Page 220 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 220


                                           74-Classification of Prisoners according to Nationality,

                                      NATIONALITY         1917  1915  1919  1920  1921  1922  1923  1024  In5
                              Ca.nnclin(J~ :
                                 1lJ'(lIlC'h. • •. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . .. 1,268  ·1,427  7,242  4,8<>4  6,070  6,304  6,051  7,IO·j  7,81S
                                 En~li h                 1,197  1,674  1,029  2,020  2,380  1,956  1,70.;  I,S!I:1  1,866
                              Other 'Rriti:.;;h :-:ubjects :
                                 €11~;..h. .        ,  ,.  :~~.~  37~  4·,6  ,73  701  460  4(;0  ;>:17  497
                                 Scotch. .. .. ...............•......  1!t~1  2·12  :!UiJ  22:!  200  21S  20:1  2(\1  243
                                 Iri:5h. '"  ................••......  2:~G  211  :J20  :liiR  502  407  :H~  :)St)  360
                                 OU",rs.,  .              6J~  52   81  J76  J62  136  294  3:1O  2.56
                              UnIted Ameri~3.n!J  '. .. .. .. •. .. .  2(j:)  3H  314  614  680  478  395  422  393
                              French, , .. .. ,.  .. . . .. . . .. .  ,.,.  33  61  53  ·11  73  48  53  7U  76
                              Gf!rmans."... ..  ..   .. .. .  2  Il  10  1-1,  21  13  14       2:!
                              1t.:~li~~n~...  .   " .' • . .. .  132  96  77  S6  110  171  203  21~  23(1
                              (;hinc~~ nod Jo.pnnese.      14   1~  25   21  81  174  67   (10  27
                              ~Ylb.ll:;'.. •. .. .. .. .  .. .. .. •. ..  22  17  IR  26  J6  30  3!l  20
                              Other l\'at.ian:\tities     r,~s  59$  11J  bill  887  79J  686  72(1  94!l
                                                         7,796  1,107 11,145 9,608 11,995 11,174 10,60312,06112,796
                                 75-Classificntion of Prisoners, showing Religion, Conjugal 8tAte and Education.

                                     CLASSIFICATJON       1917  1!J1S  1919  1920  1921  1922  1ü2~  l!J~  192"
                                                             1-   --- 1-
                                 Romon Cothollcs, .................  (j,:~~O  6.523  9·1~S  7,307  9,272  8,127  8,497  9,605  10,021
                                 Ali lICI\Il8 .. _ .....  .............. -  6lIs  677  7(i~  SlXl  l,OM  SRO  715  1,000  !J40
                                 lIupltJ;!lI ... ......................  44  21  162  17  101',  J06  60  79  91
                                 Prl'sbyte-rinoSl., . ...................  360  21\3  325  !):!ü  5:'4  4S?  419  4 ~  ,mi
                                 Mothodi'IS.....  ...........  Jog  1I;~  174  2:)0  241  196  IS,~  2m'  Z06
                                 Lntb~rllnfl .......................  ··1!'  35  15  'Iü  1:l3  59  67  K1J  lOI
                                 JewB.....                UO   13   $6  III  16~  214  3,12  2111  :1~J
                                 Othe, reli~i;';',·.: : : :: :: ........  lGO  3.'>0  193  392  462  305  3'15  31:1  3J6
                               Coojlllota.l f;Lstu':
                                 ~11l1.:dP. •..•. . . .. . . . ...  .:Ji,fi1 / 1  4,~C6  7,692  6,187  7,927  6,765 ,6,30'  7,:'OS  8,213
                                 ~I:\rfjt."d .••....................  3,021  2,052  2,198  ~, 141  3,730  3,860  :1,n'l  3,979  :1,979
                                 Widowed ............. , ......  577  349  535  280  338  549  5Gl  57:l  OC»
                               Edocnlion :
                                 Und>le to (C'ld or "Tite........... _.  1,~37  1",.11  2.020  1,62.5  2,Q42  1,9,12  1.641  L,û·13  1,776
                                 Able to Trad nnu lJoTite•.••..•.....  fl.:l·10  5,1;'16  d,O:32  5,6~1l  8,60t  8,7&;  ~,629  O,S.j!)  10,257
                                 Iktter c-doè.W... .................  160  2'!2 l,on  2,297  1,349  464  333  500  761
                              Tcmpcro.Jll'c :
                                 TClll!Ynate... ..................... 3,3RO  4':>00  7,454.  5,4~0  7,4.H  3,723  6.678  ;>,~41  ,j.726
                                 ]ntemr)~rn1.c................••..... 3,S(;;,  2,QI\0  3,601  4, HiS  4 •.ii>,1  7.451  3,925 1>,720  7,070
                                         76-Classiftcation of Prisoners according to nature of OlJence.
                                     CLASSIFICATION      1017  1!H8  1919  1920  1921  1022  192:>  1924  1  10~G
                                                         ------ --- --- ------ -- --- ---
                               .~I!~n\llt........ , .•.......•....•..  150  123  196  267  191  190  J88  172  246
                               Loite.nn~...   ..........  108  185  :>14  384  426  4.20  :J67  473  374
                               Abt:tting ...........  . . . . . . . . .. .  18  60  75  42  85  :>i!  31>  34  224
                               DrullkcDffif' ........  .......... 2,273  1,462  l,7GS  2,557  2,915  2>6;'1  2,37!l  2,316  2,4;,)2
                               Br~ach 0 ( i\1unicip:\: 1<·i\\'A  255  75  144  115  145  1~:I  102  164  201>
                               Frcq\l~ntinlo1: hou:;:{~~ of pro.c:1ituijon .. ·.....  277  436  473  3:1~  273  3J~  301  3<17  :174
                               I{C'rpinjZ hm.l5e.~ of vn)dtitulioJl.. .. . .....  123  203  201  170  93  02  131  17;1  210
                               &:.Hill~ liLtUOf "'..itbnut licp.nae .........•..  92  11.5  116  105  255  875  1.(}.I3  l, 75  1,35
                               Ynlotr.::~nr.y..........  ................  4.';S  .';69  466  441  469  47,3  433  491  02!l
                               Hùufle breakIOC" ................•..  87  209  312  236  277  311  174  215  208
                               Thr.ft hy :'<C:rq,"n t~..........••.  7l  06  1Î3  100  151  80  2;j  31  ao
                               OU,r'T thei",  ....................  386  397  625  507  8S1  701  6 7  889  959
                               Attt~mpt tll ~t.'nl ..  '. . . . . .. . . .. .... .  28  29  ,:'".1  56  83  32  17  31  37
                               RCf'.C'iviT'lg stolcll gnnd~. .................  22  GO  5\H  ,;9  57  44  27  '13  27
                               Dam:\"l:~ to prl'}"li·rt.v..............•..•..  6-1  65  .3l  63  96  3R  47  Il:!  66
                               'Munkr and nt..tempt ta murdcT ......••..  23  ,->2  60  32  28  34  16  28  ·15
                               Ot.her cnuges.... ................  5:->3  975  2,147  471  1,5(j~  1.3,,·' 1 I.I:JO  1,267  1,062
                                                         --- 1-   --- 1-- -"'-'---1--    ---i-
                                        'folal......... , ......... ',988  5,120  7,983  5,967  7,993  7,903  1 7 ,252  8,011  8,595
   215   216   217   218   219   220   221   222   223   224   225