Page 221 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 221
Table 77 classifies the prisoners according to the nature of the
sentence pronounced by the court and the duration of their deten tion.
The majority of the prisoners, every year, were interned for a period
not exceeding six months.
77-Nature and length of Sentence.
1917 1918 1919 1 1920 1921 19a2 1923\ 1024 1925
-- ---1-- --1-
Toafioo.................•...... 407 811 1,771 837 r,jJ ~58 31':7 4~_t 420
To rerorm" tory 8chooJ....... •.. . .. 79 79 95 56 3:l 43 JO ~ 49
To gnol lor:
le." thon 8 ri.y•. " " . 2:'l1l 133 377 170 725 957 813 8&0 1,007
from 8 la I.~l days . ;iL7 404 971 1,.;02 Ull·j 687 757 65 tl03
from 1,1 day;.:, La l mooth. . .. . . 1.~8~ 1,090 821 1 HQ 1,527 1 ~(l:! 1.089 1'1"0 1,2~:1
from 1 mUl! th ln 2 mon t,hs .......• 842 821 JSI\I Ù42 1,<179 1~681 1,941 l:~iR 1,613
from 2 mùnths 1.03 months .. 691 660 7~:J 437 541 721 010 879 804
lrom 3 months io 6mont.h. . .. 37fj 401 ,0)15 282 jô3 814 695 1,060 1,254
(rom fi monih5 to 1 velH . 302 ·j()R 3:.2 177 251 6J4 4% 40;1 516
rrom 1 )eo.r to 2 Yf!:~rs . 79 1;;0 W6 11 153 378 201 243 249
Ta penitenllAry (or:
2 to fi yen(s... . . 138 80 281 162 205 253 ln ~ï8 339
oto 10 yen" .. 28 29 65 29 .H Ô;) 31 39 74
la 10 20 l'OMS . 8 9 13 o . 10 8 2 JO 34
More than 20 yenrB. _ o ••• 1 1 5 2 3 3 10
Sentenceu ta de8th. 2 <1 6 4 1 5 4 la 5
The receipts from the prisons are small and are derived from the
work of the prisoners or municipal contributions. In 1925, the reven ue
reached about $1,000. The expenses for the sarne year amounted to
$433,363. The administration of the prisons has become more onerous
during the last years owing to the general increase of the cost of fuel
and articles of first necessity. In 1917, the heating cost $43,000
instead of $93,000 in 1925, and the food for pl'isoners which caused, at
that time, an outlay of $32,000, cost $50,000 in 1925,
78--Financial Statemenl of the Prisons of the Province of Quebec.
_~_.F_I.~N_.'_N_C[_A_L_S_'l'_A_T~_"'_"'_NT ._ ~~~ -.:~ 1019-' 1920 ~ 1922 .~~~_ 1924 1925
Eh:Cll:lPTA :- $ $ $ s $ s $ $
Revenue deT'ived (rom the pTj~oDers.
In the interior 01 prison.. .. . 348 20 160 27 250 115 320 425 200
AL the exlerior of prisons, 5,050 563 830 348 200 180 5,240 270 200
Amouot. p"id b;' the lOuniclpahtles.. . 300 1,349 976 2,340 1,401 1,514 102 .. _.. M8
--------------- --- '" .. " . . . . . . . . ... 5,698 1.932 1,966 2,115 1.851' 1,809 5,75.2 695 l.lIAS
-- -- -- --1--- - -- ---
Wood .. '" .. 4,1.53 5,061 4.286 5,4(\~j (\,017 [,,772 6,087 5,530 5,275
Coal. 39,313 53.n71l ;'8,789 LO·I""'·I 90,085 62,Il76 65.332 81.810 87.971
Fno<!l<>r prisonera 32,290 :18,~~~ ~2,097 :,,1,00,> 51,791 48,020 44,314 :,0,845 50,225
C!otbing 5,481 Il,4,!~ 1·1,818 15,HO 49,278 21,100 18,988 11,107 11,313
Wa, 890 1,(IM i,Ol)4 924 1,193 1.790 1.703 2,336 2,218
l\ie<1ieal nttemlenoe 5,054 6,646 6,002 7,167 8.035 7,098 0,647 7,127 6.853
Trnn3fcr oC pnF!! lo Lhe n.sylum or
pcnitenti~ry.... 8,281 2,392 9,041 10,287 11,429 13,181 9,858 13,351 13,242
Sal~rie' of ornploye 12·l,341 130.986 H3,379 152.74b 149.5ô9 lM,207 163,098 177,010198,363
~tnmtenancc 01 prisoo8 31,03-1 32,688 4~ 63867.532 43,77J 43,29053,421 37.41951,582
Sundry expen'D'.. .. .. .. .. Il,961 1.973 ~,394 ".562 6,771 7.648 6,083 Z"O(J6 6;3],8
TalaI. ~57,B01 298,217 338,441 421,715117,943 170,782 376,281 391.691 433,363