Page 219 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 219

PENAL INSTITUTIONS                            189

                                        7l-Number of Prisoners Dischargcd during the yenr.
                               NA_T._U_R_E_O_F_D_l"_"_H.A._R_O_E_ __19_1_7 ~1~19_~ ~~~~  [(124 ~

                            Without triol. . . .. . . ..  1.406  1., ~7  2.221  2,023  720  7,,9  332  ~04  L105
                            On bml .   .          69:;  618  594  L,107  1,282  1,574  2,265  2,400  2,096
                            By ',al,I'G.$ ('(JI"P'U.J.  .....••••.  12  45  D  17  25  17  15  12  [)
                            0" li,J,cl or leO'·B..  222  112  2·1)  177  155  17L  130  92  225
                            PRt<!one,1. .. . ..   3·'\  5.5  91   35    49   52   130   .52  77
                            n;"d (or exeeuLed.. .. .. .. .. . ..  9  28  12  l';  9  1"4  15  12  23
                            Eô,,"JlcJ.... . . ...  13   8     4    i;   9     7   12    2     9
                            Trau"f."." to Mylum    64   56   45   6     51   42   50    5;1  36
                            Tr.•mf,·, l'''<l to p.nilcntinry...  183  138  2ge  212  316  236  200  2: ,  328
                            Tr~lI.lSfl:'rré';J to f('fOrIf:~\toryschl.  59  68  93  G,E)  190  372  375  7~t  877
                            ]':xPII·.• tion of senten""..  3,932  3,225  5.80 1  3,97&  5,785  ~,3L5  4,ü02  4,7010  5,156
                            vth.r caUë'"  .. .. .. ..  635  [,311  947  902  3.2,,9  2,446  2,56':;  3,32  2,723
                            Notcla"i~~dL·~I~,·.:· ::::'.::'. ';,~~~ 7,::~ 10,3~~ s,::: 11,85~ '~:~i 10~;SI '~'.~~~ ·1·;.~~~·

                              The prisonel's aged from 30 to 40 years form the most important
                         group of table 93. In 1925, the number of prisoners under 14 years
                         of age reached 626, and that of the prisoners over 60 years of age \-vas 607.
                         According to table 94, the majority of prisoners was composed of skilled
                         and day labourers.

                          1     72-Classification of Prisoners Admitted during the yeur according to Age.
                                               1__ _ _ ~1~91~   1920 l~
                           ______'_"_°_"        19 17                      1922  1923  192-1  1925
                          1 Le•• tbuu J4 yen" of "go, .. ..  327  3~.'\  414  463 1  3ol2  ,~85  4.'\4.  5H  626
                           From J·I lo 16 "  ". .. .. .  301  n,',  43~  5?~  ;"~;  H41  473  490  502
                           From 16 to 20 "  ". . . ..  709  Hfi  942  889  1,23-5  9·17  800  1,188  1,112
                           From 201.025 "  ". .. ..  1,119  1,2:10  ·L<:~l  I,(i:,g  2,088  '.896  1.6Z7  J ,796  1,839
                           From 25 tü 30 ""     1,037  l ,O~g  1,61"  I,:j.;~  J,697  I,C27  1.6%  1,~137  \.939
                           l'rom 30 t.o 40 "  ". .. ..  1,746  L,ji: ;  :/,062  2,215  2,660  2.55L  2,503  2,/.;:\  3,241
                           From 41) tü ,,0  "... ..  1,391  1,32~  1,317  L,373  \,881  1,801  I..S'~)  1,"-14  J.870
                           From :'0 to 60 ..  Il.,. . .  75...  571  670  757  1,070  920  9 ~  '~9 Il'030
                           Over 60 '''arR....  ...  . ... , f  40'  301  :WH  3671  '1.!i6  52~  .5.  ,",,0  607
                                   Total.. . . . . .. ..  .  7,796  Il,107  11,145 l''S:- 6Ôll'!ï.995 ï1.ï74" 11l,61ll 12,05~_12,796
                                     73·-Classification of Prisoners according 1.0 Occupation (1).

                                 PnOFE6!1IQIof  1 19L7  L918 1 H1l9  1920 11021  1922  L923  1924  1923
                           --------- -         1-·- -----------
                           AgricuLtlln? nnd fi.:d.JC'r)"  .  123  176  1,,'66  322  288  303  298  317  280
                           Lnnu"trv: S"ill"d labou,,'rs. .  1,3·)6  l,73U  2,OR5  2,H39  3.039  1,853  2,702  3,032  2,702
                                .  Un,killeLI I:1büurer•. , 3,21,)  2,930  '1,084  4,347  5,103  a,~35  4.125  5,117  5,531
                           Commerce           '\  315  387  997  672   ,Hl  rI2.)  74..j.  840  1,079
                           Traoaportntioo . .. . . .  .  272  2Wi  80  2,;9  18  5fJ2  219  L02  170
                           8-tln'llnL,-,...... .....  ..  .1  3,;3  ~Xl  7J2  289  321  377  1\93  467  570
                           Proie ilQn~.I and publie Offit(\'T::i  23  21  48  31  22~  110  4B  (\6  09
                            , 1~lûnl llnu soldiers  ~  522  396  202  133  2t>.l  H2  7:1  24§  191
                           Annwhmts.. . .   .'"    3    3    3     4,  10    15   20   l2    7
                           Vfl~Dt9, beggars nomacls..  376  539  123  71  90  24-1  1013  ;13  187
                           Wilhout occupat.lon residing:
                              With fnmily ........  120  101  83  77  r,36  108,  13'1  146
                              AW:!,)' frorn t.1\(~it (Ilmily •
                           .i~·1lll J i.ed womcn ..  -J~I~ 11l'~-s.~~11.~/~~~Ildlu~
                                 'J'otal     .
                                (1) Juv.nile delinqucnl. Ilot included.
   214   215   216   217   218   219   220   221   222   223   224