Page 224 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 224
More than half of the receipts of the reformatoy schools come
from Government grants and private gifts. In the course of the years,
1920 and 1921, the receipts were higher than the expenditureo
85-Receipts and Ell:penditure of Reformalory Schools.
192,ï ... , . , •. , . , •........ 0 , •••••••••••••••• , ••••••••••••••• o •••••••• S2I;I,W~ S 260,44~
192·1. ••......• , .•... , •.............••........•.•.. ,.,', .... ,', •.... 240,688 ~,221
1923. ,. , , o •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• " ••• 2:27,555 ZI2,777
lü22 ....•....•....... 0 •••••••••••••••••••••••• " " , ••••••• ,., •••••• 200,874 :W1,72t
1921 .. , .• " ,., .. , o •• " ••••••••••••••••••••• 236,506 i32,463
1920 ,." , ...• o. 0".' ••....••• o ••• ,.,., ••••••••••••• , 240.226 2;lR,823
1919 , , . , . , , , 0 , •••••••••••• o. 0 , • o' 0 •••••••••• , •• , ••• 0 160,218 212,449
19l8.", ...........•. ,. , ..............•.............. " , 145,284 187,080
1IH7 , •....•..... , ............• , " .......•...•...• lü.~.fi44 120,800
1916 "., , , . 133,64R - l, '),993
1916 ,.. . . 113,571 121,404
The industrial schools harbour and teach orphans or abandoned
children between the ages of 6 and 14 years, who are without shelter or
exposed to undesirable conditions. They aiso receive children of less than
12 years of age who have been condernned at the request of their parents
owing to their bad and vicious habits or lack of discipline. The appl.ica-
tion for detention is made either by a ratepayer, the mayor of the muni-
cipality, a relative or by the child's tutor. The detention is ordered
by a justice of the peace, a magistrate, a sheriff or pl'othonotary if he
is convinced aftel' exarnining witnesses that the child cornes under the
provisions of the law.
The cost of maintenance of the children is paid one half by the
Government and one haH by th, municipality in which the child resided
at the time of his detention ; the municipality may however be refunded
by execution against the irnmovables of the child or of such persons
as are by law obliged to support him. In certain cases there may also
be recourse against another municipality. The young delinquents are
taught different trades in these industrial schools.
Table 86 shows the nnmber of children interned in the industrial
schooIs, on the 31st Decernbel' of each year. The amount contributed
by the Province, in 1925, reached $285,434 while the receipts were
$381,320. The total amount of expenditure for the same year was
8S-Number of children in Industrilll Schools of the Province of Quebec on the 31st
___________D_e_c_e..;,m_b_er..;,,_-Annulll Expenditllre_.---",-- _
l FIS.I\'1CIAL Fi'rAT:t:~u:Z\'l'
Nnmher or
"t'EAR.S children r . t P...sJ Qdi tuJ'u
~ (ln~~f~lr' (fin dllll~1n1
11126. • ..•.....•.•..•........•....•........•.. 2 o .p- .j 3~1,320 371.i.J85
lWl'I. . ....•..•..•....•.............•........•.... ? 1~!8 218,['0; 2.Jl,U04
!.nz3 , , .•.•••.......• , ......•.. 2:i09 300,499 :Joo,K:~g
Hl~ , o •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• 2, 1 2!H.171 2i11,it38
1921 ,. ' . l, 00 279,519 3i~,711
1910 , .............•............. l,IlIIl;j 263.971 3.8.nn
1!119 . ........•.... ' ..•.•..•..•....•..•.....•..•.... I.Ws3 257,Gü4 2;;9;1-10
19lH. .. . .. " . l ' 270.203 2"1,,13
1917 , ',. 1 1:J7.lfil 2H,H;hl
1910 " o·· •. ••·•······•·••··· l,600 1,'-l'',i SH 21:I,U~()
191G , '" . . , • 1,r,82 140,0:.10 1.\1,:)32
1914 ' .. . . . . ,. 1,051 121,918 14~!,774
(1) R, S. P. Q.• l025, ch. 160.