11 ,67i ,833     t.Ij
                                                                  J917      ,         .   1.9ôû,o-"û  1,078,361               R0610Z.~   502,700     391,147    Slll,! ;0   '387,7i9  2,708,7&2     9,907,673
                                                                  1916 ..                 1,708,~80   1,537,176               93.5,851   470,8ü2     349,000    3'70,50G    3"'Jf>,r>3J,  2,5~1,679  9,n6,B8
                                                                 1915         , . , ,  _, .  1,497,894  1,468,173             720,310    39~/,{)1    341,226    aM,817      33-1.001  2,426,653     Il,710,:.1
                                                                  1914                .   1,204,744   1,43.5/;15              82\l,991 1  450,180    470,~13    -ll3,064    3M,07S    2,374,400     8,624,'l-!IS
                                                                  1913          .         1,071,.538 ,  1,383,41<;            606,444   ],001,n37               327,383     32~,OO3   2,444,015     7,953,00-~
                                                                 1912" ., , ,     ,.      1,131,991   1,177,233               500,142    883,005                310,41oli   3:!O,U2   2,073,425     7 ~86 680
                                                                 1911.   ' . "      _..   1,123,021    969,390                4801155    400,248                2l)9,27ü    :l~1.5I)p  2,006,708 ]  6:42ÙOO
                                                                       ~lJ JlJcilld.îIl~ tl~c.Rl1tlJ'id'y b~tH:~d on L1H'" rH)j'IJIu.t.f11ll. Il f:})("oilll :.111Clw~~J.l.{'e,  1\ .:;llhsietv undcr the Act 47 Vlct., c~. 4 aud hlll·~IesL Ou  ·tu"'!.· FUllrus~  lbe Federal  Goverument-
                                                                 llIûrCû"ef nOuw::I ot.j;eI .-Iflo!'(u.L f\ubfiirllf's whldl ml'o k'llIlt D:\ennol1f?d l1l the 3.1xJ\ r e tahle.  ~
                                                                       (:2~ Inf.lud~~,.lromUl~ fi.Q('ll1 y~m· HI23·-~4,. ~id~.p L~i-w St.~!t.IP~ Ule amf)unl~ received for the llrl~jnist.r...!t"Cln of 1'~"lLl(1C, (~..c:8, huildi  aod il~ry f't' pd J etc.
                                                                       (0) In('lu~li.n! .h('. 'rft'lrpt.~ ur t·he Qu€.bpc LIq1JU4" Uw (tr"nrnl; accounl) from the YBnn) J921-22; \0 1027) the fLII10lm~ deTlyerl from t  Bourro renc!led ~4,500,OOJ.00.
                                                                       (4) T'1.c!1 diilC LM tix~~"dili.JEe of l.he 13r.r"•.11 of Sbti.l;,,,,.
                                                                       '5) IucludiJkl': in 1926nnd in 1927 the"-'UD of $l,Ooo,OIJII used as part p •.yrnellt. of funded deM.                                        t:--:l
                                                                  Extraot frorn tbe Public ACCOllllts of lb. ProviuGC of Quebec.
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