Page 210 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 210


                                 The courts condemned about 50 percent of the accused, that is to
                            say, 19,364 convictions were obtained out of 37,286 trials, in the 30 cities
                            and towns mentioned.      In the reports received concerniug offences
                            committed, mention is made of the theft of 1,322 automobiles estimated
                            to be worth $1,054,100; 983 of these automobiles, valued at $971,295,
                            were l'ecovered by the police. Out of this total, 1,225 cars were stoleu
                            in the city of Montre/ll.  Bicycles reported as stolen were nearly aH
                            recovered by the police. Other articles reported as lost or stolen in the
                            same municipalities, with . the exception of Montreal, \\'orth $86,075
                            were recovered by the police to the value of $39,677.      The objects
                            recovered in Montreal were worth $215,255.     During the year ending
                            ou the 31st of December, 1925, police constables also identified 715
                            people and reported 128 fatal and 2,339 non-fatal accidents which
                            happened in the streets and 1,126 elsewhere.    The number oI persons
                            sheltered in the police-stations was 20,413 and the number of childreu
                            Iound 2,173. The reports mentioned moreover, that the police reported
                            4,045 unlocked doors.

                                  59--Police Stalislics (or the Principal CHies and Towns in the Province, 1925.

                                                   Number of CQliC:'I       N\lmber oi con\'ictions

                               CITY OB TOWN

                              Cap de \n Mp.del. ..        I~ 1;& 1 I~~         . . . . . .  S  3"  40
                              Cilicouti:mi  .  11  1:::::·1             11
                              Eo! t Angu•..  12                    1:2  12   1 ::::::1... 13.  Ize  1{§
                              Gr'l.uby  "   53 "10        12   62  1.17  50  10       JO  60  13ù
                              Gmn<l'Mère  .  9    1 ...   :2   16  ::lB  9   1        Ii  15   33
                              ] ull. ,  .   8!l  19   Jù  30  1,1411  U!'lt4  75  15  B  2~,  l,~O  1,173
                              Jillic 4..,." ••.  -1                 ,1   2
                              J"A'l.lIie.-·,:o .  2          ···33  .15  2       ..~ 1" ';~"'H I~~
                              L..oldne   .  23   10   2   25   91  1r>4  23  10
                              lJa 'Puuue  .  13   2        fi  48  6(J  Il   1   . . ..  5  45'  62
                              Levis ...      9    3   1        Où  ~?    :;  2    l  ,....  26  34
                              l,(JI1I lIr-uil.  .  12  3   1 1  22  '?'JI  lZ  3      1   15   31
                              ,~         ,        2        S   :!:7  37 ..   2        B   27   37
                              McnUllli~LIV. . . ..  . .....  5 1  ;JO  5!)            2   ~o   42
                              1\Ionl.....L. .......• 1,73D  391 25.723 28,l~1  576  181  31  2DO  9,IH3 Il ,021
                              Ootr mon~,.   50             2  :.l:~':;  395  4B  ti 1  .  2  321  3i7
                              QIH:b~I~...  . . .  118    100  3,200  3..1;':~  100  35 _  .  90  3,000  3,22.,
                              ltivière <1" Loup..  3           IS  21    3          ..    lB   21
                              St.. HYflo::itll!](~.,...  3  1  4~  46    3   1            42   46
                              8,t,. .lf-ll'ome........  17  fi  Ô .. i34  lX:{  17  fi  ~     1~:
                               t. Jobn., ..       9                          9    2      .i34'
                              SI 1."mbcrt  .  14  fi               20   14   6                 20
                              ~~mwildglln Falls ..  16  B  Il  17  52   10   B        Il  "i2'  oU
                              Sherbrooke.....  ,'}  JI    IH  ~12  6·17  75  11       19  &J:?  OH
                              Sorel.        16    7        5   56  B5   16   7        5   5    B5
                              Thrcl' lU ers  .  ~  4      13  669  OD5  9    4        13   9  695
                              Thetford Mioe•..  JO  lU         H            10        42  ]<l  77
                              Vo.)leyfiel<l  .    4  ...  g~  4:!1 J~ I·l~   1        JI  32   41
                              Ver<luo.... . .  28  12     Il                 2    3   7   217  236
                              Weel.mount.......  63  7     5  680  750  63   7    1   5  6iO  746
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