Page 213 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 213

E.-conONER8 (1).

                              The Coroner is an officer of justice appoin ted by the Quebec Govern-
                          ment.  His dutY consi~ts in inquiring into the circumstances that have
                         preceded or accompanied the death of a person when he has good reason
                          to believe that death is not due to a natural or purely accidentaI cause,
                         but has occurred under circumstances which mav lead to suspicion that
                         there has been criminaI neglect or deed. The Coroner is empowered to swear
                         persons who, in his opinion, are in a position to enIighten him in his
                         inquiry.  If the Coroner deems it advisable, he may summon a jury
                         to hold an inquest regarding the circumstances that have accompanied
                         or preceded such death.     \Vith the assent of the Attorney-General,
                         he may appoint one or more persons to replace him in case of absence
                         or illness.  Their duties are the same as the Coroner's.
                              The Attorney-General may also, when he thinks proper. order the
                         Coroner to hold an inquest with a jury.  Inquests are open to the public
                         unless the Coroner judges otherwise in the interest of justice or public
                         morality.   When the taking of the evidence is finished, the Coroner
                         sums it up and the jury give theil' verdict which must be signed by the
                         Coroner and the jurors.     The verdict is afterwards sent to the At-
                         torney-General and to the Clerk of the Crown for the district where
                         the death occurred.    When the Coroner does not deem it necessary to
                         summon a jury to hold an inquest, he has power to give a permit
                         for the burial of the corpse.   The jury is composed of six persons.
                              Owing to the great extent of the territory of sorne judicial districts,
                         there are sometimes as rnany as five Coroners per district.
                              In 1926, the Coroners wel'e called upon to pronounce upon 2,982
                         cases of death. Out of this number 1,037 persans died of heart bilure;
                         257 from congestion of the brain; 116 from congestion of the lungs; 212
                         from drowning; 85 from suffocation by smoke, gas, etc.; 298 from
                         accidents; 65 by suicide; 33 by murder, and 879 from sundry causes.

                                                    63~oroner's Inquesl.9.

                                                                 Nationality of deceasod  C"use of dcath
                                                   Number  ~umbeT of
                                    YEAn.S           of   pcrooo  -------- --                _
                                                   inqunst.s  cl  ~d  1  1
                                                    hulu         Canaclian.  Others  Aeciden (..  Other.
                           -----_         _--.- --- ----        --·-~-I·------ ---
                            1112 ..                 2.0S~  2.982    2.170    812    51l,   2,:J87
                            1112'.5.                2,~ï   2,H62    2,777    ~5     4.~);")  :l.;J67
                            HI~                     2,707  2,707    2/)67    140   21">·1
                            1~)23:: : : : : :: : : :: : : : :: :: : : : ..  2.809  2,800  2,634  175  ;'31  Ù78
                            1922..................  2.ô70  1,';78   2,'JïG   201    rl:\R  2,040
                            11121.... ...................  2,496  2.510  2,340  170  4f,ti  2,OM
                            1920... .......... ...........  2,700  2, 21  2,682  139  521  2,300
                            1010.............       2,2~B  ~.:]-    2,080    178    461    1.707
                            1918 .......... ..............  2,70'\  i;l.rU-l  2,!)30  231  601
                            1017...                 2,88-S  ",8S8   2,708    180    569   2,163
                                (1) R. S. P. Q Ur,l5, Vol. Ir, ch. J.'.:l.
                              .  {2} lllcJuding. tlUtt009 .wllosft. death was  (,:.f.Ll1.!200 by cirowntng r  .'l.3phyrif\.,  l).ntOOlobitc nnd railwE\Y
                            OCCidents, e.)ect.roC1.llOn or BCcldent~ 10 Ul:\OUracturm,g and indus.hial '·~Ho.oJi..,hmenr.s.
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