Page 218 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 218
This and the following pages contain a recapitulation of the prin-
cipal facts relating to the administration of the prisons and the move-
ment of the prisoners for the period extending from 1917 to 1925 inclus-
ively. The staff of the prisons has increased by 511 officers since 1917
[l,nd now consists of 279 persons, 81 of whom are turnkeys and 68 guards.
The salaries of these employees, in 1925, amounted to $197,624. The
average wages of the gaolers in the same year was $705.
68-Staff of the Prisons of the Province of Quebec.
---------,----,---,------,-----;-------,-----:---,...-_... ~._-
___I;_T_.\_y_7. __ ~~~i-l~~ 1922
Ch"ph\in,. " ,. 8 9 10 8 11 11 12 Il 14
Physir::iaIJ:-i .. JO 1'5 16 1.5 16 !'i3 21 la 16
Dircclors . 27 27 '2f7 27 ~7 27 27 2S 28
Turnkeys .. 66 61 63 65 64 70 67 72 8l
OH~ird1l ..•..... 53 60 62 63 62 71 73 74 68
,Matron.. . 11 1 19 18 IS 15 23 18 20
OtJ,er. ernployeeB . 47 42 :19 3a 37 43 42 4."i HI
--- ------------ --- ---------
Tolal. , .. 228 233 nG 229 n5 253 2G5 261 279
69-8alaries paid to the Staff of the Prisons of the Province.
1017 1918 1919 1920 1021 1022 1923 1024 1925
1----1--- _ ....- --- ---.
$ f> •
Chapl .il" " .. 3, lOS 3,:>00 3, 3,100
Pllysic' D~..• , . 4357 4,356 4,!lfr9 4,400
Direct()r~ . 18,470 18,470 17.8tiü 19,743
TUrc1kr.y~ . 47,612 45,520 51,017 1'i~,041
GtJD,fds... _ . 49,116 54,040 10.U·l~ .L'1,907
l\-1atron~._ . 3,475 3,914 3,604 4,4l
Other employees . 3~,210 36,208 3g,IJ()S 40,1170
I---I~-- --_. ------- -----
Tot..l .. 1A9,5D9 152,~O 162,152 161,345 165,888 174,747 197,624
(Il (2)
The number of cells occupied at the beginning of each month
varied from 471 to 970 for the last nine year8. -The figures of 1925 in
accordance with table 70, show an increase for every month over the
preceding year with the exception of the month of November.
70-Number of Cells occupied on the first da)' of each month.
lI'loNTH 1917 1915 1919 Ina 1921 1922 1923 1924 1 1025
------ -._- ---I---I--------~--- ---
J:1nWlTY. .. .. •.•. .. . 573 .\S38 4>\0 517 004 829 6.5:.. 698
jiebr\lary '. . . . • . ~rH r....p 627 568 654 848 MY ~~I
Marcb. .. •... .• 530 .'1:J.~ 6t'4 610 684 837 6:':4 Illl-l.
ApriL. .. .. .. •.. 552 5;)6 71:~1 694 7&·1 813 765 lU:!
M,,~·.. .. .. .• •. . 5flO 6&3 665 üû,j 731 811 601 Il'
Juae.. .. .. .. . 4il 629 551 Fn.) 78S 7!l.:i 67l 70~
;uly <.... lJ.:J:J 613 6M 7:H 786 821 729 S;H
Au ':a!lt , .• . . .;90 6·17 763 U:l,j 016 77:l 778 0711
. l...·'"ber '" 571 6;;0 618 198 004 716 812 917
Oetab..r. . . .. ..•. .;,58 ;;60 719 r'~ -. 664 7~;) 802 819
Novctnber .. '" . . . . . 602- 477 723 SI" 851 67:l 840 79.
December.. .. ..... 572 539 633 766 903 5{;(} 770 ~~.~