Page 217 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 217


                              The following information is taken from the reports sent annually
                          to the Bureau of Statistics and published in the Statistics of Penal
                          Institutions of the Province of Qu.ebec.  It is a brief summary of the
                          administration of these institutions from the year 1900.
                              There are three classes of penal establishments under the control
                          of the Government of the Province of Quebec; these are the prisons,
                          the reformatories and industrial schools.    The penitentiary of St,
                          Vincent de Paul where criminals are interned for a period of 2 or more
                          years is under the administration of the Dominion Government.
                              Ail the judicial districts except Nicolet, have a prison,   that of
                          Gaspé, has four o\ving ta the extent of the territory, and that of Montreal
                          has three, one of which is reserved for young delinquents,   The oldest
                          house of detention in the' Province is that of Three Rivers which was
                          built in 1817.
                              At the beginning of the yea.r 1925, there were 734 persans detained
                         in these prisons. The prisoners received dming the year numbered 12,796
                          and at the end of the year there still remained 870, of which 70.5 \vere
                          men and 165 were women. The cost of the administration of the prisons
                          amounted to $433,364. Beating absorbed mûl"e than one fifth of this
                          amount and the maintenance of the persons detained cost more than

                                    67-Pr·isoners.-Total number of days of delenlion.-Annual Expenses•
                                                  NUMBEft OF PR1SO.'lERS
                                                                                   Talai  1
                                                                                  number  TotaJ
                             C At.f'..N DAR  011 31st Dccembcr  Ji) iôO! C q ndmlttcd  Pi"I...41::erq  III 1:) l"  of
                              Y&J\ns    of previou9    dUrii:~ the     i111 1l1e  da.>'" of  expensee
                                           ~'ear         >,eRr       31st December  dc!.cntlon
                                       Meu   Women   Men    Vv~om€'  lIfeo  ~1"omen
                                           1-          - -     ---
                            19~!>.      1>-17   ~7   II,UI~  1,?7H   70.     )05  333,4li  .j:Jj,:!jH
                            1924.- ....  . 6   116   10,4[>9  UlO3    6-.17   87  30'UOI  391,691
                            1923. .. ....  7ù:,'.i  13;;  (l,lM  1.4f>2  .,:36  116  306,919  376,281
                            1922.  ...  .'182   90   0,71-1  1,~30    70;'   HI,)  HJ.430  369,206
                            1921.  .,.  H7      86   10,63.)  1,360  t,S2     90  267,J 18  417,943
                            J920. .. . ...  412  88   8 1 278  1,330  447     86  121,1113  421.766
                            1919.  ....  107   120   9,W8    104'17  412      88  "j,J,273  3:.I~,HI
                            IHI!;' ......  415  )40  6 ..31  1,676   407     120  205,0:22  29S,2J7
                            1!11. 7. ... " .  47;)  10;;  6/1;)1  J.21tJ  415  140  2D'),212  2;;7,801
                            1'116. ......  499  .1 Ml  6..141  1,224  176    108  231,369  237,(;83
                            191.'\.  ....  735  120  8,465   ).583   H3      15,''i  ~l4,331  27:->,:!H9
                            1014. ... ., .  80Z  153  9.83.,  ] ,<J75  7:),)  120  315,713  276,832
                            1913.  ."   518    117    9,137  1,406    759    1.'>1  299.11-1  256,968
                            1912, ......  541  149    7,728  ),~40    519    147  280,OlS  W9,716
                            1911. ......  ~08  173    6,8'\1  1,'108  HL     149  3fJ~,;1J9  17:>,~2n
                            !fIIO. ....  [j;~O  100   n,O(jH  !,30?   snR    ln   2û"',(176  17'1,f~'i
                            1909. ......  fj:·;5  lS2  ;),'JS.ï  1,3:3:,  ,1;~O  Inti  ~87.0J8  176," .11
                            1908.  ...  "G9    19~    7,0~6  1,0"9    ü3"    182  ;11l7..111  174,  '9
                            1007. ......  4"*5  ln    4,630   7:-)7   &09    1!l:1  ~l~,~~ 1  149,!l!3
                            IgOR.  ,.   401    123    '>.378  l,()ll2  445   I~~  :-.l7:'.:lU~  131, ~1()
                            1905.  ....  398   115    5,~il 2  t,333  40)    123   BU;'  141,.-02
                            jg()4 .. ....  824  06    '1,8IB  1,109  398     II fi  18D,7(H  Hi, ,73
                            1003 ... ...  268  109    4,17(:1  968   324      fin  1 i~l,7, 2  12G.CJ15
                            1902 ..... ..  33'>  132  3,!i22  D22    268     1[)~1  -    12l,:-,78
                            1901 ......  ~  31'i  112  2,788  00f>   3;"ifi  J:U  173,fr.s  l15,871
                            1900.       .1311  Il',   :l,r,cli  ~:H  Hli     U~     -    126.1)7
                                (1) NOl mdudIUg el:penses of the pn~1l lor Co.tho1tc womcn, in ehnrge o{ the uuos of t,he Good
                              (1) Il S. P. Q., 1925. ch. 156.
                              :r:..;<:~ of Sla(ùnic8 0/ Penal InBtilu/ù;ns 0/ fhe Province (JI Q1Lebr.c.
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